Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2607: The emperor is dumbfounded


   Just as Ji Tianxing was thinking about it, the Great Emperor Fatian chased him back and shot him flying with a palm.

   Fortunately, he was prepared for a long time, and he used the laws of the earth to form a barrier and stayed behind.

   The dark golden barrier was smashed into pieces, and he rolled and flew two hundred miles away.

   Taking this opportunity, he speeds up to the depths of the void, heading straight for the Skywalker.

   "Wh! Wh!"

   He no longer entangled with the Great Emperor Fatian, using the power of the law of space, he teleported continuously in the void.

   Within ten breaths, he teleported twenty times, and his figure flickered in the void.

   After ten breaths, he has teleported thousands of miles away, temporarily getting rid of the chase of Emperor Fatian.

   Great Emperor Fatian also teleported to chase him, but he couldn't teleport twenty times in a row like he did, and was immediately pulled away by two thousand miles.

   Seeing this scene, Emperor Fatian showed an unbelievable expression.

   "This little beast has teleported twenty times in a row, teleporting thousands of miles within ten breaths?

   His divine body can withstand the power of space tearing?

   His divine power can explode twenty times in a row, and he won’t run out of chaos?

   wrong! With his realm of strength, this is almost impossible!

   Unless... he has mastered the supernatural powers of space, or the laws of space! "

   The Great Emperor Fatian secretly analyzed the reasons why Ji Tianxing could teleport continuously, and thought of the four words'Space Law', and immediately dismissed the idea.

  "The law of space is the law of the gods, he is only a true god, and he is absolutely impossible to master!

   Therefore, he must have mastered some kind of space magic.

   This magical secret technique can only explode for a while, but it can't last for too long.

   That kid will soon be divinely weakened and exhausted, he must be captured by the emperor! "

   Thinking of this, the corner of Emperor Fatian's mouth evoked a sneer, revealing a confident look in his eyes.

   He turned into a purple light galloping in the void, and followed Ji Tianxing to the depths of the void.

   At the same time, he also did not forget to contact the Emperor Fatian division through the sound transmission, so that he could drive the battleship to rendezvous.

   However, the next scene made him dumbfounded on the spot.

   "Wh! Wah!"

   Ji Tianxing's speed is unabated, and he blinks continuously in the void, and is still teleporting continuously!

   Within just twenty breaths, he teleported forty consecutive times and escaped twenty thousand miles away.

  The distance between him and Emperor Fatian was stretched to six thousand miles!

   The Great Emperor Fatian's expression changed drastically, his face was full of amazement, and he whispered in a startled tone: "What?! This is absolutely impossible!

   He didn't even feel backlash, and continued to teleport forty times?

   This is by no means a supernatural power!

   How can he have this kind of magical powers that can enable him to achieve the miracle that can only be accomplished by a strong **** with the strength of a true god?

   Could it be... he really mastered the laws of space? "

   This time, Emperor Fatian dispelled the idea of ​​‘Space Magic’.

   He began to doubt that Ji Tianxing mastered the laws of space.

   Even if this idea is absurd, it is impossible for the true **** to master the laws of the gods.

   But how do you explain this scene?


   Ji Tianxing showed no signs of divine exhaustion and backlash, and was still teleporting in the void.

   His speed is not reduced at all, and he is getting closer and closer to the Skywalker.

   Another thirty breaths passed, and he teleported another sixty times, hurriedly 30,000 miles.

   The Great Emperor Fatian was completely speechless.

   No matter how unbelievable he is, he has to accept reality.

   He must admit that Ji Tianxing must have mastered the laws of space!

   Other than that, this cannot be explained at all.

   "Damn little beast! How can he, in the realm of a true god, master the laws of the gods?

   Even this emperor has already reached half a step into the Heavenly God Realm, and he can only master the two true God laws, and cannot comprehend the Heaven God-level laws at all! "

   The Great Emperor Fatian was both shocked and annoyed, and he felt a deep sense of frustration and unwillingness in his heart!

   He believes that he is extremely talented and extremely capable.

   Looking at Three Thousand Worlds, there is no second strong one who can be as unparalleled as him.

   But today, he met the wonderful work of Ji Tianxing.

  The realm of strength is lower than him, and he can't beat him, but he has done what he dreamed of.

   This kind of gap makes him very jealous!

   Soon, the hundred breath time passed.

   Ji Tianxing teleported continuously in the void, reaching as many as 200 earth-shaking times.

   He crossed a hundred thousand miles of the void and finally merged with the Skywalker.


   Bailong flew over on the battleship, immediately opened the hatch, and welcomed Ji Tianxing in.

   After that, the battleship turned around and fled deep into the void, turning into a black shadow and plunged into the darkness.

   "Asshole! Never want to escape from the palm of the emperor!"

   Great Emperor Fatian let out a murderous anger, and quickly teleported to the ship.

   After three breaths, the Fatian Emperor drove the warship to come and joined him.

   The Great Emperor Fatian entered the ship and let the Emperor Fatian division control the warship, exploding at the fastest speed, and hunting down in the void.

   Both battleships turned into black phantoms, galloping one after another in the void.

   As time passed, hour after hour passed.

   The warship of Emperor Fatian is worthy of being a genuine Tenjin-class warship.

   After all kinds of acceleration **** formations were opened, the **** stone resources were quickly consumed, and the speed also broke out to the limit.

   The distance between the two warships is getting closer.

   From the first 30,000 li, to 28,000 li, then to 25,000, 22,000 li...

   Five days later, the distance between the two sides has shrunk to about four thousand miles.

   The Great Emperor Fatian stood in the cockpit of the ship, watching the Emperor Fatian control the battleship while staring at the void ahead.

   "Huh! Even if he masters the laws of space, but he is not a true god, how can he keep teleporting?

   Presumably, his energy consumption was too violent before~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now his vitality is greatly injured, right? "

   The Great Emperor Fatian murmured to himself, with a sharp sneer at the corner of his mouth.

  The Emperor Fatian also echoed: "The Great, although the boy's ship is made of a mysterious unbounded sacred stone, it is comparable to a Tianshen-class battleship.

   But your ship is the real **** warship!

   At most one day, we can catch up with that warship.

   When the time comes, that kid will be at your disposal.

   His subordinates will also capture and hold his ship, study it carefully. "

   The Great Emperor Fatian nodded slightly, and said in a solemn tone: "This person has a mysterious origin and has many means, and he is truly scheming.

   If you give him a few hundred years more time, I don’t know how far he will grow.

  At that time, he will definitely become the confidant of this emperor! "

  The Emperor Fatian stared at the void with scorching eyes, and said in a low tone: "The emperor doesn't need to worry, we will be able to kill him soon and find out the source of the Unbounded Divine Stone.

   He is not qualified and has no chance to be your stumbling block. "

   "I hope so." The Great Emperor Fatian nodded slightly and muttered to himself: "All the messages sent by Marshal Zhengnan to this emperor must be sorted out.

   The emperor must check carefully and summarize the information about Ji Tianxing.

   The emperor really wants to know what the reptiles from the weak mortal world have and what they are! "

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