Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2534: Invincible

Marshal Zhengnan was speechless and his face was extremely embarrassed.

General Fulong and the many captains were even more energized and almost exploded on the spot.

The Great Emperor Fatian is the supreme leader of the Fatian tribe, and he is equivalent to the existence of a god.

Everyone of the Fatian tribe regarded Emperor Fatian as a belief and would never allow anyone to blaspheme.

Ji Tianxing's words have touched their bottom line, making them intolerable.

"Grand Marshal, Fulong please fight!"

"Captain Star One please fight!"

"Famous captain please fight!"

"Captain Changfeng please fight!"

"Only by smashing the humble Human Race Valkyrie to thousands of pieces can we dispel the hatred in my heart!"

From General Fulong to more than thirty captains, they all roared and asked to fight.

Even if the body is broken and the sky is blood-stained, they will tear Ji Tianxing into pieces!

Marshal Zhengnan would not stop him, and shouted with murderous angrily: "All the soldiers obey the orders! Besieged Ji Tianxing and the old man at all costs!"

As his voice fell, General Fulong and more than thirty captains, armed with swords and weapons, roared at Ji Tianxing.

In addition, more than sixty battleships also showed rows of muzzles, releasing an overwhelming dark red beam of light.

"Boom boom boom boom!"



The deafening loud noise and the screaming screams burst out in the sky, shaking the world.

In an instant, Wanggutai was flooded by the dark red beam of light that obscured the sky.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

A loud and deafening noise burst out, and red light and gravel splashed out.

The world was completely chaotic and dirty.

Wanggutai had been shattered by Marshal Zhengnan before, but now it was bombarded by dozens of warships and collapsed on the spot.

With the cracking sound of "Kacha Kacha", Wanggutai, a ten-mile radius, shattered into hundreds of boulders and fell from the sky.

The Galaxy Nine Transformation Array, which was arranged on the stage, fell apart.

Three hundred dark source rocks were also wrapped in gravel dregs and scattered in the sky.

When thousands of dark red light beams blasted, the Envoy of the God Ruins had teleported for two hundred miles and fled to the distance.

Ji Tianxing put on the dark armor of the source stone, resisting the bombardment of the dark red beam, and collected the source stone that was scattered all over the sky.

Although he has a lot of source stones, even if he loses three hundred yuan, it won't hurt.

But he didn't want those source stones to fall into the hands of the Sky Clan.

"Boom bang bang!"

One after another dark red light beams blasted him one after another, bursting out a series of muffled noises.

In just two breaths, he was hit more than 800 times.

Even though the defense of Origin Stone's armor was strong, it resolved the bombardment of the dark red beam and protected him safe and sound.

But he was still flew dozens of miles away and rolled hundreds of times in the air.

When the red light dissipated, he collected more than one hundred source stones.

Half of the source rock is falling from the sky to the earth.

He also wanted to use the method of capture and grab those source stones back.

It's a pity that General Fulong and more than thirty captains have already been killed, and they rushed forward desperately.


The crowd slashed out the huge red light that shielded the sky and the sun, and released various fascinating magic arts, pouring down like a flood.

Ji Tianxing was not afraid, and greeted him with a roar.

Relying on the strong defense of the source stone armor, he swung the Heaven Burial Sword to shed hundreds of sword lights.

"Broken Sun!"

The dazzling golden sword light suddenly smashed the giant blade of blood in the sky, hitting more than a dozen captains.

Only heard the muffled sound of ‘Boom Boom Boom’, the armor of the dozen or so captains was slashed by sword light, and blood was splashed all over.

There was a painful hum, and the dozen or so captains were shaken off.

However, the attacks of more than twenty captains all hit Ji Tianxing.

"Tom Tom Tom!"

Ji Tianxing was also blasted by the violent force, rolling and smashing hundreds of miles away.

Fortunately, everyone failed to break the defense of the open source stone armor, and there were no dents on the surface of the armor.

Ji Tianxing is safe and sound, and is about to regain his strength and once again kill many captains.

At this time, dozens of warships not far away blasted out more than 3,000 dark red beams of light, engulfing his figure.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

At the critical juncture, Ji Tianxing had no time to escape, so he could only inject his divine power into his armor and desperately resist.

As a result, there is no doubt that he blocked the bombardment of the skylight beam and was not injured.

But he fell from the sky with a terrifying impact and smashed into the ruins below.

He just jumped out of the ruins and was about to fly into the sky.

More than 30 captains joined forces to perform supernatural skills, releasing endless red light, drowning him.

"Boom boom boom!"

Ji Tianxing was blasted into the ruins again and smashed into the ground.

The ruins with a radius of 100 li have more than doubled.

Within a thousand miles nearby, dozens of peaks were destroyed by the earthquake, and the earth cracked numerous gullies.

Ji Tianxing is completely helpless!

He is weak, yet he has to withstand the siege of more than 30 gods and more than 30 warships.

No matter how strong he is, he is capable of surpassing the sky, there is no way to fight back.

Had it not been protected by active stone armor, he would have been severely injured long ago!

After all, many ants kill elephants, and the true gods can't hold so many people besieged.

"Damn! I can't be dragged by them, I have to lead them to Koko!"

This thought flashed through Ji Tianxing's mind, and he simply escaped into the ground and fled toward the north.

While escaping, he observed the situation on the battlefield with his spiritual sense.

I saw that the envoy of the gods was also shelled by more than 30 warships, and was fleeing in embarrassment.

He didn't know Ji Tianxing's specific plan or where he laid an ambush, so he could only circle around Wanggutai.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing quickly reminded him by voice transmission: "Senior, run to the north!"

The Envoy of the God Ruins suddenly had a goal, and desperately fled to the north.

On the Marshal's seat not far away, Marshal Zhengnan was standing at the bow of the ship. He grinned at the sight of Ji Tianxing and the envoy of the gods running away together.

"Hehehe...what the reincarnation of the **** king, what the tomb guard, are all chickens!

Our fleet is invincible and has conquered countless worlds with magical artillery ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to dominate all star regions.

Two Terran reptiles, also want to stop this commander's attacking pace?

Today, this commander will kill you all into scum! "

After a sneer, Marshal Zhengnan waved his hand and gave the order to kill him.

More than sixty warships flew to the north violently, chasing after the envoy of the gods.

While pursuing them, dozens of warships continued to fire their guns, bombarding the envoys of the gods in the sky.

General Fulong and more than 30 captains, armed with swords and weapons, hunted down Ji Tianxing who was traveling underground.

The morale of the powerful slashers is like a rainbow, and they have regained their confidence, and they appear to be particularly domineering.

In a short while, the two sides chased thousands of miles away.

The fleet and more than thirty captains were finally introduced into the ambush by Ji Tianxing.


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