Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2595: Requiem

? Two whole days passed.

Ji Tianxing kept staring at the bronze gate without blinking his eyes.

Finally, he saw through the context of the Heavenly God Array and understood the structure of the God Array.

So, he began to use his supernatural powers, using the method of breaking the formation, cracking the divine formation on the bronze gate.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

He pinched the sacred tactics with both hands, hitting the dazzling golden light, and poured it into the bronze gate.

Suddenly, the celestial formation in the gate was activated, illuminating a drenched purple light.


A purple light barrier with a radius of ten feet appeared on the bronze gate, completely sealing the staircase passage.

The purple light fluctuated like flowing water, with hundreds of millions of subtle divine marks and symbols rippling in it, and hundreds of millions of divine power veins.

Obviously, the area of ​​this celestial formation is not large, but the structure is extremely complicated.

While casting the spell, Ji Tianxing muttered to himself: "Sure enough, it is the Heavenly God Formation of the ancient times, evolved from the Stars and Seas Formation, with 180 million changes.

The strong man who set up this divine formation must be a deity who is proficient in the formation, and it will take ten years to complete.

Unfortunately, this big formation is too complicated.

The gods and princes of later generations have simplified this divine formation dozens of times. "

In the previous life of Ji Tianxing, only the cultivation of kendo reached its peak, and he was unparalleled in the world.

As for the formations, spells, pills, and refining tools, he just dabbled in something, and did not reach the realm of the world's best.

But even so, the mere formation of the Heavenly God level still couldn't trouble him.

With his extensive knowledge and knowledge of the formation, even if he only has the strength of the true gods, he can easily break through this great formation of the gods.


Ji Tianxing continued to cast spells, unleashing countless golden lights, cracking the divine formation like a cocoon.

He devoted himself to it, completely forgetting the passage of time.

One day, two days, five days...

Unconsciously, a month passed.

Ji Tianxing cast the spell for thirty consecutive days, finally cracking this celestial formation.

Thirty days sounds like a long time, but the gods who set up this great formation will take several years to complete!

In contrast, cracking this formation in 30 days is already at a speed against the sky!


The large array was cracked, and the entrapped purple light barrier gradually disappeared.

The bronze gate became bleak, unpretentious, and even the divine power fluctuations disappeared.

Ji Tianxing took a deep breath, stretched out his palms, and slowly pushed open the bronze gate.

"Rolling rolling..."

With a low muffled sound, the bronze gate opened to both sides.

The bronze door weighing hundreds of thousands of kilograms kept trembling, and dust fell sternly.

Ji Tianxing walked through the dust, but it was not stained, and stepped into the darkness.

He stepped into the fourth floor of the shrine, into an empty, dark, and cold hall.

The ground was covered with a thin layer of ash, and the air was filled with decay and dirt.

The surroundings were deadly silent, no sound was heard, and there was no light.

Ji Tianxing released his spiritual consciousness, penetrated the surrounding darkness, and enveloped the entire hall.

As a result, all the scenes in the hall were clearly presented in his mind.

Under the feet is the ground paved with gray stones, covered with decaying dust.

The gray walls around are carved with ancient patterns, all with simple lines and symbols, which look quite abstract.

The hall is square, but the dome is a circular arc. The sky and stars are not used to lay out a large array, but nine beams are built with gray gems.

Upon seeing this pattern, Ji Tianxing frowned, and a thought flashed in his mind.

"This layout is not like a hall for discussion and cultivation, but like a tomb!"

Thinking of this, he looked at the middle of the hall again.

I saw that in the middle of the hall, there was indeed an altar with a height of 100 meters.

On the pyramid-like altar stands a statue of more than ten feet high, carved from a gray stone.

Although the statue is old and mottled, the surface is covered with dust.

But it can still be seen that the statue is very detailed and lifelike.

He was a tall and burly old man with a big head and a slightly protruding jaw.

The old man's face was square and majestic, his huge eyes were deeply sunken, and his protruding jaw dropped a beard.

His body is as tall as a sword, with extraordinary aura, his eyes are deep looking up at the sky, his hands are behind him, and he looks like a king over the world.

Seeing the appearance of this statue, Ji Tianxing frowned and thought about it, then guessed the identity of the old man.

"Zixiao Tianzun?

That's right! The appearance and appearance of this statue are exactly the same as the Zixiao Tianzun mentioned by Jin Peng! "

After figuring out the identity of the statue, Ji Tianxing was even more confused.

"Strange, the great formation of the gods just now was arranged in the ancient times.

This hall has also experienced tens of thousands of years, and even this statue is a product of ancient times.

But Zixiao Tianzun has only fallen for ten years!

Could it be that he built this statue for himself 30,000 years ago, when he first served as the Emperor of Purple Heaven?

Even so, how did he arrange the Heavenly God Formation?

wrong! There is a problem here! "

Ji Tianxing realized that something was wrong and muttered to himself in confusion.

At this moment, the ancient statue covered with dust suddenly lit up with dim purple light.

A low, faint voice of soul came from the statue.

"Your eyes are like a torch, and you can see the clues. I really admire the old man!"

The voice was low and hoarse, old and weak.

Ji Tianxing fixed his eyes on the statue and asked in the words of Zixiaoxing in a solemn tone: "Zixiao Tianzun? Haven't you already fallen? You left a remnant soul here?"

While talking, he looked deeply at the gray stone sculpture, and nodded slightly: "You are only a true god, you can leave a remnant soul, waiting for rebirth in the future.

It seems to be the effect of this stone carving. The material of these grey stones is very special..."

Hearing his words, the remnant soul in the statue was stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed: "Your Excellency has such an extraordinary vision, so he is not like a true god.

The old man is very curious, where does your Excellency come from?

Can you join forces with Jinpeng to kill Marshal Zhengnan and save the entire Zixiao Star? "

The remnant soul's words undoubtedly confirmed his identity, and it was the fallen Zixiao Tianzun.

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a calm expression: "It doesn't matter who I am. Since you already know what's happening outside, you should understand that I am here without malicious intent.

I am also very curious, how did you know what happened recently when you fell ten years ago?

The remnant soul of Zixiao Tianzun sighed with a lonely tone, and explained: "Since your Excellency is the benefactor of Zixiaoxing, the old man doesn't have to hide it, so let's tell you the truth.

This place is the Requiem Hall.

As early as the ancient times, the last Zixiao Tianzun discovered this secret realm in the core of the stars.

Therefore, he transformed this secret realm into a cave and named it Zixiao Cave.

Later, he built this Zixiao Shrine with his own hands..."

(End of this chapter)

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