Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2601: What is the Way of Heaven

Chapter 2601 What Is Heavenly Way

Bai Long sent a subpoena and reported good news to Ji Tianxing.

Since the Fatian Temple was destroyed and the news of Marshal Zhengnan’s fall was spread, the Fatian tribes on the five continents have collapsed.

Many captains are driving the warships, leading the soldiers under his command, and fled from Zixiaoxing in embarrassment.

There were also many slashers who were too late to escape, and they were all besieged and killed by the strong men on all continents.

Of course, the countless remnants of the Heavenly Swordsmen fled in all directions, hiding in desolate and uninhabited areas, or in dangerous places with few people.

In the past three years, the white dragon and the three-headed beast have been running around toiling.

They searched five continents one by one, and found many remnants of the heavens using magical powers and secrets, and they all destroyed them.

After three years of hunting, they traveled across five continents and killed more than 300,000 Celestial Clan.

On the five continents today, the Fatian tribe has been eliminated and peace has been returned.

Even if there are still a handful of sky-cutters, they may be hiding somewhere and have not been discovered for the time being.

But this is harmless, and individual sky-splitters can't make any waves.

After the five continents returned to peace, there were disputes between the major races and the major forces.

One empire after another has sprung up like mushrooms.

More than a dozen powerhouses in the Martial God Realm have conquered the major empires and formed one kingdom after another.

The power structure of the five continents is being shuffled, and a new order is being born.

At the end of the transmission, Bai Long asked Ji Tianxing in a playful tone if he was interested in controlling Zixiao Star?

As long as he ascends and shouts, the gods of the five continents will respond.

At that time, Ji Tianxing will be the guardian of Zixiao Star and the most lofty Star Master.

After reading the subpoena, Ji Tianxing's mouth raised a smile and sent a message back to Bai Long.

"Being a star master? Is being a teacher the kind of person who cares about fame?

Don't waste time, you will gather in Zero Land as soon as possible.

I will join you as a teacher and take you away from Zixiao Star and return to the Five Elements World.

This time at Zixiao Star, I experienced something as a teacher, which gave me a lot of inspiration.

As a teacher, I am sure that the world of the Five Elements is extremely extraordinary, with earth-shattering secrets hidden.

Xiaobai, do you want to uncover this terrifying mystery with your teacher? "

Ji Tianxing sealed these words in the jade slip of the transmission and waved them out.

"call out!"

The message that the jade slip flew up to the sky, turned into a touch of inspiration and disappeared.

Ji Tianxing also speeded up and went straight to the Zero Continent.


After just three days, Ji Tianxing arrived at Zero Continent.

There is a large lake with a radius of 200,000 miles in the middle of the mainland, which is called the Inland Sea.

Ji Tianxing and Bai Long agreed to meet in the inner sea.

At noon that day, the sun was shining brightly.

The endless lake is sparkling.

Over the lake, entrenched three-headed beasts with a huge body like a mountain.

The middle one is a giant kiwi that is two thousand feet long and full of ice blue.

On the left is a three-thousand-meter-long black dragon, and on the right is an ice-blue sky fox as big as a mountain.

A handsome and charming young man dressed in white is standing on top of Lan Kun's head, looking into the distance.

At this time, a golden streamer cut through the sky and fell on the lake.


After the golden light was gathered away, a white robe youth appeared, it was Ji Tianxing.

Seeing him coming, both the white dragon and the three-headed beast greeted him with joy.

"Disciples see Master!"

Bai Long flew to stand in front of Ji Tianxing and bowed respectfully.

"Get up." Ji Tianxing nodded slightly.

Bai Long looked at him excitedly, and asked impatiently: "Master, you said in the transmission before that you want to take your disciples to solve the mystery of the five elements world?

What's the secret?

What did you experience in Zixiao Shrine? "

"Haha... I know you will be interested." Ji Tianxing chuckled and sacrificed the Tianxing battleship.

"Get on the battleship first, let's talk as we walk."

The dark and cold warship is two thousand feet long, suspended in the sky.

Ji Tianxing stepped in first, followed by Bai Long.

Lan Kun, Qianyue, and Black Dragon all shrunk their bodies and flew into the battleship one by one.

After the hatch of the warship was closed, it was controlled by Bailong, flying up to the sky like an aurora, flying out into the sky.

At this time, Ji Tianxing gave a detailed account of what happened before.

Both the white dragon and the three-headed beast listened carefully.

Two quarters of an hour later, Ji Tianxing finished talking about what happened.

Both the white dragon and the three-headed beast were thoughtful and vaguely understood.

After a moment of silence, Bai Longcai solemnly said: "Zixiao Tianzun said that it is impossible for a **** to appear in the mortal world, not only in the purple sky star field, but also in other star fields.

He felt that this was a limitation of the law of heaven, and the disciples felt that it was reliable.

However, the last Zixiao Tianzun was a strong god.

Could it be said that there was no limitation of the law of heaven in ancient times? "

Qianyue's eyes widened and said in a weird tone: "In the ancient times, there was no limitation of heaven, but now there are?

Can the rules of heaven be changed? This is incredible, right? "

The black dragon urn whispered angrily: "What is the way of heaven?"

Ji Tianxing said with a solemn expression: "The Way of Heaven... is not a thing! I haven't figured this out in my previous life."

Lan Kun answered, "If the rules of the Way of Heaven really change, then an earth-shattering event has definitely happened."

Bai Long said with great interest: "This is just one of the questions. Whether the rules of heaven have changed and why they should be changed, we have to study them carefully.

Another problem is that in the Five Elements world of ancient times, there were a large number of gods and gods, and even gods!

However, the strongest person of Zixiao Xing was only a god, and there was no **** king or **** king.

Even in other mortal worlds, no gods above the gods have appeared.

This shows that the world of the five elements is very special, different from the ordinary mortal world! "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said, "Yes, Bai Long, you are on the point.

Think about it, where do the gods, kings and kings live? "

Bai Long replied without hesitation: "Master, do you still need to ask? Of course it is in the Dragon Realm and the God Realm!"

Ji Tianxing asked again: "Then do you understand ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ why these gods can only be in the two realms of dragon and god?"

Bai Long thought for a moment, and replied with a full face, "That's because the power of the gods, the gods, and the gods are too strong.

Only the two realms of dragon and **** are higher planes, and the almost eternal world can accommodate so many powerful gods.

If in the mortal world, a **** can destroy the entire star.

The king of the gods is here, and a world can be blasted with one punch. "

Ji Tianxing showed an inscrutable smile, and said in a playful tone: "But in the ancient times, many gods, gods, and gods appeared in the world of the Five Elements.

There has even been a war of gods in the Five Elements World.

Why hasn't this star been destroyed, it still exists to this day? "

Hearing this, both Bailong and the three-headed beast were taken aback, and they suddenly realized.

(End of this chapter)

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