Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2467: She is crazy

The white-haired woman smiled bitterly to herself.

She has tried her best and can only delay time until now.

Faced with the overwhelming celestial sword, she can only offer the strongest life-saving trump card.

"The Seagod's Shield!"

The white-haired woman gave a low voice, and a blue icy gleam lit up between her palms, and a circular shield with the size of a grinding plate appeared.

The shield was like ice crystals, exquisite and transparent, shining with brilliant ice blue light.

The shield is round, but nine spikes and blades protrude from the edge, exuding a frightening chill.

Obviously, this is a shield that can be attacked and defended!

Motivated by the luck of the white-haired woman, the large grinding plate of the Seagod's Shield instantly expanded hundreds of times, becoming the size of a mountain.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Thousands of star giant swords, carrying the power to kill everything, slammed into the Seagod's Shield, bursting out a series of loud noises.

The loud noise shook the sky and spread thousands of miles away.

The sky was shattered to pieces and became riddled with holes, revealing a large black void.

The Seagod's Shield also trembled, bursting with blue ice and cracks.

Fortunately, the Aegis did not collapse.

The white-haired woman tried her best to activate the Aegis, blocking all the sword light bombardment.

Most of the tens of thousands of star giant swords collapsed and shattered, exploding starlight fragments overwhelming the sky.

However, those starlight fragments condensed into more lightsabers and assassinated the white-haired woman.

Suddenly, the white-haired woman fell into the strangulation of sword light in the sky again, and it was difficult to get out.

While she was shocked, her expression became more solemn.

She stopped fighting back and finally decided to retreat.

"Boom bang bang!"

With countless sword lights hitting the Seagod's Shield, the white-haired woman quickly evacuated to the distance under the protection of the Aegis.

Seeing that she was about to escape, Ji Tianxing hurriedly pursued and killed with a sword.


He swung his sword to dazzle the golden sword light seven times, and slashed at the white-haired woman one after another, but was blocked by the Seagod's shield.

The cold light of the shattered Aegis flashed and trembled endlessly, but it was still solid and complete.

After ten breaths, the white-haired woman withdrew from the range shrouded by the sword light, and then used teleporting skills to break through the sky and escape.


With a flash of her figure, she disappeared into a void in the void, passed through several layers of alien space, and fled thousands of miles away.

Ji Tianxing chased after him, but lost the trace and breath of the white-haired woman, and could only stop in front of the void crack.

This battle, which can be called the peak battle, is finally over.

Fragments of sword light filled the sky like heavy snow, and the storm raging across the world gradually subsided.

Ji Tianxing secretly adjusted his breath and calmed down.

He suddenly thought of Yun Yao and Luoshui, frowned, and muttered to himself: "It's broken! I chased the white-haired woman so far, but Luoshui didn't follow it and didn't send me a message.

Could it be that the white-haired woman deliberately led me away?

She still has accomplices who are dealing with Luoshui and Yaoyao?

Is her accomplice General Fulong? ! "

Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing suddenly felt distressed, and quickly turned around to rush back.

"call out!"

He used his teleportation magical powers, his whole body lit up with white light, and his figure straddled thousands of miles away in a flash.

Next, he dashed through the sky like a streamer, rushing back as fast as possible.

After just a quarter of an hour, he flew more than 30,000 miles and returned to the vicinity of the mountain where Yun Yao was closed.


Ji Tianxing landed on the top of the mountain, looked around with keen eyes, and released his spiritual sense to investigate the situation.

"Fortunately... everything around the mountain is the same, and there is no trace of fighting.

This shows that Luoshui has not been attacked by the strong.

However, I obviously let Luo Shui stay here, why is she missing? "

While Ji Tianxing breathed a sigh of relief, he felt a little confused.

"Could it be that Luoshui has also been tempted to move the tiger away from the mountain and was led away?

If so, isn't Yaoyao dangerous? "

Suddenly this thought came up, he didn't care about looking for Luoshui, and quickly landed to the foot of the mountain, casting a spell to escape into the ground.


He dived into the mud, flew unimpeded to the ground, and soon came outside the cave.

The cave dug by Luoshui was sealed by two layers of divine formations.

Ji Tianxing swept his divine consciousness and found that the divine formation was intact and functioning normally.

This made him feel more at ease, and his anxious mood eased.

However, after thinking about it, he decided to enter the cave and see Yun Yao's situation with his own eyes.

He performed his magical skills, staring at the two sealed magical formations, carefully watching.

In a short while, he saw the clue and found a way to crack it.

"Ha ha ha... Luo Shui still remembers this Xiao Zhongming Lunar Array, I just mentioned it once in order to call her.

Unexpectedly, she actually remembered it firmly in her heart and integrated it into the Yin Yang Zhen Tian Formation. "

A smile appeared at the corner of Ji Tianxing's mouth, and he whispered a few words before casting a spell to break the formation.


He waved his palm to show off the golden light, poured it into the seal of the gods, and cracked the gods like a cocoon.

After just a quarter of an hour, he cracked two divine formations.


The **** array was shining with multicolored rays, and a portal that was more than ten feet high appeared.

Ji Tianxing stepped across the light gate and entered the big formation.

He walked quickly through a gloomy passage and came to an empty cave.

There are traces of manpower excavation everywhere in this cave with a radius of one hundred meters. The walls are inlaid with a dozen gems, and the light is a bit dim.

Ji Tianxing looked around the cave, his eyes fell in the middle of the cave.

There is a high platform made of jade, which is shining with colorful lights and exuding majestic and mighty power.

When he saw the situation on the high platform clearly, his body became stiff and his face suddenly changed.

I saw that there were two women on the high platform.

One of the women in the white dress, sitting cross-legged on a high platform, was Yun Yao.

And opposite Yunyao, there was a woman wearing an ice blue dress ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ it was Luoshui!

Hundreds of divine lights stretched out from the high platform, which tied Yun Yao like a rope, releasing a powerful and unparalleled divine power, firmly suppressing Yun Yao.

She couldn't move, looked at Luoshui with an extremely complicated expression, and shook her head to persuade her, with crystal tears welling up in her eyes.

And Luo Shui closed his eyes and turned a deaf ear to her words, his palms gushing out of pure white spirit light, and he is performing some magical powers.

Suddenly seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing was stunned for an instant, and frowned fiercely.

He did not expect that such a thing would happen after only half an hour away.

As a result, he couldn't believe his eyes and couldn't help but ask: "Luoshui! What are you doing?!"

The cold shout, as deep as muffled thunder, broke the tranquility in the field and echoed in the cave.

Ji Tianxing's tone was a little angry, but also disappointed and worried.

Yun Yao, with tears in his eyes, heard his voice sounding, suddenly showing relief, and hurriedly shouted: "Go Heaven! Quick! Stop her!

God Lord is crazy!

She doesn't listen to advice at all, stop her quickly! "

(End of this chapter)

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