Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2581: The show begins

Marshal Zhengnan's pupils shrank, and a bitter hatred flashed through his eyes.

But he remained calm and did not show any angry or grumpy expression.

He knew very well that Ji Tianxing was deliberately irritating him and disturbing his mood.

"So what? It's just a conspiracy trick when this handsome is in retreat."

Marshal Zhengnan showed contempt, and sneered with disdain: "Do you think that if you break through the realm of the true gods, you are qualified to fight this commander?

too naive!

This commander will let you know right away that you are looking for a dead end when you reach Zixiao Star across the void! "

While talking, Marshal Zhengnan waved a blood-colored halberd that was three feet long, and slew towards Ji Tianxing.

"Huh! Huh!"

Two hundred-foot-long dark red light blades, carrying the power to destroy everything, slashed to Ji Tianxing.

"Huh! You are the one who will definitely die!" Ji Tianxing snorted coldly, holding the Heaven Burial Sword in his right hand, and he cut out two dazzling golden sword lights.


With two muffled sounds exploded, the dark red light blade and the dazzling gold sword light collided fiercely, and both collapsed at the same time.

The violent air wave exploded, blooming brilliant brilliance in the night sky.

In the next instant, Marshal Zhengnan rushed in front of Ji Tianxing, holding the scarlet halberd in both hands and stabbing fiercely.

Ji Tianxing held the Heaven Burial Sword in both hands, blocking it in front of him, just blocking the assassination of the halberd.


With a crisp metal crackling sound, the halberd and the Heaven Burial Sword broke apart.

Ji Tianxing and Marshal Zhengnan were shaken out at the same time.

However, Marshal Zhengnan was shaken back thousands of feet, but Ji Tianxing flew back ten miles away.

Although neither of them were injured, there was a gap in their strength, and Ji Tianxing was obviously weaker.

Seeing this, Marshal Zhengnan laughed grimly, and once again killed Xiang Ji Tianxing holding the halberd.

"You have just broken through the realm of true gods, dare you come to this commander for revenge? You are really tired of living!"

Marshal Zhengnan tried out Ji Tianxing's realm of strength, became more confident and determined, and his offensive moves were open and fierce.

"Ha ha ha... it was just a warm-up just now, the good show is only beginning now!"

Ji Tianxing was not afraid at all, and sneered confidently, bursting into the sky with golden light.


In the next instant, his body swelled hundreds of times, turning into a golden giant with a height of hundreds of feet.

His body surface was surrounded by bright golden light, unexpectedly condensed a huge golden dragon phantom.

A majestic and mighty, sacred breath that suppressed the heavens and the earth erupted from his body.


He opened his mouth and roared, holding the Heaven Burying Sword in both hands, used a trick to open up the world and slashed at Marshal Zhengnan.


The hundred-foot-long Sky Burial Sword hit the blood-colored halberd fiercely and exploded with a loud noise.

The extremely violent power immediately shook the halberd, and Marshal Zhengnan was also shocked and flew out.

He rolled and cut through the sky, flying for twenty miles before stopping.

After standing still in the night sky, he looked at Ji Tianxing in amazement, and shouted in disbelief: "This is impossible! You...you have mastered the Dragon Clan secret method, can you increase your combat power by six times?"

Marshal Zhengnan was very knowledgeable and had dealt with the dragon clan in the course of his battle against the stars.

Because of this, he was even more surprised and shocked.

Because he knows that the Shenlong clan is proud and unparalleled, claiming to be the most perfect race in the world, and does not put other races in the eyes.

As for the dragon clan’s unique skills, it is impossible for the dragon clan to pass on, and it is impossible for a foreign race to learn.

At this moment, Marshal Zhengnan even suspected that Ji Tianxing was a dragon?

However, before he could ask, Ji Tianxing killed him again.

"One sword buries the sky!"

Holding the Heaven Burial Sword in both hands, he exploded with the strongest power, cutting out a sword light that was as dark as ink.

Although the sword light was dark, it was different from the dark night.

It was black as if it were real, and contained a terrifying death chill.

Marshal Zhengnan was locked in the soul by Jianguang, and he was shocked, his whole body was cold, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

He didn't have time to think about why the power of this sword was so terrifying that he could feel death coming?

At the moment of the moment, he could only hold the scarlet halberd in both hands, hold it high above his head, and stand in front of him.


In the next instant, the thousand-foot-long sword of death hit the Scarlet Halberd.

The pitch-black sword light collapsed on the spot, exploded into tens of thousands of pieces, and splashed around.

The Scarlet Halberd was cut into a dent, and it trembled violently.

The halberd made a dull buzzing sound, as if overwhelmed and about to break.

Marshal Zhengnan was smashed into the air again, his complexion turned purple, and the blood in his body was flowing backwards.


He fell straight down from the night sky and slammed into the wide square.

The earth was smashed into a deep pit with a wide radius, and countless rubble and mud splashed out, obscuring the night sky.

The square suddenly turned into ruins, the entire shrine was shaken by the earthquake, the ground cracked and the palace continued to collapse.

The violent shock wave drove the alien warlords who were watching the battle around them tens of miles away and fell into the vast sea of ​​clouds.

There were also many unlucky alien war gods who were spurted by the shocked Qiqiao on the spot and suffered serious injuries.

As a result, everyone was shocked and shocked.

Only then did they realize that the power of the True God powerhouse is so terrifying!

With the strength of their Martial God Realm, they are not qualified to intervene in the battle of the True God.

Even the onlookers are very dangerous and very likely to die.

More than a hundred alien war gods all flew away and retreated to a distance of two hundred miles.

The fight in the night sky continues.

Ji Tianxing and Marshal Zhengnan each show their strengths and are fighting fiercely.

A golden light all over, like a **** descending.

A body swelling continuously, turned into a huge black beast, waving its halberd frantically and roaring again and again.

The two figures flashed and moved in the night sky, and they could change their directions three times in an instant, moving dozens of miles away.

Many alien warlords could hardly see their real bodies, but could only see the afterimages in the sky.

At the same time, the captains and black armor guards guarding the Shrine of the Heavenly Palace also came from all directions and surrounded the ruined battlefield.

More than a hundred captains, with more than a thousand escorts, kept the water surrounding this area blocked.

Seeing Ji Tianxing and Marshal Zhengnan fighting each other, everyone yelled at the same enemy ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ angrily cursed and roared.

They scattered in all directions, forming a mysterious, huge battle formation, and jointly performing magical and secret techniques, and constantly attacking Ji Tianxing.

However, Ji Tianxing's speed is too fast and he has mastered the laws of space.

His figure flickered and appeared from time to time, and even the strong Valkyrie could not be locked.

As a result, the attack released by more than a thousand guards could not touch him at all.

The magical skills performed by more than a hundred captains covered a radius of two hundred miles, but they couldn't accurately hit Ji Tianxing.

The overwhelming dark red light and shadow turned the entire shrine into a sea of ​​blood.

However, the captain and guards could not help Marshal Zhengnan, and instead made the battlefield more chaotic.

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