Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2542: Doutian Wings

At the moment of life and death, General Fulong's soul burst into horror.

He stared angrily, and subconsciously shouted: "Grand Marshal, save me!!"

With his current situation, he absolutely couldn't stop the siege of Ji Tianxing and his wife, and only one death would end.

On the battlefield, only Marshal Zhengnan was strong enough to save his life.

It is a pity that Marshal Zhengnan was besieged by the'Scholar' and the'General', and he was desperately resisting the attack, and he had no time to take care of him.

Seeing this scene, General Fulong knew that he was fate soon, so he could only do his best to fight to the death.

"Ji Tianxing! I'm fighting with you!"

He roared like crazy, his whole body ignited into the sky, and he rushed towards Ji Tianxing holding the saber in both hands.

"Fighting the sky and destroying the world!"

The dark and icy war knife, the endless blood and fire, condense the sky-opening blade that has grown for ten miles, and smashed to Ji Tianxing.

If Ji Tianxing does not hide, he will be severely injured even if he does not die.

But if Ji Tianxing took refuge, General Fulong would have hope to survive.

He is betting.

Gambling Ji Tianxing dare not take that cut!

However, he found out immediately.

He was wrong.

Ji Tianxing turned a blind eye to the blood-red giant blade, holding the Heaven Burying Sword in both hands and severely cut it down.




In the next instant, the attacks of Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao, and Ji Ke all hit General Fulong, causing three loud noises.

General Fulong's body collapsed on the spot, bursting into slag, scattered in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the blood-red giant blade that was ten miles long hit Ji Tianxing firmly.

However, it was on Ji Tianxing's shoulder.

And he was wearing the source stone armor, which protected his head and body.


A loud noise burst, the blood-red light blade collapsed and shattered, splashing out fragments in the sky.

Ji Tianxing was also shocked by the violent force and flew back, rolling dozens of times before stopping.

He suffered only a slight injury, opened his mouth and coughed a few times, and a blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

General Fulong paid the price of his life and fell.

"Finally got rid of this confidant, it's worth it!"

Ji Tianxing raised his hand to wipe the blood from his face, and murmured in a cold tone.

At this time, Yun Yao and Ji Ke flew to his side and said with concern: "Tian Xing, your injury is too serious, we should withdraw!"

"Big Brother Tianxing, just hand it over to the Ancient Battle Spirit, let's retreat to a safe zone first."

Ji Tianxing looked around and saw the sky and the earth filled with gray mist, flesh and blood flying everywhere.

Although, the number of ancient battle souls quickly decayed.

At any time, someone collapsed into a gray mist, annihilated on the spot.

But the damage to the Sky Fleet was even more serious!

On the ground turned into ruins, you can see the fragmented battleship wreckage, as well as the corpses of warriors.

In the sky, there are only more than twenty warships remaining intact.

In such a short period of time, the Ancient Battle Spirit actually destroyed more than 30 warships and killed more than 3,000 sky-splitters!

This result, even Ji Tianxing was surprised.

He turned his head to look at Yun Yao and Ji Ke, and said in a solemn tone: "You two retreat to a distance first. You don't have to go to war anymore. You only need to intercept the escaped Fatian tribe."

Both women looked worried and asked in unison: "What about you?"

Ji Tianxing said solemnly: "I can't leave yet! I want to take this opportunity to use the ancient battle spirit to kill Marshal Zhengnan!

This person is a strong true god, if he is not beheaded, there will be endless troubles! "

Yunyao and Ji Ke quickly said, "Okay, we will stay too, and deal with him with you!"

Ji Tianxing shook his head and persuaded: "You are at the end of the crossbow, and your injuries are so severe that you will affect the foundation of God's path if you don't retreat!"

The two women couldn't hold him back, so they could only follow his instructions to quickly evacuate the battlefield and retreat hundreds of miles away before stopping.

Seeing that they were safe, Ji Tianxing carried the Heaven Burying Sword and silently killed the Marshal Zhengnan.

"Damn bastard! You guys who have not lost their souls, this handsome will definitely wipe you out!"

Marshal Zhengnan was fighting with two fighting spirits, cursing while beating.

During this period of time, the two sides have fought a thousand moves, and Marshal Zhengnan was beaten back hundreds of miles.

Moreover, his armor was broken, his body was covered with scars, and his blood was flowing.

Both the ‘Scholar’ and the ‘General’ were taciturn and focused on launching an offensive, vowing to punish Marshal Zheng Nan in the shortest possible time.

It's a pity that they are only ancient battle spirits, and the gray mist power they use is very single, and they can't use heaven and earth, the five elements, and various divine powers.

Moreover, as time passed, their strength gradually weakened.

Marshal Zhengnan discovered this, so instead of fighting hard with the two fighting spirits, he kept wandering and fighting.

Finally, Ji Tianxing seized an opportunity and made a decisive move.

"One sword reaches the sky!"

He teleported behind Marshal Zhengnan, holding the Heaven Burial Sword in both hands, and pierced a dazzling golden sword light.

Marshal Zhengnan noticed something wrong, and it was too late to escape.

In a critical moment, he could only twist his body, avoiding his chest and vital parts.


With a sound like defeating Ge, Hyun Jin Jianmang pierced Marshal Zhengnan's left hind leg.


The golden sword light exploded instantly, bursting out with the power of destroying the world.

As a result, there is no doubt that Marshal Zhengnan's left hind leg shattered on the spot, exploded into countless pieces of flesh and blood, and splashed into the sky.

Unparalleled pain struck, causing Marshal Zhengnan to twitch and let out a scream.


He was shocked and flew out, staring at Ji Tianxing with cracked eyes, and cursing furiously: "Ji Tianxing! You despicable beast!!!"

Ji Tianxing turned a deaf ear, and disappeared in a flash.

He hides in an alien space, lurking to the side, looking for the next phone meeting.

Marshal Zhengnan wanted to find him, but was entangled by the two ancient war spirits and couldn't get away.

He was furious, and after hesitating, he gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

"Wings of Doutian!"

Marshal Zhengnan let out a low growl, and he did not hesitate to burn the thousand years of life, using this secret technique to stimulate his own blood and potential.


He was ignited all over his body ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Two fiery red wings were born under his back and ribs to cover the sky and the sun.

The wings were sharp and narrow, with the edge like a blade, exuding a dangerous aura of tearing everything.

When the ‘Scholar’ and the ‘General’ came again, Marshal Zhengnan tried his best to fan Doutian’s wings and slashed at them like a blade.

"Huh! Huh!"

The two ancient war spirits couldn't avoid it, and they were immediately chopped by Doutian's wings, and their bodies broke into two pieces on the spot.

Although, their two halves soon got together and put them together again.

But their breath is obviously weakened, and their combat effectiveness has dropped drastically.

When they besieged Marshal Zhengnan again, they were already a little weak.

Seeing this scene, the ancient war spirit dressed up by the emperor in the sky, condensed a sword in the gray mist, and personally participated in the battle.

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