Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2503: Qianlong Abyss

The earthlings are originally the sons of the earth and are naturally suitable for activities underground.

Jinshan King and Ksitigarbha Divine Armor, who are capable of reaching the Martial Saint Realm, come and go freely underground.

Many places that Valkyrie may not be able to reach, they are all likely to enter.

In the matter of investigating the source of Blackstone, King Jinshan and Di Zang God Armor are definitely the best candidates!

When Bai Long, Qianyue and Heilong learned of this good news, they were also refreshed, full of joy and anticipation.

"Wow! It is really great news, Master will be able to fulfill his wish immediately!"

Bai Long was happy from the bottom of his heart, and said with a smile: "I just came here, Master received such good news.

In this way, I am Master’s koi and bring you good luck! "

Ji Tianxing glanced at him and said with a chuckle: "Don't be mean, this is all the merits of King Jinshan and Di Zang Divine Armor.

Moreover, King Jinshan said in the transmission that he noticed the breath of Black Stone.

However, that place is very dangerous and things may be tricky. "

Bai Long's smile faded, and he asked with concern: "Where did he find Black Stone? Where else on the Shenwu Continent is dangerous for us?"

Ji Tianxing said calmly: "He is in the realm of God, the Qianlong Abyss a million miles away in the north!

Bailong, don't underestimate the Five Elements World!

This world is very mysterious, and there are many unknown secrets hidden in it, even as a teacher. "

Bai Long nodded with an humbly teaching attitude, "If this is the case, it should not be too late, let's set off now."

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, temporarily set aside the government affairs of the Kingdom of God, and took the white dragon and the three-headed beast out of the study.

He did not inform Yun Yao and Ji Ke, but only took the white dragon and the three-headed beast, rushed to the Qianlong Abyss in the north.

After all, Yunyao and Ji Ke are busy managing the Kingdom of Luoshui, and they have to practice in retreat in the tower.


The white dragon rode on the blue kun, and the black dragon carried Ji Tianxing and Qianyue, flying across the sky with great speed.

In just one day, everyone crossed a million miles and reached the Qianlong Abyss in the northern part of the Kingdom of God.

Qianlong Abyss was the name it was called thousands of years ago.

For nearly a thousand years, this name has long been forgotten by the world.

This ancient abyss, buried deep in the ground among the mountains, has also disappeared from the memory of the world.

It is said that before ten thousand years, the Qianlong Abyss was one hundred thousand miles long and thousands of miles wide. It lay in the depths of the Qianlong Mountain Range and was one of the most dangerous forbidden places on the mainland.

The abyss is bottomless and seems to lead to the mysterious depths of the earth.

Among them are not only the monstrous fire, but also the turbulent lava, there are also powerful monsters, deadly poisonous gas and heaven and earth formations.

But five thousand years ago, the four warlords fought decisively here, and the sky was broken, the sun and the moon were dark.

Mountains tens of thousands of miles around were razed to the ground, Qianlong Abyss was also destroyed by the Four Great Gods, buried deep underground.

After thousands of years of vicissitudes, peaks and mountains have appeared around.

But Qianlong Abyss hid in the ground forever and disappeared from the eyes of the world.


The black dragon carried Ji Tianxing and Qianyue, and flew to a stop over a grand canyon.

The white dragon rode on the blue kun, closely following the black dragon.

Everyone looked down at the Grand Canyon below, watching with keen eyes.

I saw clouds and mist in the canyon, vaguely seeing the lush forest, and from time to time there were several roars of beasts.

When Ji Tianxing stood in the sky for a while, he saw a golden figure flying out of the canyon.


The golden figure came to the black dragon and stopped, revealing a four-foot tall, strong and sturdy man in golden armor.

This man in gold armor is the King of the Mountain.

He has long hair full of braids, and a huge golden battle axe on his shoulders. His appearance and breath are very sturdy.

However, there were two fresh scars on his face, and there were still blood stains on his neck.

"Jinshan pays homage to the son, you have been waiting for a long time!"

Jinshan Dynasty Ji Tianxing bowed and saluted, hammering his chest with his fist to show respect.

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, looked at him intently, frowned and asked: "King Jinshan, why are you injured? Are you in danger in the abyss?"

King Jinshan did not conceal it, and replied truthfully: "Master Qijie, that's the case!

The Qianlong Abyss is directly below this canyon, about a thousand miles deep underground.

Just now, I explored the abyss with the Dizang Divine Armor, and was intercepted by an ancient alien beast, and fought a battle with it.

Fortunately, we won, and the ancient strange beast escaped.

However, the Ksitigarbha Divine Armor was injured, and he is recovering from the underground..."

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, and said with interest: "Oh? There is an ancient alien beast in the abyss of Qianlong?

Go, take me to see! "

King Jinshan said and obeyed his orders, turned and flew towards the canyon, leading Ji Tianxing in front.

Everyone entered the gorge mightily, glowing with earthy yellow light all over, entering the underground smoothly and flying towards the depths of the earth.

As everyone went deep into the ground, the surroundings became pitch black.

The rocks and soil under the ground are getting stronger and stronger, and the resistance it brings to everyone is also increasing.

At the same time, the temperature of the ground is getting higher and higher.

When everyone reached the depths of the earth, they saw a dark red dragon tens of thousands of miles long and thousands of miles wide, lying in the rock layer.

This dark red dragon with rising flames is exactly the abyss of the Qianlong that has disappeared for thousands of years!

At first glance, the entire abyss looks like a giant dragon.

The rocks and soil in the abyss were all burned to dark red by the fire in the heart of the earth, and there was a wave of flames.

Everyone stood near the abyss, looking down at the scene in the abyss.

I saw that the bottomless abyss was filled with turbulent fire in the heart of the earth.

On the rock walls on both sides of the cliff, bursts of dark red magma continued to flow down the rock.

The extremely scorching high temperature spread, almost roasting everyone into dried meat!

Fortunately, everyone is strong in the Martial God Realm and is not afraid of high temperatures and earth fires.

It's just that Blue Kun was born happy ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is quite disgusted and resistant to flames, and instinctively retreats back.

Although Jinshan King only has the strength of the Martial Saint Realm, he is not afraid of the erosion of earth fire and magma because of his special physique and bloodline.

He stood on the edge of the cliff, pointed to the raging fire in the abyss, and said to Ji Tianxing: "My son, I entered the abyss with the Jizo Divine Armor before, and felt the breath of Black Rock at the bottom of the abyss.

According to my guess, most of the magma ocean at the bottom of the abyss has that kind of black stone veins. "

"Mineral veins?" Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, revealing a look of expectation, and muttered: "If there are mineral veins, it will be fine, he will be able to mine a lot of black stone!"

After all, he waved his hand and ordered: "Let's go, let's go down and see!"

Riding the black dragon, he took the lead into the abyss and flew down to meet the raging fire.

Bailong calmed Lan Kun a few words and entered the abyss.

King Jinshan awakened the Ksitigarbha **** armor who was healing, and followed everyone into the abyss.

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