Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2617: situation

After hearing Ji Tianxing's words, Yun Yao, Ji Ke, and Bai Long all nodded in agreement.

Chenchen and Yaya are very smart and understand what he meant, and they both nodded to indicate that they had taken note.

The family was reunited, and after a happily chatting, they dispersed.

Yun Yao and Ji Ke took their two children and went back to practice.

Ji Tianxing found a secluded place alone and began to retreat to heal his injuries.

The white dragon and the three-headed beast had been running around and fighting for more than five years. They were also a little tired, and they went to retreat.

Twisted time and space returned to silence.

Time is passing silently at fifty times the flow rate.

Given the severity of Ji Tianxing's serious injury, under normal circumstances, it would take at least forty years to heal.

But he has a large number of **** pills and a large number of source stones.

With the assistance of Shen Dan and Origin Stone, his injury quickly recovered, and the speed was incredible.

He estimated that he would be completely cured after more than ten years.

The magical effect of the source stone is really incredible.

The happiness of having massive source stones is not something that others can understand!

For example, Emperor Fatian had long coveted the Origin Stone, but he was hopeless.

Finally, he captured Ji Tianxing, but he let Ji Tianxing slip away from under his nose.

For more than a year, he has been holding an evil fire in his heart, unable to dissipate it.

Even if he broke into Zixiao Star, with a domineering and invincible posture, he killed the Valkyrie of several continents in seconds.

Even if the Emperor Fatian led many war gods and guards and occupied five continents, it was equivalent to controlling the entire Zixiao Star.

Emperor Fatian still couldn't be happy!

This time he came to Zixiao Star, he still had too few people.

There are only the Emperor Fatian, 36 guards from the Martial God Realm, and 2,000 black armored soldiers from the Martial Saint Realm.

With such a handful of manpower, it is not enough to control five continents.

They can only control the leaders of the various kingdoms first, and turn the leaders of many races and forces into puppets.

Next, it will take them several years before they can fully master Zixiaoxing.

Of course, they also need a large number of cutting-edge elites!

The Great Emperor Fatian could only issue an order to summon the old division of Marshal Zhengnan and rush to Zixiao Star.

Around Zixiao Star, within hundreds of stars, there are scattered dozens of captains of the Martial God Realm, and thousands of black armored soldiers.

When Ji Tianxing smashed into Zixiao Star, killed Marshal Nan Zheng, and destroyed the Heavenly Palace, these people all scattered and fled.

They are scattered on various stars, some are hiding, some are still killing and doing evil.

After receiving the order from the Great Emperor Fatian, they were all extremely excited and rushed to Zixiao Star with full expectation.

It's just that these captains and black armored warriors must all reach Zixiao Star, at least more than a year later.

At the same time, the Great Emperor Fatian also encountered a tricky thing.

At the beginning, after Marshal Zhengnan occupied Zixiao Star, he had sent him a summons to report on Zixiao Star's situation.

Marshal Zhengnan mentioned the place ‘Zixiao Cave’, calling it the sacred place of Zixiao Star, the most mysterious and mysterious place.

Not only are they rich in divine power and abundant cultivation resources, they also contain huge secrets.

It's a pity that Marshal Zhengnan's strength is not strong enough, and there is not enough time to explore.

Now, Emperor Fatian has occupied Zixiao Star.

He also wanted to enter Zixiao Cave to see what mystery and mystery were in the secret realm.

However, something embarrassing happened.

The Great Emperor Fatian couldn't find where the Zixiao Cave was!

After thinking hard and fruitless, he asked Emperor Fatian to investigate the matter.

Emperor Fatian severely tortured the leaders of a dozen powerful races, and finally found out the news.

The legendary Zixiao Cave is the cave house of Zixiao Tianzun.

This secret realm is very mysterious and has a high status.

Its entrance is said to be located above the sky, among the endless sea of ​​clouds.

However, no one can tell exactly where the entrance is.

After all, the leaders and chiefs of the major races have never entered the Zixiao Cave.

Those divine masters who were qualified to enter the Zixiao Cave had also died in battle long ago and were beheaded by the Sky Clan.

The Great Emperor Fatian was very depressed.

He asked Emperor Fatian to preside over the overall situation and flew to the sky alone, searching in the vast sea of ​​clouds.

Zixiao Star is vast, he wants to find the entrance of Zixiao Cave in the endless sea of ​​clouds, it is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack.

What's more, Ji Tianxing also laid two large formations of the gods at the entrance of Zixiao Cave.

One is the Great Array of Lost Tracks, and the other is the Great Array of Seals.

How can Emperor Fatian find it?

Even if it takes a few years and finally finds the entrance, it may not be able to crack the celestial formation!


Unconsciously, three months passed.

Twelve and a half years have passed since the warped time and space.

Ji Tianxing had been practicing in retreat for so long, and with the help of a large number of **** pills and source stones, his injuries were finally healed.

His divine power was restored to its peak, and the wounded soul was healed.

When he ended the retreat, Yunyao and Ji Ke both rushed to hear the news.

The three of them gathered together and began to discuss major issues.

Yun Yao took the lead and said: "Tian Xing, you were injured before and you are in urgent need of retreat, so we didn't ask much.

How did you go to Zixiaoxing this time? "

Ji Ke looked at him expectantly, and asked, "Big Brother Tianxing, who hurt you? He hurt you so badly?

It should not be Marshal Zhengnan, he definitely doesn't have that strength! "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "When I arrived at Zixiao Star, I just caught up with the Gods of the World, so I managed to get in and disrupt a continent with a strategy.

Later, I joined forces with Jinpeng, the guardian beast of Zixiaoxing, and killed Marshal Zhengnan.

Hundreds of war gods from all races also fought against the sky-cutters and died together...

We finally expelled the Celestial Clan and let Zixiaoxing restore peace.

However, after just three years, the Great Emperor Fatian came to Zixiao Star with his personal conquest. "

When they heard this, both Ji Ke and Yun Yao frowned, and their eyes were filled with surprise.

"The Great Emperor Fatian? He was actually shocked?

Tianxing, you have fought against the Great Emperor Fatian, you were injured by him? "

"This shouldn't be! The Great Emperor Fatian is ambitious~www.wuxiaspot.com~ trying to control the three thousand worlds, how could he pay attention to Zixiaoxing?

Moreover, the Fatian tribe is in other star regions, far away from the Zixiao star region.

Even if he learned that Marshal Zhengnan had been killed and rushed to Zixiaoxing for revenge, he wouldn't be so fast! "

The two women were both shocked and puzzled.

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and said with a solemn expression: "The Great Emperor Fatian is so powerful that he has reached the half-step Heavenly God Realm.

His ship was also of the Celestial God level, and beside him was a powerful man of the Sixth Layer of the True God Realm, an emperor of the Fatian Clan.

The reason why he personally rushed to Zixiao Star was not to avenge Marshal Zhengnan, but to come to the source stone!

Marshal Zhengnan had already reported the news about the source stone to Emperor Fatian.

I suspect that the Great Emperor Fatian is doing things for the **** behind him, and he will get the source stone at all costs! "

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