Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2610: Broken Sky


   The Great Emperor Fatian flew out of the divine ship and stood proudly in the void.

   His face is cold, his eyes are sharp looking down the earth, searching for the trace of Ji Tianxing.

   At the same time, the Heaven-Fighting Godship flew into the distance, chasing the Tianxing battleship.

  After a hundred breaths of time, the two battleships disappeared into the void tens of thousands of miles away.

   In this area, only the Great Emperor Fatian and Ji Tianxing remain.

   However, Ji Tianxing merged with the earth and still did not show up.

   The Great Emperor Fatian looked down at the ruins and shouted coldly like Hong Zhong: "Ji Tianxing, don't hide anymore!

  The Five Elements Rule, dare to show off in front of the emperor?

   still not get out and die? ! "

  The rolling sound reverberated on the ground, covering a radius of 50,000 miles.

   However, Ji Tianxing still did not show up.

   The answer to the Great Emperor Fatian was the thousands of dark golden dragons flying out from all directions.


   Ji Tianxing implemented the laws of the earth, absorbed the metal power of the earth of 100,000 miles, and condensed into thousands of dark golden dragons, blasting towards the Great Emperor Fatian from all around.

   Within a short period of time, thousands of Dark Golden Dragons rushed to the side of the Great Emperor Fatian, drowning his figure.

   These dragons are made of metal and are not real life, so they are not afraid of death, and they are powerful and unparalleled.

   After all, the meaning of their existence is to severely injure the Great Emperor Fatian, even if it is worth disintegrating.

   At the critical juncture, the Great Emperor Fatian burst into purple light, exploded with terrifying power, quickly punched three hundred and sixty punches and kicked out five hundred and forty kicks.

   His attack speed was too fast, and his figure became blurred, forming a phantom of purple light.

   "Boom boom boom boom!"

   Along with the earth-shaking loud noise, one after another dark golden dragon was smashed into pieces by the Great Emperor Fatian, splashing out all over the sky.

   In just two breaths, he defeated more than 900 dark golden dragons.

   There were only more than sixty dark golden dragons hit him, shaking him all over, flashing purple light.

   When all the Dark Golden Dragons collapsed, he had been shaken for dozens of miles, his crown was slanted, his hair was messy, and his clothes were broken.

   But, nothing more.

   He is still unscathed.

   "Hehe...With the strength of the true gods, you can apply the Five Elements Rule to such an extent, you can be considered a leader among the true gods.

   It's a pity, this power is like a scratch to the emperor! "

   The Great Emperor Fatian gave a contemptuous sneer, raised his fists brazenly, burst out the power of destroying the world, and blasted the earth fiercely.

   "Boom! Boom!"

   Two roads as big as a mountain, purple to black fist light, slammed the earth fiercely, bursting with a loud noise that shakes the sky and the earth.

   Suddenly, the earth was blasted out of a deep pit with a radius of thousands of miles, and hundreds of wide gullies were opened around it.

   Each gully is tens of thousands of miles long, like an abyss.

   Endless gravel and sand, all soared into the void, surging like clouds.

   A super earthquake swept a radius of 50,000 li and turned upside down this area.

   Although, Ji Tianxing used the law of the earth in time to merge with the earth of 100,000 miles.

   However, nearly half of the earth was destroyed into ruins, which also caused him to withstand tremendous power, and his injuries worsened.

   He only felt that his internal organs had shifted, and his consciousness was also dizzy.

   After trying his best to suppress the injury of the internal organs, he was much more sober.

   At this time, the Great Emperor Fatian raised his right foot again, slowly accumulating his life's supernatural power, and stomped it down!

   Ji Tianxing has no doubt that the foot of Emperor Fatian is enough to destroy a radius of 100,000 miles.

   He didn't dare to be careless, he hurriedly shuttled underground, and escaped thirty thousand miles in the blink of an eye.


   The overwhelming huge soles, carrying the power of suppressing everything, slammed on the ground.

   At that instant, the earth in a radius of 100,000 miles sank downward, splashing sand and dust into the sky.

   This area was already half destroyed, and the remaining 50,000 miles of land also collapsed on the spot, turning it into a super giant pit.

   The terrifying impact spread wildly under the ground, destroying the rock layers thousands of miles deep and shaking them all into dust.

   The power of the foot of Emperor Fatian is already very close to the power of the gods!

   Although Ji Tianxing escaped in time, he was swept by the aftermath, vomiting blood and shattered internal organs.


   The impact of destroying the sky and the earth wrapped him, rushed out from the depths of the earth, and flew into the void.

   He hurriedly used his supernatural power to suppress the internal organs' injuries and tried his best to stay awake.

   The Great Emperor Fatian saw him being forced out of the ground and quickly teleported to chase him.

   "Haha...little beast, you want to fight this emperor even with this ability?"

  While laughing, the Great Emperor Fatian waved his hands and shot out two giant palms covering the sky and grabbed Ji Tianxing.

   Ji Tianxing reacted very quickly, holding the Heaven Burying Sword in both hands, and swept out with a fierce sword.

   "Boom! Boom!"

   A hundred-mile-long half-moon-shaped giant sword slammed into two giant palms.

   Both collapsed at the same time, bursting into sky fragments.

   Ji Tianxing's figure flashed, and then dived into the gray-white earth, using the laws of the earth to counterattack.

   "The earth dragon turns the sky!"

   He once again merged with the land of 100,000 miles, and tried his best to display his unique skills.

   He gathered the power of the earth for tens of thousands of miles and turned into a dragon of the earth which is hundreds of miles long, soaring into the air, and slammed into the Great Emperor Fatian.

  The Great Emperor Fatian teleported and avoided, but the dragon of the earth was huge.

   He could not escape after all, and was hit by a huge dragon head.


   In the muffled sound, the Great Emperor Fatian was smashed and flew out, crashing into the ruins hundreds of miles away.

   The dragon of the earth took advantage of the situation to counterattack, holding his neck and head high, and smashing from the sky to the Great Emperor Fatian.

   The Great Emperor Fatian was about to climb out of the ruins. Seeing this scene, he quickly used the technique of earth escape and fled thousands of miles away.


   The earth-shaking loud sound, the earth dragon slammed into the ruins~www.wuxiaspot.com~ burst into the sky with debris and earth and rocks.

   The earth was smashed into a trench that lasted thousands of miles, like an abyss.

   The terrifying impact hit the Great Emperor Fatian, blasted it out of the ground, and flew back into the void.

  His clothes are even more ragged, the divine crown he wears is also torn apart, his face is blue and red, and he is gasping angrily.

   "Broken Heaven!"

   In a rage, the Great Emperor Fatian sacrificed a ten-foot-long bronze divine sword and slashed to the dragon of the earth.


   A hundred-mile-long dark purple light blade swept across the void and cut the neck of the earth dragon on the spot.


   The dragon of the earth let out a painful scream, the upper body collapsed, and the neck and head were broken into endless earth and rocks.

   Its lower body retracted to the ground and disappeared.

   The dragon of the earth was cut off, and Ji Tianxing was also severely injured, and his injuries were even more tragic.

   He had to retreat quickly to get away from the Great Emperor Fatian.

   The Great Emperor Fatian was chasing after him, holding the ancient bronze divine sword, and once again hacked down a giant blade that opened the sky.


   The giant blade of purple light that was hundreds of miles long slammed into the ground, cutting out a 10,000-mile gully.

   The invincible sword energy stretched tens of thousands of miles on the earth, opening up a huge abyss.

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