Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2561: Daigo initiation

Chapter 2561 Dig Initiation

The Lord Silver Moon was on guard.

She couldn't believe it. Someone broke into the battleship quietly and heard the conversation between her and the two priests.

How strong should a person with such means be?

Various thoughts flashed in her mind, and she couldn't help but speculate on the identity of the other party.

At this moment, the majestic man's voice sounded again.

"It doesn't matter who I am!

The most important thing is that you should follow your own heart, don't insult the spirit of the gods, and don't let down the faith of the people of the Moon Spirit Race! "

The Yinyue Divine Lord's complexion froze, and he asked in a deep voice, "What is your relationship with the Moon Spirit Race? Why do you want to interfere with our family's affairs?"

The majestic man's voice replied indifferently: "Me? Just like you, I'm the **** master of a certain world in the purple sky star field.

The people under my command, like the Yueling Clan, were invaded and slaughtered by the Sky Clan. "

Hearing this, the Silver Moon God Lord frowned, and said with a sarcastically sneer: "That's it! Didn't you also come to participate in the All Nations God Meeting and surrender to the Fatian Clan?

What qualifications do you have to speak up here and persuade me to rise up? "

"Ha ha ha ha..." The young man's voice sounded and sneered: "No, you are wrong!

I'm not here to participate in the Gods of All Nations, let alone surrender. "

The Lord Yinyue frowned and asked, "Then what are you doing here?"

The young man hiding in the dark replied: "Assassinate the Marshal Zhengnan and punish the army, do you believe it?"

"What?" The Silver Moon Divine Master was taken aback for a moment, then came back to his senses, and shook his head again and again: "Ha ha ha...It's really blatant!

How much do you know about the Fatian tribe?

Do you know how terrifying the existence of Marshal Zhengnan, who sees the dragon and misses the end? "

The young man said indifferently: "My understanding of the Fatian clan may not be as profound as you.

But there are definitely more sky-cutters than you have ever seen before!

As for Marshal Zhengnan, he was just a true **** of the fifth realm. "

"Hiss..." The Silver Moon Divine Master was shocked, and couldn't help taking a breath.

"It's just a true **** of the five levels? That's it?"

Before the young man could answer, the two priests in robes went and returned.

After entering the secret room, the two old women looked around, showing their faces full of doubts.

"My Lord, who were you talking to just now?"

"God Lord, what's wrong with you? What happened?"

While talking, the two old women also looked at the Divine Lord Silver Moon, their eyes fell on the divine sword in her hand.

Yinyue Divine Lord quickly put away the divine sword, pretending to be serious, and said with an indifferent expression: "There is nothing wrong, you heard it wrong.

By the way, what's the situation outside? "

The two old women suppressed their doubts and stopped questioning the matter. They bowed to salute and explained: "My Lord, the patrol and guards of the Fatian clan stopped us just now.

After inspecting the battleship and asking about our intentions, they let it go.

Now, we have entered Zixiao Xing, and are about to rush to the Fatian Divine Palace to participate in the Gods of All Nations! "

The Silver Moon God Lord said blankly: "Well, I see, you all retreat."

The two old women looked at each other, then bowed their salutes, turned and left.

Soon, the secret room returned to silence.

The Silver Moon God Lord searched the surroundings with burning eyes, and tried to ask in a low voice: "Hey! Are you still there?"

"Yes." The young man hiding in the dark responded.

The Silver Moon God Lord suddenly relaxed, and his vigilance and alertness disappeared.

She hesitated for a moment, and asked: "Your Excellency infiltrated the battleship of my race, is you want to get into the Purple Star and execute the assassination plan?"

"Yeah." The young man responded again.

The Silver Moon God Lord raised his eyebrows, and said in a playful tone: "Your Excellency is so courageous, which I admire.

However, the Fatian clan is the first strong clan favored by the gods, and the Marshal Zhengnan is the true **** strong.

Your Excellency is so self-confident, is he also a true God powerhouse?

If not, what is the difference between you and Sending Death? "

The young man hiding in the dark replied calmly: "Some things must be done by someone. It has nothing to do with life or death or success or failure!"

Suddenly hearing these words, the Silver Moon God Lord suddenly became in awe, and his clear eyes became brighter.

She walked towards the dark corner of the secret room, bowed her hand respectfully, and said: "Your courage and fighting spirit make Yinyue so admired, please accept Yinyue!"

The young man hiding in the dark said indifferently: "It's useless to be polite. If you are unwilling and still have a bit of blood and dignity, you should not surrender to the Fatian clan."

The Silver Moon God Lord frowned and said with a wry smile: "Your Excellency, since you have heard the conversation between me and the two priests, you should also know that I can't help myself.

As the leader of the Moon Spirit Race, one must put the overall situation first. "

The young man's voice calmly said, "If this is the case, then I won't force you.

I just want to ask you one thing, I want to sneak into the Gods of All Nations and take the opportunity to kill the Heavenly Swordsman. Are you willing to help? "

"I..." The Silver Moon God Lord hesitated, showing a look of struggle and embarrassment on his face.

"Nothing, just treat it as I'll live it from the future." The young man hiding in the dark sighed in a low tone, seemingly disappointed.

The Silver Moon God Lord was shocked, and hurriedly shouted: "Hold on!"

The young man hiding in the dark seemed to have stopped and asked, "How?"

Yinyue Divine Lord no longer hesitated, suppressed the complicated thoughts, and said firmly: "I am willing! Your Excellency will never give in to the Heavenly Clan, and would rather fight to death but have revenge. Such determination and courage made Yinyue feel ashamed.

Since Yinyue has a predestined relationship with Your Excellency, how can you just ignore it?

Thank you, your Excellency, for taking the lead and letting Yinyue Daigo initiate, and no longer be confused! "

After that, the Lord Silver Moon bowed towards the darkness.

"Your Excellency, how can I help you?"

The young man hiding in the darkness said in a calm tone: "It's very simple, after you have participated in the Gods of All Nations, don't rush away after you have offered the tribute.

Help me take a few people to the Zero Land. "

"The Continent of Zero?" The Lord Silver Moon raised his eyebrows and asked suspiciously: "That is one of the five continents of Zixiao Star, and the most prosperous continent, where a large number of sky-cutters are stationed.

Is your request that simple? "

"Of course ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the young man replied.

"I promise you!" Yinyue Divine Master decisively agreed.

However, a touch of sly flashed in her clear eyes, and she said with a smile: "But, I can't easily believe what you said.

Unless you stop hiding and talk to me face to face, you can prove your sincerity! "

Obviously, the Silver Moon God Lord was very curious about the young man with mysterious origins.

The Silver Moon God Lord originally thought that the other party would not show up in order to remain mysterious.

But she did not expect that as soon as her voice fell, a golden light lit up in the darkness in the corner of the secret room.


A handsome young humanoid man dressed in a white robe and martial arts appeared out of thin air in the secret room.

(End of this chapter)

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