Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2583: Group attack

Marshal Zhengnan was only angry for a while, and was stunned by the anger.

After calming down, he understood that Jin Peng was deliberately provoking.

After all, he knew the capabilities of those captains very well, and he would never dare to make such a rebellious move.

Marshal Zhengnan looked at Jin Peng, then turned his head to look at Ji Tianxing not far away, and a thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

He suddenly looked grim, and asked Ji Tianxing, "Ji Tianxing! Isn't it you?"

Ji Tianxing showed a playful sneer, and asked, "So what? So what?

Anyway, you are at the end of your life and your life is at the end of your life. Accept your fate! "

He and Jin Peng are both true **** powerhouses, and when they join forces to besiege the Marshal of the South, they are naturally a winner.

What's more, he alone can draw a tie with Marshal Zhengnan.

As soon as Jin Peng showed up, Marshal Zhengnan was hit hard.

The outcome of the outcome has long been a foregone conclusion.

How can Marshal Zhengnan be willing to show weakness?

He sneered contemptuously: "Arrogant! Even if you join forces, what can you do?

Don't forget that this is Zixiao Star, the domain of this handsome!

There are many warriors under this commander, and more than a hundred courtiers! "

While talking, Marshal Zhengnan looked at the alien warlords in the sea of ​​clouds, and shouted in a majestic manner: "What are you still doing in a daze? Don't you join forces to fend off enemies and make contributions?

If anyone can kill Ji Tianxing, this commander will make him deputy commander!

Who can suppress Jinpeng, this commander will give him the position of general and a real artifact! "

The alien warlords lurking in the sea of ​​clouds, originally all curled their necks, watching the battle cautiously.

But no one had thought that the flames of war would be drawn to them.

Marshal Zhengnan actually ordered them to besiege Ji Tianxing and Jinpeng Divine Bird!

What's this?

They just came to participate in the Gods of All Nations, offering tributes and showing their loyalty.

They are not the slaves and subordinates of Marshal Zhengnan, so why should he obey orders?

What's more, everyone has seen the terrifying power of Ji Tianxing and Jin Peng, and they are unwilling to approach them from the bottom of their hearts.

In response to Marshal Zhengnan's order, the alien warlords instinctively resisted, and even retreated subconsciously.

However, Marshal Zhengnan's promise was tempting.

Kill Ji Skywalker and hold the post of Deputy Marshal.

Suppress the Jinpeng, seal the general, and reward a true artifact.

This is so touching!

Many foreign warriors were full of enthusiasm, and a hot, greedy light appeared in their eyes.

However, no one jumped out in a hurry.

Everyone looked around and watched the reactions of others.

Someone gradually wavered their will and stepped forward.

"Follow the orders of the General Marshal!"

Someone took the lead and immediately more people followed suit.

One after another alien warlords, holding swords and artifacts, stepped out of the sea of ​​clouds.

"Wish to serve the General Marshal!"

"Marshal Zhengnan is supernatural, and he will surely dominate the entire star field. No one can stop it!"

"We are willing to charge for the General Marshal!"

Within just a few breaths, there were more than forty alien warlords flying to the battlefield full of expectation.

The remaining alien war gods stayed in the sea of ​​clouds and did not act rashly.

Most people are watching, still hesitating and struggling.

There are only a few people who hate the Fatian clan so hard that they will not give in even if the big temptation is in front of them.

For example, Silver Moon God Lord!

She has been watching the battle in the crowd, with excitement and passion, her eyes focused on Ji Tianxing.

Seeing Ji Tianxing showing his supernatural power and tying with Marshal Zhengnan, she almost screamed in excitement.

She finally believed in Ji Tianxing, completely trusting!

She also saw hope and dawn, and silently prayed that Ji Tianxing could kill Marshal Zhengnan.

But now, with a word from Marshal Zhengnan, many foreign warriors bow their heads.

Those unscrupulous alien war gods actually used a butcher knife to point at Ji Tianxing.

This, beyond the bottom line of the Silver Moon God Lord, made her furious!


Her figure flashed and flew out angrily.

The two old women who had been standing behind her suddenly changed their expressions, revealing a deep look of shock.

"Divine Lord doesn't hate the Fatian Clan? How can she obey Marshal Zhengnan's orders?"

"Did the divine master change his temper? Or did Marshal Zhengnan's offer too attractive?"

The two old women looked at each other and secretly communicated with their spirits.

But the next moment, the two understood the intentions of the Lord Silver Moon.

The Silver Moon God Lord rushed to the battlefield, stopped in front of a group of alien warlords, and cursed with outrage: "You shameless, boneless idiots, stop for me!"

In order to facilitate communication and communication, she, like everyone else, speaks some crappy language.

But everyone understood, and immediately stopped, looking at her angrily.

Hundreds of alien warlords in the sea of ​​clouds, as well as Marshal Zhengnan, Ji Tianxing, and Jin Peng, all looked at her together.

Everyone's eyes were gathered on the body of the Silver Moon God Lord, mixed with surprise, doubt and anger.

The Silver Moon God Lord was happy and fearless, and shouted in an angry tone: "You are all God Lords from all the worlds, leaders of all races.

Like me, your world and people have been invaded and slaughtered by the Celestial Clan!

We are all defeated!

At least billions of people were slaughtered, countless people were displaced, homeless, and even became slaves to the Chutian tribe.

Today, we have come to Zixiao Star with a large number of tributes, and our people are still living in dire straits, leading a dark life! "

Silver Moon God's tone was impassioned, tears in his clear eyes.

Dozens of alien warlords, originally all glared at her.

At this moment, everyone's anger dissipated and quietly lowered their heads.

The Silver Moon God Lord stretched out his hand to Ji Tianxing, and said loudly again: "We are very lucky. After suffering the deliberate humiliation of the Fatian clan, we met a great hero!

It was him who successively beheaded and killed hundreds of warlords of the Celestial Clan and thousands of guards of the Celestial Clan.

The Zero Continent was disrupted by him, and the people of all races saw hope and united to resist the rule of the Fatian tribe.

Nowadays, the whole continent is full of wars, and people of all ethnic groups are using their blood and lives in exchange for the freedom that originally belonged to them!

It was also Ji Tianxing, who had killed General Dianxing and Marshal Zhengnan.

He wants to get rid of this source of all evils, disintegrate the conspiracy of the Heavenly Clan, and save everyone in the Zixiao Star Region!

Because ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He was invaded and persecuted by the Celestial Clan just like us! "

Having said this, the Silver Moon God Lord retracted his hand, looked at the alien war gods with contempt, and yelled contemptuously: "In front of the Sky Clan, we are all tragic victims.

We should unite, join hands to overthrow the rule of the Fatian tribe and regain freedom!

But what about you guys?

What are you doing?

For the empty promise of Marshal Zhengnan, he was ungrateful to besiege our compatriots and punish our heroes?

Where is your conscience? !

Think about those billions of dead souls who died under the sword of the Sky Clan. Are you worthy of them? ! "

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