Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2612: Surrender or die


The Great Emperor Fatian laughed loudly and flew to the side of Qingtian Giant Palm.

He put his hands behind his back, looked at the giant palm with a sneer, and said in a playful tone.

"Ji Tianxing! Against this emperor, this is the end!

Now, you have only two choices.

Surrender to the emperor, or die! "

While talking, the Great Emperor Fatian secretly used his strength to manipulate the giant palm of the sky to crush Ji Tianxing severely.

Ji Tianxing was held tightly by Qingtian's giant palm, and under incomparable pressure, his body crouched and sweated.

Although his divine body is special, after thousands of tempers, he has become extremely tough and powerful.

But he was seriously injured, and it was even harder to resist the crush of Emperor Fatian.

Not only the body became more and more rickety, but the bones all over his body also made a crisp sound of "cracking", and many bones were broken.

Hearing the voice of the Great Emperor Fatian, he was silent and did not respond, but tried his best to resist.

Seeing his stubborn resistance, the Great Emperor Fatian continued to sneer and said, "Haha...I knew today, why bother?

You killed Marshal Zhengnan and slaughtered so many warriors of our clan.

Even if the emperor cuts you thousands of times, tortured and killed you thousands of times, he still can't understand his hatred!

However, the emperor has three thousand worlds in mind, and has always been tolerant and magnanimous.

For a genius like you with outstanding talent and superior strength, this emperor also has the heart to love talent, and can't bear to kill you. "

Obviously, the Great Emperor Fatian started to do both soft and hard, and wanted to persuade Ji Tianxing to descend.

"Ji Tianxing, this emperor now gives you a chance!

As long as you are willing to surrender to the emperor, the previous matter will be wiped out, and the emperor will not be blamed.

More than that, if the position of Marshal Zhengnan is vacant, this emperor will announce to the world and designate you as the new Marshal Zhengnan.

From now on, you will be the emperor's right-hand man and confidant general.

Moreover, this emperor will reward you with god-level magic arts and artifacts to help you reach the peak of true **** as soon as possible!

I believe you also know that in this mortal world, the nine-fold true **** is the limit, and no one can reach the realm of the gods.

But this emperor inherits the oracle of the upper realm and receives divine grace, which can help you ascend to the upper realm and break through the realm of heaven! "

Having said this, the Great Emperor Fatian smiled with satisfaction and said solemnly: "Ji Tianxing, this is the sincerity of this emperor, I hope you can think about it!"

The words of the Great Emperor Fatian possessed a lot of charm.

The vast majority of true gods can hardly refuse such generous terms, and they will definitely be moved by it.

However, these words seemed especially ridiculous to Ji Tianxing's ears!

How could the former king of the world be tempted by these trivial benefits?

How could it be possible to succumb to a small true god?

Ji Tianxing's blood-stained face showed a contemptuous sneer.

He said in a low voice: "Great Emperor Fatian, the conditions you mentioned are indeed very exciting, so..."

Halfway through the conversation, it stopped abruptly at the most critical moment.

The Great Emperor Fatian listened quietly, but did not see the following, and quickly asked: "So what? Do you agree or refuse?"

Ji Tianxing did not answer, taking advantage of the distraction of the Great Emperor Fatian, he suddenly shrank his body and turned into a dust-like small.

"call out!"

He burst out of the most powerful force instantly, passing through the gap of the giant palm, trying to escape the blockade of the giant palm.

However, the emperor Fatian was always treacherous and cunning, and he was prepared for a long time. How could he escape easily?


The purple light flashed, and the giant palm instantly turned into a huge purple ball of light, sealing Ji Tianxing in it.

The purple ball of light is like a cage, trapping Ji Tianxing.

Unless he can break the cage, he will never escape!

As soon as he flew thousands of feet away, he slammed into the purple barrier and was shocked to fly back.

He was completely helpless.

Can only restore the original appearance, temporarily give up resisting.

Great Emperor Fatian stretched out his hand to shrink the purple ball of light to three feet high, and flew in front of him to stop.

His gaze penetrated the purple ball of light, staring at Ji Tianxing, and sneered with a joking expression: "Ha ha ha...This emperor knew you were tricky and cunning, so how could he let you escape?

Don't be delusional, in the hands of the emperor, you will never escape in this life!

Now, the emperor will ask you one last time.

Surrender or... die! "

Ji Tianxing frowned, his expression quite solemn.

In this situation, even if he has a thousand methods, he can't use it.

Although, he thought of the Heavenly Sacred Artifact that he had previously obtained in the Zixiao Divine Palace... Tianxing Shuttle.

However, he was sealed in the purple light group, and the Great Emperor Fatian kept staring at him.

He has no chance to use the Sky Shuttle at all.

In desperation, he could only postpone his troops temporarily.


Ji Tianxing stared at the Great Emperor Fatian coldly, and asked in a deep voice, "The Fatian clan has always been cunning and cruel, how can I trust you!"

"Ha ha ha..." Seeing that he had changed his mind, the Great Emperor Fatian suddenly grinned, as if he was planning to surrender.

"Ji Tianxing! Don't forget your current situation, whether you believe it or not, you have no choice at all!"

The underlying meaning of this sentence is that if you don't want to die, you must submit to this emperor.

As for whether the emperor will keep his promise, it depends on the emperor's mood.

"You...!" Ji Tianxing pretended to be annoyed, and stared at Emperor Fatian indignantly.

He hesitated for a moment before he asked, "Well, even if I believe you for the time being, things will never be that simple.

What do you want? "

"Sure enough, smart, you can see through!" The Great Emperor Fatian smiled triumphantly and said, "Although this emperor cherishes his talents, he will not give you such preferential treatment because of your outstanding talent.

In contrast, the Emperor is more interested in your battleship.

Let's just say, how is your battleship built?

This is not a Celestial battleship, but it has the power and efficacy comparable to that of a Celestial battleship. This makes the emperor very curious! "

Ji Tianxing sneered in his heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ secretly sneered: "He really came to the source stone! He wants to investigate the origin and efficacy of the source stone, this is the real goal!"

Knowing this, Ji Tianxing pretended to be puzzled and said, "My battleship? It was built by myself, and there is nothing special about it except for imposing a celestial formation."

The Great Emperor Fatian frowned, looked at him carefully, and said in a playful tone, "Ha ha ha... really?

From the perspective of this emperor, I am afraid it may not be!

Ji Tianxing, you are a wise man, and this emperor doesn't bother to follow you around.

To be honest, is your battleship made of Unbounded Divine Stone? "

"Unbounded Divine Stone?" Ji Tianxing looked at him pretendingly, and asked, "What is that? I just got those special divine stones by accident and turned them into battleships."

The great Emperor Fatian saw him gradually reveal the truth, the smile on his face grew stronger, and he continued to ask: "Very good! Then tell this emperor, where did you get the divine stones?"

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