Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2577: The fire of a prairie prairie

? The three generals stood in the sky, dripping with blood.

They looked down at the ground below, their eyes filled with desperate death gray.

The once glorious and prosperous city of God has long since disappeared and turned into a huge pit.

The deep pit was covered with dust and gravel, scattered with silver armor fragments, and black battleship wreckage.

It's all over!

Their carefully planned conspiracy was thus shattered.

One hundred and thirty battleships and captains, as well as more than 3,000 sky-slashers, were all wiped out.

Such a heavy blow was simply unprecedented.

Facts have proved that the alien powerhouse wearing a white robe is incredibly powerful.

No one can subdue him except the true god.

It's useless even if more than a hundred Valkyrie join forces!

The three generals knew they were going to die, so they gave up the idea of ​​escape, exhausted the last trace of supernatural power, and wanted to explode.

However, Ji Tianxing waved his hand and activated the second formation.

Jiuyan Broken Air Array!


In the deep pit two hundred li in radius, white light gushed into the sky, forming a huge tornado, engulfing three generals.

The white tornado is formed by the power of space, which can cut and strangle everything.

The three generals were bombarded and killed instantly, and their bodies were broken into billions of dust, dissipating between the heaven and the earth.

But the tornado has not dissipated, and continues to strangle everything in the ruins.

The armor fragments of many captains, as well as the wreckage of battleships all over the ground, were tornadoes into dust.

Ji Tianxing didn't take a second look, turned and left with the white dragon and the three-headed beast.

When everyone set foot on the Tianxing battleship and went away, the tornado had wiped out all traces and gradually collapsed.


The gods of the Kingdom of Hanlong were all destroyed, not even the ruined walls were left, only a huge pit remained.

More than a hundred captains and thousands of sky fighters, including four generals, were all killed.

This news spread like wildfire, and soon spread on Zero Land.

Within the four great kingdoms of the gods, the surviving sky-cutters completely collapsed, and all of them were in a state of anxiety and anxiety.

No one knows when the butcher knife will fall on his head.

The people of all major races and forces are happy, uplifted and excited.

Eighty percent of the heavenly attackers who guarded the four kingdoms of the gods have now been killed.

The remaining sky-slashers have also become startled birds, already at a loss for themselves.

People from all over the world have risen up, breaking out a more fierce wave of resistance, vowing to get rid of the slavery of the Chutian tribe and regain their freedom.

For a time, war broke out on the Zero Continent, and a prairie fire began.

Even though the Fatian Divine Palace heard the news, it sent a large number of Fatian fighters, led by hundreds of captains, but did not suppress the wars in various countries.

Those captains and sky fighters were all ordered to search the trail of the mysterious strong man and vowed to find him out.

After all, after the Battle of the Dragon Kingdom, the two mysterious powerhouses disappeared.

Five days passed, the mysterious strong never showed up again.


At the same time, the White Dragon, Blue Kun, Qianyue, and Black Dragon have already left the Zero Continent.

Under Ji Tianxing's instructions, they crossed the extremely dangerous sea of ​​heaven and arrived at another continent.

Next, they will perform an assassination operation on that continent.

It can not only weaken the backbone of the Celestial Clan, but also contain the powerful ones in the Celestial Palace.

And Ji Tianxing also returned to Fatian Divine Palace.

He pretended to be a black armored guard again, strayed in the shrine, secretly inquiring about the news.

Today's Fatian Divine Palace is not as guarded as before, and the palace is filled with an invisible heavy atmosphere.

A layer of haze was trapped in the hearts of all the heavenly attackers, grief and helpless.

General Dianxing was also in a busy state, and had no time to take care of the defense of the divine palace, and even set aside the affairs of the Gods of All Nations.

In order to hunt down those two powerful aliens, he sent more than a hundred captains and more than a thousand sky-cut fighters.

The defensive power of Fatian Divine Palace was directly weakened by half.

But the most furious and maddening thing was that no matter how General Dianxing deployed his troops, he could not find a trace of the mysterious powerhouse.

The atmosphere in the Fatian Temple was depressed, and even the powerful people of all races who participated in the All Nations Gods Association felt strange.

Although, the more than one hundred and fifty strong men from all major worlds have been kneeling outside the conference hall with their hands raised above their heads.

For half a month, no one dared to leave the place, let alone make a loud noise.

However, everyone saw the powerhouses coming in and out all day long, and their expressions were anxious and gloomy, and they naturally understood that something big had happened.

Everyone was silent on the surface, but they were discussing this matter in secret.

"Don't you think the atmosphere in the shrine is getting weird?"

"Yes! The previous captains and guards, all of them were very proud and arrogant, but now they are all downcast and droopy."

"I wonder if you have noticed. In the past ten days, fewer and fewer people have entered and exited the shrine, and even the number of guards has been reduced by half..."

"Huh! Looking at the unlucky looks of those animals, you know they must be in trouble."

"Yesterday, I heard from several guards that General Dianxing was furious and sent another twenty captains to find something."

"Zi Xiaoxing is the site of the Heaven-Fasting Clan, what happened to make the Heaven-Fighting Clan so nervous?"

"Could it be the people of Zixiaoxing who joined forces to launch a counterattack and resist the enslavement of the Sky Clan?"

The Valkyrie powerhouses from various worlds are communicating carefully.

The Silver Moon Divine Lord in the crowd knelt on the ground expressionlessly, holding a treasure box in both hands and holding it over his head.

The voices of the people around her kept coming to her ears.

Although, she only understood part of it.

But she also felt that the Fatian must be in trouble.

Thinking of this, the white figure, the arrogant human youth, appeared in her mind.

"Damn fellow, since he was pretending to be a guard and was recognized by me, he hasn't shown up again.

Now that half a month has passed, I don't know what he is doing?

Could the trouble encountered by the Fatian clan be related to him? "

The Lord Yinyue was thinking wildly and speculating secretly.

At this moment, a team of sky-slashing guards wearing black armor came over from a distance.

Many Valkyries were immediately alert ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ quickly shut up and kept quiet.

When the Silver Moon Divine Lord heard the sound of footsteps, he subconsciously turned his head and looked.

Her gaze swept across several guards, and landed on the body of the last black armored guard, and a flash of light flashed in her eyes.

"It's him! He finally appeared again!"

This thought flashed through the mind of the Lord Silver Moon.

At the same time, the black armored guard also raised his head and looked at her calmly.

With his eyes facing each other, the Lord Yinyue could clearly feel that there was encouragement in his eyes.

Yinyue Divine Lord's heart warmed, and couldn't help but transmit his voice and asked: "Hey! You fellow, where did you go this half month?"

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