Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2528: The power of the true god


Amid the deafening noise, a dark red fireball with a diameter of over a hundred feet exploded on the side of the fleet.

The turbulent dark red sky fire swallowed a dozen warships in an instant.

Dozens of warships around were also shaken by the violent impact, rolling and smashing at other warships.

After a muffled sound of ‘bang bang bang’, the fleet fell into chaos again.

The fourteen warships engulfed by the sky fire were all burnt red, and the temperature was terrifying.

Falling to the ground, smashing the two peaks into ruins, and burning the soil into a dark red molten slurry.

The fighters in the battleship had only the strength of the Martial Saint Realm, and they could barely resist the burning of the sky fire, and all of them were seriously injured.

What's more terrifying is that the turbulent sky fire still contains the power of the soul, which shook the warriors dizzy and almost unconscious.

In a short period of time, the more than 1,000 sky-slashers in those fourteen warships were not effective.

Only the fourteen captains of the Martial God Realm were able to withstand the burning of the sky and the impact of the soul, and they did not suffer any harm.

After all, the battleship dissolves most of its power.

But even so, the fourteen captains were taken aback and roared angrily.


They fled the red warships, flew into the sky with swords in their hands, and searched for the culprit.

However, all sides were obscured by the monstrous fire.

They released their spiritual consciousness, and they could only see the mountains and the earth in a mess.

There are more than 30 warships in the sky, rolling and falling to the ground.

In those battleships, the roar of the soldiers and the roar of the captains continued to be heard.

As for the trace of the assailant, there was no trace at all.

The crowd cursed angrily, and several captains also sacrificed artifacts, displayed special secret methods, and tried their best to search for the attacker.

The ship of Marshal Zhengnan and dozens of other warships that were not attacked also stopped in the sky.

Many captains flew out, talking angrily, trying to find the culprit.

For a while, the entire fleet fell into chaos, and everyone became angry and irritable.

No one can bear, the other side attacked twice.

This is intolerable provocation and insult!

But the most irritating thing is that the other party hides in the dark without showing up, and they can't find it!

This time, Marshal Zhengnan was also angry.

He frowned fiercely, looked at General Fulong with a gloomy expression, and said in a cold tone: "Fulong, didn't you say that the attacker had escaped?"

"This..." General Fu Long was immediately embarrassed, and he bowed his head in fear and confessed his guilt.

"The General Marshal, please calm down his anger, because his subordinates have low abilities and failed to find the culprit of the secret attack..."

Marshal Zhengnan looked forward sharply, and said in a playful tone: "You are already the strength of the Ninth Layer of the Martial God Realm, but there are still people who can hide nearby to hide from your divine sense detection.

It seems that those Valkyries are not as weak as you said.

This five-element world is really interesting, it's worth a visit by this handsome! "

While talking, Marshal Zhengnan walked out.

General Fulong hurriedly followed, and said in agreement: "The General Marshal said that, although the Five Elements World is small, it is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Especially that Ji Tianxing, after all, is the reincarnation of the **** king a thousand years ago, only you can kill him! "

Marshal Zhengnan grinned and said with a gloomy sneer: "If the attacker was him, that would be great!

This commander also wants to see what the **** king looks like, who is high above the sky and the king of nine days! "

During the conversation, the two had walked out of the battleship and arrived on the bow deck.

Marshal Zhengnan closed his eyes and released the invisible consciousness, which turned into billions of ripples, spreading in all directions.

He is a true **** realm powerhouse, which is fundamentally different from Wu Shen (Void God).

Both the physical body and the divine soul have been tempered by the laws of heaven and earth and have reached the realm of removing the false and real.

Although he only released his spiritual knowledge, he did not use magical attacks.

General Fulong stood beside him, feeling the tremendous pressure, couldn't help shrinking his neck and lowering his head.

As Marshal Zhengnan's divine knowledge spread, a cold and solemn majesty also enveloped thousands of miles.

After just two breaths, Marshal Zhengnan's divine consciousness rippled, and he could see this world and everything.

No matter the secret method, the disguise of divine power, or the folded alien space, he can't escape his investigation.

He opened his eyes abruptly, turned his head and looked to the left front, a cold light flashed in his purple pupils, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Ha ha ha... It turned out to be an old guy, not Ji Tianxing."

General Fulong followed his gaze and saw that the sky in front of the left was extremely calm and empty.

However, he believed that Marshal Zhengnan had already seen through the hiding of the other party!

At the same time, the envoy of the gods who was hiding in the alien space with the help of magical techniques suddenly shocked.

He originally thought that the divine art he mastered was very magical, hidden in a different dimension, and it would be difficult for any Valkyrie to find it.

Therefore, he has been lurking on the flanks of the fleet, looking for opportunities to attack.

It was not until Marshal Zhengnan appeared that he was alert.

Seeing General Fulong following Marshal Zhengnan, he realized that the strength and identity of Marshal Zhengnan must be higher than General Fulong.

Sure enough, Marshal Zhengnan released his spiritual consciousness and immediately locked his breath.

Marshal Zhengnan's fierce gaze, like a real sharp blade, passed through a thousand-square-meter space to lock him, causing him to stand upright and cold all over his body.

"Oops! That guy saw through the old man's secret method and locked the old man's soul!

His breath is so strong! He is definitely not a Valkyrie, he must be a true **** powerhouse! "

The Envoy of the God Ruins was suddenly shocked, these thoughts flashed in his mind, and his nerves were tense.

After regaining his senses, he did not hesitate to use the secret technique to escape through different dimensions!

However, Marshal Zhengnan had long expected that he would run away and grinned sneer.

"Hehehe, he wanted to escape after being discovered by this handsome?

Old stuff, you are too naive! "

With a sneer, Marshal Zhengnan raised his right palm and slammed his punch into the sky.


A loud thunder-like noise burst out for nine days.

The calm sky was shattered on the spot, revealing a black hole with a radius of hundreds of miles.

The crimson sky fire poured down like a flood.

The pitch-black wind ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ also formed dozens of tornadoes, whizzing.

The Envoy of God Ruins, who was shuttled in a different dimension, trying to escape, was also shaken out.

After all, the sky has been shattered, and the alien space has also been cut off by Marshal Zhengnan.

The envoy of the gods flew out of the black hole, was wrapped in the turbulent sky fire, and fell towards the earth.


He was in midair, and he opened his mouth to spout a dark red blood.

There is no doubt that he has been injured by Marshal Zhengnan!

Even if he was a Valkyrie of the Eighth Layer, he was weak in front of the true **** of Marshal Zhengnan.

The difference between the two realms is only one word, but the power is far apart.

(End of this chapter)


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