Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2572: 1 sweep

Chapter 2572 Sweep All The Way

Soon, two hours passed.

Dawn finally arrived, and a glimmer of dawn appeared in the sky.

The captain and guards guarding the gods finally ended the whole night of worry and guard.

Many people relax their spirits, thinking that the darkest night has passed.

As the day is approaching, the two mysterious alien powerhouses should not choose to attack during the day.

However, just when everyone thought this was impossible, a big battle broke out in the shrine.

The killing is finally here!

When Ji Tianxing implemented the law of space, got into a secret room and was about to assassinate a captain.

The captain noticed the crisis in advance, and did not hesitate to issue a warning signal.

Although Ji Tianxing shot in time, he only used one move to kill the captain in seconds.

However, the dark red beam of light flew up into the sky, bursting with a loud and deafening noise.

In an instant, the entire shrine and most of the gods were shocked.

Countless captains and warriors tensed their nerves and rushed to the place of the incident with their swords.

A fighting battle inevitably broke out.

Thirty captains and more than 400 sky-slashers joined forces to surround Ji Tianxing.

The overwhelming shadows of swords and swords, and the dazzling dark red beams of light poured down like a flood.

Ji Tianxing was bathed in the red light, but did not shrink back.

He roared, his whole body burst into dazzling golden light, and he immediately transformed into a hundred-zhang giant.

Holding a hundred-foot-long Skyburial Great Sword, he was unstoppable for killing in the divine palace.

Like a golden hurricane that destroys the world, it rampaged across the palace and swept through the palaces.

Whenever encountered by Hurricane Golden Light, no matter Captain Cutane or a soldier, they were all strangled into scum, and there was no whole body.

Even the magnificent, majestic and majestic palaces have turned into messy ruins and rubble all over the floor.

Within a short period of time, more than a dozen captains and more than two hundred sky-cutting soldiers died tragically under the Heaven Burying Sword.

The surviving captains panicked, roaring and roaring again and again, calling other captains to support.

However, most of the shrines were destroyed, and the sound of earth-shattering fighting spread throughout half of the shrines.

However, there was no help from the captain, only a handful of more than three hundred sky-sworders came here in a panic expression.

Everyone finally discovered that the captains who had never been seen had been assassinated long ago.

Moreover, death is silent, leaving no trace.

More than a thousand sky-splitters guarding the city wall were also attacked by several powerful aliens.

A handsome and wicked young man with three huge mountainous and mighty beasts was slaying on the wall.

Those more than a thousand sky-cutting warriors have been killed and injured long ago, and they are too busy to take care of themselves. How can they still be able to help the divine palace?

Thick horror and despair filled the hearts of many sky-cutters, causing their morale to plummet.

This earth-shattering battle soon came to an end and turned into a chase battle.

Ji Tianxing was alone, holding the Sky Burial Great Sword, and frantically hunting down several captains, as well as hundreds of fighters.

The entire shrine was destroyed and turned into ruins.

As the battlefield shifted, the houses and streets around the shrine were also wiped out in the aftermath of the battle.

Such a terrifying battle has already awakened the people throughout the city.

Nearly two million people in the Li people fled in panic, rushing to the four major gates like a flood.

Only a few puppets whose souls are controlled by the Fatian tribe will go against the current and rush to the battlefield to help the Fatian tribe.

The people all over the city thought that the city of God had high walls, closed gates, and a powerful defensive array.

Even if they flee to the city gate, they may not be able to escape from the capital.

In the end, he must die under chaos.

But they fled to the vicinity of the city gate, only to find that the city gate had long been destroyed.

Even the towering city wall, as high as one hundred meters, collapsed into ruins.

One after another, huge and terrifying beasts were slaughtering the black armored warriors of the Sky Clan.

The city guards and the warriors had no time to take care of themselves, and they were all busy running for their lives.

No one can stop the people fleeing, they crossed the ruined city wall like a tide and hurriedly fled from the capital.

After half an hour, 90% of the people in Shendu escaped.

The entire **** was destroyed, completely turned into ruins, and the sky was full of smoke.

At this time, the fighting battle finally ended.

Dozens of captains guarding the capital of God were all killed.

Nearly 2,000 fighters from the Celestial Clan were also killed, and only a few people escaped.

This result made Ji Tianxing very satisfied.

He took the white dragon, Qianyue, Lan Kun and the black dragon on board the battleship and sprinted away.

Leaving the Shendu of the Long Sea God Kingdom, the Tianxing battleship headed north and headed straight for another God Kingdom.

On the way, the three-headed beasts recover and replenish their strength.

In the previous battle, they received some minor injuries and consumed a lot of divine power.

Only Ji Tianxing and Bai Long survived and the divine power they consumed quickly recovered.

While driving the battleship, Bailong flew across the sky quickly, and asked Ji Tianxing through voice transmission: "Master, the disciple has basically figured out the situation.

There are dozens of captains in the four kingdoms of God in the Zero Continent, and two to three thousand heavenly warriors.

As long as Marshal Zhengnan does not take action, we will not be besieged by hundreds of captains, we will be able to kill the heavenly attackers of the four great kingdoms one by one.

In the opinion of our disciples, let’s just shoot and change places, and we will be able to kill the four great kingdoms in ten days..."

Ji Tianxing sat in the secret room for training, closed his eyes and replied: "It's not as simple as you thought. We have taken advantage of the two previous attacks.

We suddenly made a move, guarding the Heavenly Slayers in Falling Star and Changhai Divine Kingdom, before they had time to resist, they were destroyed by us.

However, it will not be so easy next. "

Bai Long disapproved, and smiled confidently: "Master, you are too modest!

With the strength of your True God Realm, you can already face a decisive battle with Marshal Zhengnan.

Who else can stop you on this zero continent~www.wuxiaspot.com~?

Even if there are thousands of troops, you can kill ten in and ten out, invincible!

What's more, you have also mastered the laws of space, it can be said to come and go without a shadow, and it is impossible to guard against.

Or else... Let’s not bother so much, don’t worry about the World Gods’ Association, just sweep it all the way. "

Ji Tianxing explained in a calm tone: "The purpose of killing the strong men on the Zero Continent is just to cause chaos, weaken the backbone of the Celestial Clan, and contain the strong men from the Heavenly Crusade.

Our ultimate goal is not to kill these cats and dogs. "

Bai Long nodded and said, "The disciple understands that your goal is Marshal Zhengnan!

Since it is not easy for you, let's proceed according to the original plan.

Disturb the Continent of Zero first, we stay here to contain the main force of Swordsman, you return to Swordsman Palace to assassinate Marshal Zhengnan. "

(End of this chapter)

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