Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2625: Mysterious pattern

Time and space roulette no longer exists, and the gates of the temple are also turned into rubble and dross, scattered at the gate.

The smoke and dust that obscured the sky lasted a long time before dissipating.

In the magma ocean thousands of miles away, Tiantian Sword struggled for a while before leaving the magma ocean and flying back into the air.

The divine sword, which was as black as ink, had been burnt red, exuding terrifying heat.

Fortunately, Heaven Burying Sword fled in time. If it was delayed for a few more hours, the sword body would be melted and deformed, and its power would be greatly weakened.

"We made it!

Although time and space roulette was sacrificed, the door opened! "

The funeral voice sounded in Ji Tianxing's mind.

Its voice was a bit weak, and it was obviously injured by the spontaneous explosion of the Time and Space Roulette.

Ji Tianxing asked with concern: "Fangtian, how is your situation? Can you still persist?"

The funeral pretended to be relaxed and said: "Of course no problem! You still have two months to go, don't worry!"

Ji Tianxing didn't say more, he used his mind to control the Heaven Burying Sword and flew towards the source stone mine in the distance.


After a while, the Heaven Burial Sword passed through the smoke-filled gate and entered the ancient temple.

The light in the hall was dim, there was silence, and the ground was covered with dust.

The flames of the earth's heart from the outside spread to the entrance of the main hall, but were blocked by mysterious power and could not enter the temple.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao, and Ji Ke all escaped from the Heaven Burial Sword and appeared in the main hall.

Anyway, the heart of the earth can not corrode this temple, they are safe and worry-free.


The three of them stepped across the dark floor, stepped on the thick dust, and walked towards the middle of the hall.

The large hall with a radius of thousands of feet is empty around it, with only twelve huge beams supporting the dome.

On the surrounding walls, there are many ancient relief sculptures and dozens of ancient characters.

Even with Ji Tianxing's experience and knowledge, it is impossible to recognize those words.

Only those abstract and rough reliefs can provide reference for the three and show simple clues.

No matter in any era, no matter how far the martial arts develops, images are always the most easy-to-understand communication method.

The three of Ji Tianxing observed carefully for half an hour, and then read the reliefs in the hall.

Through those reliefs, they also learned a lot of useful news.

Including the way of life and practice in ancient times.

As expected by the three of them, this area is really the territory of a certain king of the world.

The **** king opened a tunnel about hundreds of thousands of miles deep underground with his great magical powers, connecting the surface and the center of the earth.

With this bottomless tunnel as the center, the vast underground in all directions is the area under the jurisdiction of the **** king.

There are more than a hundred gods under the command of the gods, and through a few black discs in the abyss, they can enter the territories of the gods.

There are tens of thousands of people under the command of every god, all gods with extraordinary strength.

Everyone lives in the depths of the earth, using the black source stone as food and a resource for strengthening through cultivation.

Every few years or decades, the people of the king of gods will hold grand sacrificial activities to express their belief in the king of gods and their longing and longing for the endless magma ocean.

They don't believe in the sky or worship the earth. They only yearn for the mysterious ocean of magma, thinking that it is the source of power.

The people under the command of the King of God also have levels.

According to the strength of the realm of strength, they are divided into three, six or nine.

The higher the level of the people, the closer the place of residence to the sea of ​​magma.

Conversely, the farther the people from the magma sea, the lower their status.

"In the ocean of magma in the center of the earth, what power is hidden in the earth that makes the gods worship and yearn so much?"

Ji Tianxing muttered to himself, frowning thinking.

Yun Yao thoughtfully said: "Sure enough, as expected, the ancient gods really lived underground, and there were strict classes, forming a complete kingdom."

Ji Ke thought about it for a moment, and suddenly a light flashed in his eyes, and asked expectantly: "With that bottomless pit as the center, hundreds of thousands of miles are the territory of the **** king.

In the ancient world of the Five Elements, there have been many **** kings and powerhouses.

Where are the territories of those **** kings?

It should be deep underground, right?

As long as we can find other bottomless pits, we can find the territory of other gods! "

Ji Tianxing restrained his thoughts, and nodded slightly: "Keko is right. The Five Elements world of the ancient times is far more than this **** king.

What we see is just the tip of the iceberg in ancient times.

The gods living in this area, let's call them the ancients.

In addition to the ancient gods, there are more secrets hidden in the depths of the Shenwu Continent, waiting for us to discover!

Now, let us first look at the secrets in the cave mansion of the ancient **** king. "

While talking, he took Yun Yao and Ji Ke to the corner of the hall.

There is a hidden door in the left corner of the main hall. Behind the door is a dark staircase connecting the second floor of the temple.

The three of them carefully stepped up the stairs and soon came to the second floor.

The layout of the second floor of the temple made the three people feel familiar.

In the middle is a wide hall with six rooms around.

The three moved separately and quickly explored the six dark chambers.

They thought that those secret rooms were used for retreat and cultivation, and a powerful divine formation must be arranged in them.

Or, there are stone tablets hidden in the secret room, leading to the temples of gods.

But in fact, the six secret rooms have neither a seal of the gods nor stone tablets.

That turned out to be the alchemy room, the refining room, the study room, and the secret room for practicing the formations, obviously for the exclusive use of the **** king.

It's a pity that the pill, amulet, and refining materials left in the secret room have long since been raided or decayed into ashes.

The three of Ji Tianxing were in vain and had to return to the hall.

Their hope can only fall on the high platform in the middle of the hall.

On the high platform with a height of one hundred meters and a radius of one hundred feet, a dense array of lines is depicted.

Ji Tianxing used his spiritual knowledge to scan ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and found that there were as many as 600 million patterns, which were very complicated and profound.

Moreover, these formation patterns are very strange, he has never seen them before, and they do not look like the handwriting of the ancient gods!

"Strange, how could such a weird divine formation be laid here?

Could it be that the ancient **** king learned it from other strong people? "

Ji Tianxing frowned and thought, staring at the formation lines under his feet, sinking into thought.


A flash of light flashed in his mind, and a similar familiarity emerged.

He recalled the mysterious formation in the tomb of the Sword God, which was covered by the fog of chaos, and his body was shocked.

"That's it! No wonder I feel familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere!"

Ji Tianxing snorted, clenched his fists excitedly, showing a look of expectation on his face.

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