Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2423: Jade in the world

After making up his mind, Ji Tianxing began to practice cultivation.

In fact, this was not a sudden idea he had on a whim.

He had weighed it a long time ago, and made this decision after careful consideration.

Moreover, he is 50% sure that this method will work.

He first cultivated the Galaxy Body Refining Art, absorbing the endless power of the stars, and tempering his body.

Even if he wants to innovate, merge the two divine bodies in the divine body.

But the body of the stars is the foundation, and it must be condensed and firm enough to withstand more tempers and changes.

The process of cultivation is very boring and painful.

Ji Tianxing drew the stars and divine flames to temper himself, and suffered inhuman torment all the time.

That feeling is like treating yourself as an iron embryo, burning it in a raging fire, and then repeatedly beating and tempering.

But this is the only way to become a god, and no one is immune.

When Ji Tianxing broke through the gods, he experienced it once.

He didn't feel much pain now if he used the stars and spirits to temper his body, he was used to it.

Half a year later, Xingchen's body tempering began to bear fruit.

Ji Tianxing estimated that within five years at most, he would be able to lay a solid foundation and become a celestial body.

Until then, he will be able to integrate the five attributes of the **** thunder and condense the body of thunder god.

After the Thunder God's body is trained, it is the perfecting sword body.

Everything will proceed step by step.


The eastern part of the Kingdom of Luoshui is an endless deep sea.

The sea is vast and infinite, mysterious and extraordinary, and even the Valkyrie can't explore the end.

Therefore, the endless sea is called Tianhai.

From ancient times to the present, in the tens of thousands of years of history recorded in historical books, Tianhai has always been synonymous with danger and mystery.

Legend has it that Tianhai is an underwater world that is different from land.

There are thousands of strange sea creatures lurking there, and the number is more than hundreds of millions.

There is even more legend that the depths of the sea is entrenched by the Shenlong, which is the territory of the Shenlong.

The Shenlong placed a seal in the depths of the sea, and mortals could not enter at all.

There are also many miscellaneous records of wild history, which record that the deepest part of the sky and the sea is connected to the center of the world of the five elements.

The gods of the ancient times all returned to the center of the earth after their fall, forming a divine fruit that no one had seen before.

Whenever the world of the Five Elements undergoes great changes and is about to be destroyed, the divine fruit will emerge.

After the predestined obtains the divine fruit, they will ascend day by day and become a god...

The number of similar myths and legends is unknown, and there are various versions.

But these legends are so vague that even a three-year-old will not believe it.

At noon that day, the sun was shining brightly.

On the turbulent blue sea, there was an ice-blue figure galloping past the sky.

Here is the depths of the sky and the sea, hundreds of millions of miles from the land.

Even if it is a strong Valkyrie, it takes three months to fly endlessly to arrive.

And that slender icy blue figure is exactly a Valkyrie powerhouse.

Luoshui Wushen.

At this time, she was dressed as neat as new, with a bun and a jade crown.

Except for his look a little tired and his breath a little weak, he didn't see any serious injuries.

She was flying over a huge wave of hundreds of feet, staring at the sea ahead.

At this moment, under the huge wave of one hundred feet high, a black shadow as large as a mountain suddenly rushed out.


In just an instant, the black behemoth, as black as ink and huge as a mountain, rushed into the sky and rushed to Luoshui's side.

This is a huge and terrifying tortoise with a flat shell that is ten miles in radius.

But it is not an ordinary tortoise. It has two black snake-like necks and five thick feet under its abdomen.

It was enveloped in a layer of black water vapor, containing an icy chill.

Luoshui was rushing on the road, and suddenly saw the huge turtle appear, not only did not have the slightest intention of guarding, but also showed a relief.

"Xuanwu, finally found you!"

Her eyes were brighter and she greeted her in a relaxed tone.

While talking, her figure flashed on Xuanwu's back.

The huge black tortoise is one of the four spirits, the sacred basalt beast!

It carried Luo Shui, its huge and heavy body, as light as a piece of paper, fell from the sky back to the sea.


Xuanwu broke through the huge waves and swam forward with Luoshui, as fast as an aurora.

While rushing, it also used its divine sense to transmit sound and talked with Luoshui.

"Master sister, why are you back?

It has been three hundred years since you left last time! "

Xuanwu's voice was a little dull, revealing a simple and steady aura.

But its tone was quite agitated, and it was obviously very happy to see Luoshui.

Luo Shui pursed his lips, and said with a wry smile: "Senior Sister's Kingdom of God is gone, and she was injured by the gangster, so she can only come back and avoid her."

Xuanwu's body was shocked, obviously quite surprised, and he exclaimed in disbelief: "No? Big sister, don't make a joke.

Who can hurt you on that continent?

Who can destroy your kingdom of God? "

Luoshui said in a low tone: "This is a long story, and it's hard to say a word.

Let's go back to Yuqingtian first, I want to see Master. "

Xuanwu nodded and said, "Since the master retreats, he hasn't shown up for 800 years. Every time he appears as a ghost clone.

But strangely speaking, Master seems to have calculated that you will come back.

As early as ten days ago ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Master has already left the customs, and is now waiting for you in Yuqingtian. "

"Then let's go back quickly, don't let the master wait for a long time." Luo Shui's heart moved, and he quickly exhorted.

Xuanwu no longer said more, speeding up the journey.

After swimming thousands of miles into the depths of the sky, a huge vortex appeared in front of him.

The whirlpool is full of tens of thousands of miles, without bottom, like a terrifying black abyss.

At first glance, it always seems to make people wonder whether such a huge vortex will appear when the world of the five elements is penetrated?

Although the vortex was unfathomable, it released a terrifying devouring power.

Xuanwu was accustomed to it, and got into the vortex with ease.


When it fell to the deepest part of the vortex, it passed through an ice blue barrier and left the sky.

In the next instant, it carried Luoshui and appeared in a sunny and divinely powerful alien space.

This beautiful alien space is like a paradise outside the world.

At the foot is a grassland densely covered with flowers, and in the distance are green mountains and green waters, and a rainbow is hung in the blue sky.

The air seems to be sweet, and there are colorful spiritual clouds floating in the sky.

There is no doubt that this is Yu Qingtian that Xuanwu said.

On the giant peak at the end of the grassland, there are several magnificent, ancient and solemn palaces and golden faults, which are looming in the clouds.

Xuanwu flew over the grassland with Luoshui and landed on the top of the giant peak.

In the several palaces on the top of the mountain, powerful warriors live.

Most are human races, and there are a few rare alien races.

Of course, these are all Yu Qingtian's disciples.

After landing, Xuanwu turned into a thick black robe old man, guarding outside the palace gate.

Luoshui entered the most majestic, most sacred and solemn Yuqing Palace alone to meet her master.

(End of this chapter)

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