Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2605: Battle of the World

Ji Tianxing and Great Emperor Fatian fought two consecutive moves, and they were both repelled.

   not only didn't take advantage of it, but he also suffered serious injuries.

   The strength gap between the two is so great!

   After all, the strength of Emperor Fatian has reached the nine-fold limit of the true god.

   Strictly speaking, he is only half a step away from the Celestial Realm!

   The real half-step god!

   But Ji Tianxing only has the strength of the True God Realm triple.

   Even if he has outstanding talent and superior combat power, he is only equivalent to the sixth level of the ordinary True God Realm, and no more than the seventh level at most.

How can    contend with half-step gods?


   The dozen or so golden fire snakes entwining the Lord of Silver Moon quickly spread and turned into a huge sky of flames that covered her body.

   She was in the raging flames, her body quickly dissipated, turning into black ash and scattered in the void.

   It's probably the pain to the extreme, and I don't feel the pain anymore.

   She actually calmed down, and before she died, she took a deep look at Ji Tianxing.

   There are too many complex emotions in that glance.

   has both regret and reluctance, but also gratification and relief.

   There is no regret, no resentment.

   The look in her eyes at the last moments of her life made Ji Tianxing's heart a little bit painful, and she will remember it forever.

   But he has tried his best.


   The Great Emperor Fatian rushed over arrogantly, waved his fists and smashed the sky full of sword light, pushing him back again.

   He couldn't fight head-on with the Great Emperor Fatian, he could only teleport and retreat, wandering and fighting with him.

   The Great Emperor Fatian had the upper hand, and he was even more influential and unwilling to catch up with him.

   The two fought fiercely in the void and gradually moved away from the two battleships.

   At the same time, the strong man on the Celestial battleship offered a purple sword.

   Holding a purple magic knife in his hand, he ‘swish’ killed the four moon spirit tribe warlords and split them into several pieces.

   Blood splashed, and the broken body fell on the deck.

  The sky-cutting powerhouse waved his palms and shot out a few groups of purple sacred fire, which quickly burned those corpses to ashes.

   At this point, the four Moon Spirit Clan warlords have also followed in the footsteps of the Silver Moon God Lord, turned into black ash, scattered in the void, and fell.

   The Great Emperor Fatian stormed Ji Tianxing, while transmitting a voice transmission to the Heaven-killing powerhouse and ordered: "Emperor Master, destroy Ji Tianxing's battleship!"

  The strong man who stood on the battleship of the gods immediately replied by voice transmission: "Follow the order of the emperor!"

   It turned out that this six-tiered True God Realm slasher is the emperor of the slasher.

   is also the confidant of Emperor Fatian.

   He waved his hand and screened the four silver armor guards, who quickly returned to the Celestial battleship.


   The door of the battleship closed immediately.

  Fatian Emperor Master stood alone in the void, wielding a purple magic knife, and ordered: "Fire!"

  In a short time, the hundreds of muzzles of the Celestial battleship lit up with purple divine light, emitting more than 300 beams of light.

   "Boom boom boom boom!"

   More than three hundred purple beams of light, like a rain of arrows, all blasted towards the Tianxing battleship, blocking a radius of dozens of miles.

   In the Tianxing battleship, Bailong had already performed magic skills, accumulating majestic divine power.


   With the golden light shining on, a mask with a radius of two thousand feet appeared, protecting the entire warship.

   At the same time, the Skywalker also broke out at the fastest speed and retreated toward the distance.

   "Boom boom boom boom!"

   Although the Skywalker dodged hundreds of beams of light, it was hit by more than two hundred beams of light and burst into a loud noise.

   The golden divine light shield was violently blasted on the spot, cracking the dense gaps, revealing countless pits.

   The powerful and unparalleled impact force also shook the Tianxing battleship hundreds of miles away.

   Fortunately, the magical light shield canceled out 80% of its power.

   Skywalking battleship is also cast by the source stone, and its defense is comparable to a heavenly artifact, so it is not damaged.

   After the two sides moved apart, Bai Long hurriedly manipulated the Tianxing battleship and launched a counterattack.

   "Boom boom boom boom!"

  The two hundred muzzles of the Tianxing battleship also spewed out a dazzling golden beam of light, blasting towards the warship of the Great Emperor Fatian.

   Something unexpected happened to Bai Long.

   He originally thought that Emperor Fatian’s warships would evade or condense the divine light shield to resist his attack.

   But he didn't expect that the Celestial battleship would have ignored his attack and had no intention of avoiding it!

   "Boom boom boom boom!"

   Two hundred golden beams of light all hit the Celestial battleship, bursting with a deafening noise.

   The terrifying impact immediately blasted the Celestial battleship into the air, rolling and flying hundreds of miles away.

   The surface of the black warship also left many pits and marks.

   Inside the Celestial Battleship, many silver armored guards were in an uproar, all horrified.

   The Emperor Fatian in the void, frowned when he saw this scene, and a thick color of surprise flashed in his eyes.

  "Ji Tianxing's battleship, could actually damage the Emperor's Swordsman? This is a Celestial class ship!

   Could it be that Ji Tianxing’s battleship is also of the Celestial class? ! "

   Thinking of this, Emperor Fatian shook his body and secretly shook his head: "How is this possible? The emperor has received divine grace and rewards from the gods of the upper realm to build a god-class battleship.

   Ji Tianxing He De, how can it be possible to have a Tianshen-class battleship? "

   Under the shock and doubt in his heart, Emperor Fatian couldn't keep calm, and he didn't want to sit and watch the battle.

   As soon as his figure flashed, he turned into a purple light and rushed to the sky line battleship, holding the magic knife and smashing it severely.


   The two lanes were hundreds of miles long, and the bright purple blade opened the sky light, slammed to the sky battleship.

   At a critical juncture, the white dragon and the three beasts cast spells together, manipulating the Skywalker to teleport.


  Skywalking battleship broke out with golden light~www.wuxiaspot.com~ moved a hundred miles away in an instant, and dodged two sky-opening blades in a thrilling manner.

   Not only that, the battleship also released a beam of light in the sky, blasting towards the Emperor Fatian.

  Fatian Emperor Master became more and more surprised.

   He is also more certain that the Skywalker's rank is extraordinary, and it must be a Celestial class warship.

   At a critical juncture, he also used the teleport technique to move three hundred miles in the void, avoiding the bombardment of the skylight beam.

   After retreating to the distance, the Emperor Fatian held the magic sword, looked at the Tianxing battleship with scorching eyes, and shouted: "It really is a Tianshen-class battleship!

   I understand, it must be the unbounded **** stone mentioned by Marshal Zhengnan!

   Ji Tianxing’s battleship must be made of unbounded sacred stone, no wonder it is so powerful! "

  Understanding the reason, Emperor Fatian turned his head and looked into the depths of the void, looking for the figure of Emperor Fatian.

   He wanted to report this great news to Emperor Fatian immediately.

   However, the Great Emperor Fatian chased Ji Tianxing and attacked fiercely, already flying thousands of miles away.

   The two sides are fighting fiercely in the void, the light and shadow are overwhelming, and the sword energy is vertical and horizontal.

   Within a 10,000-mile radius, they were all blocked by the shadow of the sword, light and sword, and it was almost impossible to see the scene.

   Despite this, Emperor Fatian didn't worry at all.

   He firmly believes that the Great Emperor Fatian beheaded Ji Tianxing, and it was easy!

   And what he has to do is to complete the instructions of the Great Emperor Fatian, destroy or take down the battleship of Ji Tianxing!

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