Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2598: Shinjin Triple

? The words of Zixiao Tianzun made Ji Tianxing look surprised.

"Zixiao Star has many ancestors, have they all ascended to the God Realm?

To this day, does Zixiaoxing still keep in touch with the gods of his ancestors? "

He remembered his experience on Sirius before arriving at Zixiao Star.

The Sirius tribe also used similar means to pray for refuge from the ancestor gods of the upper realm, and were baptized with divine power, as well as a god-level law.

It was the ceremony that gave Ji Tianxing the law of space.

But he didn't expect that Zixiao Xing, like Sirius, would be protected by the gods of his ancestors.

The remnant soul of Zixiao Tianzun sighed, and said quietly: "There is indeed a connection, but unfortunately, the mortal realm and the **** realm cannot communicate with each other.

Even though the ancestors learned that Zixiao Xing was in a catastrophe, he was unable to rescue him, and could only lower his divine power to help us resist strong enemies.

If the ancestors can descend on Zixiao Star, even just a ghost clone, it will be enough to kill a million heaven-cutting army..."

Speaking of the end, the remnant soul of Zixiao Tianzun became weaker and weaker, and his voice became lower and lower.

When his voice was almost inaudible, Ji Tianxing realized that his remnant soul had disappeared.

The once Lord of the Purple Star was wiped out, and really disappeared.

The purple light on the stone carving also disappeared, becoming dim.

Ji Tianxing stood on the spot, staring at the stone carving, standing for a long time, a little confused.

Although his contact with Zixiao Tianzun was only half an hour, he just had a good chat.

But he felt that Zixiao Tianzun was a worthy friend and a senior who could be called a wise man.

It's a pity that Zixiao Tianzun died under the siege of Marshal Zhengnan and the Heavenly Cutting Fleet in order to protect Zixiao Star.

Even if he was the powerhouse of the Ninth Layer of the True God Realm, he could not withstand the siege of Marshal Zhengnan and hundreds of Valkyrie, and the shelling of thousands of warships.

In addition, this conversation between Ji Tianxing and Zixiao Tianzun also made him feel quite a bit.

Even, it reminded him of many past events.

After a quarter of an hour, Ji Tianxing condensed his chaotic thoughts and reached out to hold up two dazzling light balls.

Although Shinmaru and Farukotsu are only fist-sized, they are as heavy as a mountain.

Ji Tianxing sat cross-legged on the ground and began to refine the lavender divine light group.


Shen Maru hovered in front of him and spun around.

The strands of colorful divine power peeled off from the pill, and got into Ji Tianxing's body one after another.

With divine power entering the body, Ji Tianxing only felt like acupuncture, and his body couldn't help shaking.

"Sure enough, it is a god-level divine power!

No wonder Zixiao Tianzun and many **** masters can only refine 70%, and there is still such a majestic divine power! "

Obviously, the divine power of the Celestial God level is too pure and too powerful.

Even if Ji Tianxing is a true **** powerhouse, in the process of refining his divine power, he has to endure tremendous pain.

It is conceivable that when the idle Valkyrie is refining his divine power, what terrible pain will he endure?

I'm afraid it is similar to the feeling of a thousand arrows piercing the heart and a thousand knives?

Of course, Ji Tianxing is extremely adaptable.

After just a few hours, his special divine body adapted to the incomparable power of the gods.

The pain eased a lot, no longer like acupuncture, he also accelerated the speed of devouring divine power.

The strands of colorful divine power circulated in his body, and after three weeks of reciprocation, he was completely refined.

The size of Shen Maru did not shrink, but his divine power was growing rapidly, becoming more and more powerful.

After just half a month, his skill increased by 10%.

After eight months, his skill has doubled!

At this time, the fist-big Shenwan only shrank by 30%.

This result made him secretly surprised.

"With my special divine body, it can hold eight times more divine power than ordinary true gods.

This magic pill, I only refining 30%, it doubled my skill.

If I refining all the **** pills, wouldn't it be possible to reach the triple level of the true god? "

Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing became more and more looking forward to refining his divine power with more concentration.

Time passed quietly.

Unconsciously, two years have passed.

The fist-big Shenwan was finally completely refined by Ji Tianxing.

As he expected, his skill increased by about three times!

Only one step away from the Triple True God Realm!

But he didn't feel sorry.

After a short rest, he picked up the law of the earth again and began to refine his exercises.

The law of the earth sounds very common.

It seems to be the same as the Five Elements Rule, which all true gods can condense and control.

But in fact, this is not the case.

This law of the earth is a real god-level law.

Once Ji Tianxing mastered this law, he would be called the Lord of the Earth, possessing all kinds of magic!

As long as there is land, mountains and rivers, he is an omnipotent god.

In terms of defense, he can incarnate a hundred thousand miles of the earth, and no true **** can break it.

In terms of attack, he can gather the majestic power of one hundred thousand miles of mountains and rivers to suppress all powerful enemies.

In addition, he was able to travel and shuttle on the earth in a flash.

Even a whole continent can be crossed in one day.

This is an ordinary true god, absolutely unimaginable power!

Of course, the stronger Ji Tianxing's strength, the stronger the power of the law of the earth.

If his strength is weak, even if he masters this law, it will be difficult to play a magical effect.


In the gloomy hall, the silent needle drop can be heard.

The golden ball of light rotates slowly, continuously releasing strands of golden light, entering Ji Tianxing's body.

He closed his eyes tightly and concentrated on his exercises to refine the laws of the earth, completely forgetting everything outside of him.

One month, three months, six months have passed...

The golden light group shrinks at a very slow speed.

Ji Tianxing's strength has grown at an obvious rate, and his skill has become more profound.

Two years later, he refined the golden light ball in half.

His strength also reached the limit of the True God Realm's second level. After two months of impact, he finally successfully broke through to the True God Realm triplet.

However, the law of the earth has not yet been refined, he can only continue to practice.

It took four full years for the golden light group to completely dissipate.

The complete law of the earth was thoroughly refined by Ji Tianxing.

So far, he has been practicing in the Zixiao Divine Palace for six years!

He adjusted his energy for a month, and after his strength became stable ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he ended his practice.


When he opened his eyes and stood up from the ground, his body exuded invisible power, which immediately swept the whole hall.

His aura has changed slightly, adding a bit of the power of the world, and a bit of calmness like a mountain.

Especially, his eyes, as deep as the starry sky, became even more mysterious.

In the pupil of the left eye, a wonderful scene of thousands of spaces intertwining and changing is vaguely visible.

And in the pupil of the right eye, there are millions of miles of vast territory, and tens of millions of towering mountain peaks, showing the boundlessness and majestic aura.

The two heavenly laws of space and earth make him even more unpredictable!

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