Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2634: Panic spread

After half an hour.

The grassland and the earth, which are thousands of miles in radius, have become pitch-black scorched earth.

The city and dozens of villages and towns have become ruins.

Nearly three million Li people and warriors, regardless of strength, are all turned to ashes.

Such a scene is truly a thousand miles of red land and no bones.

Even if the Heaven-cutting army invaded, and the life of the kingdom of Taihao was disgraced, there has never been such a tragic scene.

Anyone who sees such a miserable sight will feel unbearable and give birth to compassion.

But the expression and eyes of the Great Emperor Fatian were always cold as ice without any emotion.

He didn't even look at it more, and left after performing the magic spell.

Next, he took the Emperor Fader to wander around the territory of Taihao Divine Kingdom, looking for cities and martial arts gathering places.

Regardless of the prosperous and wealthy cities, or the most popular martial arts powers and sects.

Whenever encountered by the Great Emperor Fatian, he would pat it with a palm or punch it.

The result is no doubt.

Those cities, martial arts sects, and forces were instantly destroyed into ruins without warning.

Within a radius of hundreds of miles, the world will become scorched earth ruins, and all living things will be wiped out.

With the passage of time, more and more cities and forces were destroyed by Emperor Fatian.

Related news also spread quickly within the territory of Taihao Kingdom, causing hundreds of millions of Li people to panic.


Early this morning.

Standing high in the Taihao Shrine outside the sky.

Wearing a golden robe and an emperor's golden crown, Tai Hao Yunqi was sitting in the study room, focusing on government affairs.

Since the fall of the Taihao Martial God and the defeat of the Heaven-defying army, he has inherited the position of God Lord under the instruction of Ji Tianxing.

He knew that he only had the strength of the Martial Saint Realm and had not yet reached the Martial God Realm.

Being high in the position of the Lord of God will inevitably provoke criticism from the people and it is difficult to convince the public.

Therefore, he has been acting on thin ice and fulfilling his duties all these years as the **** master of Taihao.

For the people and government affairs of the Kingdom of God Taihao, he can be considered laborious and painstaking.

Fortunately, Shenwu Continent has always been peaceful and peaceful under the protection of Ji Tianxing and his wife.

Taihao Divine Kingdom was also calm, and there had been no major disturbances.

Thanks to Taihao Yunqi's efforts, the kingdom of God quickly returned to calm.

Over the years, the situation in the kingdom of God has long been stable, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, recuperating.

Even the folk martial arts began to flourish, showing a state of prosperity.

Everything is developing in a good direction.

Tai Hao Yunqi was deeply gratified, and consciously did not live up to the expectations of God Father and Ji Tianxing.

He planned in his heart that the kingdom of God had stabilized, and after he had dealt with important government affairs, he would go to retreat and practice for several years.

He has been diligent in government affairs for these years, and he has been a little wasteful in his cultivation, and he is about to be caught up by other gods.

"I have to work harder, and strive to break through to the Martial God Realm as soon as possible, so that I can frighten the people of the Kingdom of God and truly take the position of God Lord!"

Tai Hao Yun Qi put away a memorial and muttered expectantly.

At this moment, an urgent report came from outside the study.

"Report! Urgent report!!"

Tai Hao Yunqi immediately frowned and looked at the door, and saw the Herald in armor, hurriedly stepping across the door and rushing into the study.

The messenger rushed to his desk, bowed to his knees and saluted, and quickly reported: "My lord, please, the big thing is not good!

In the Dagan Empire in the southern part of the Kingdom of God, more than 20 disasters have occurred consecutively, more than 20 cities have been destroyed, and more than 30 million people have died..."

"What?" Suddenly hearing the bad news, Tai Haoyun's expression changed drastically, and he stood up.

"What disaster can destroy more than 20 cities and cause 30 million people to die?

What happened? Say it! "

Tai Hao Yunqi was both frightened and angry, bursting out invisible coercion all over his body, which filled the study room.

The messenger prostrated on the ground and said with an earthy face: "Enlighten the Lord, according to the news reported by the Dagan Empire, the disaster began three days ago.

Spreading from the south of the Dagan Empire to the north, one city after another was destroyed by the terrifying fire. Not only the city was turned into ashes, but the people in the city were not spared.

In addition to more than 20 cities, there are also several martial arts sects and gangs, and the same tragedy has also occurred.

According to Dagan Shengdi’s inference, it was not a natural disaster, most of it was done by a mysterious powerhouse! "

After speaking, the messenger took out a memorial from his arms and presented it in front of Taihao Yunqi.

Tai Hao Yunqi's expression was very solemn, he quickly took over the memorial, and quickly flipped through it.

The memorial records the destroyed cities and martial arts, not only the death toll, but also the scene after the disaster.

After Tai Hao Yunqi finished reading, his brows frowned fiercely, and he silently thought about ten breaths of time.

"This is definitely not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster!

Someone deliberately created massacres and wanted to destroy the stability of the kingdom of God!

However, the ruins and traces left by the assailants are really amazing.

All cities were destroyed instantly, and almost no one could escape.

It can be seen that the assailant's strength is very powerful, and it must surpass the Martial Saint Realm...mostly by the Martial God power! "

Although encountered such a major emergency, Tai Hao Yunqi was able to remain calm.

He was able to infer so much information just from the records on the memorial.

The herald looked up at him and asked: "My Lord, how do you plan to respond?

How about... your subordinates now send the Guards Corps to investigate the empire and search for the perpetrators? "

Tai Hao Yunqi immediately shook his head in denial, and said in a low tone: "The assailant is powerful and has cruel methods.

Even if the Guards were sent to investigate, it would be difficult to make a difference.

This seat first sent a message to the God Lord of Heaven and reported the matter to him.

There are only a few warriors on the Shenwu Continent today, and the God Lord Tianxing should be clear. "

After all, Tai Hao Yunqi hurriedly took out the jade slip of the message and sent a message to Ji Tianxing.

While waiting for Ji Tianxing to return the news, he also issued an order for the Shenwei Army to lead a hundred elite and powerful men to investigate the specific situation in the Dagan Empire.

Want to hunt down the perpetrator~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The manpower is expensive but not too many.

An hour later, Tai Hao Yunqi did not receive a reply from Ji Tianxing.

Anxious in his heart, he took out two more communication jade slips and sent them to Yun Yao and Ji Ke respectively.

When he thought about it, Ji Tianxing was probably practicing in retreat and could not receive the information temporarily.

But the three of them will not retreat at the same time, there must be one person presiding over the affairs of the kingdom of God.

as predicted.

After a short period of time, Taihao Yunqi received the summons from Yun Yao.

"Seven Gods, we are in the jungle of Canglang, tracing the whereabouts of the mysterious strong man.

Since the tragedy happened in the Dagan Empire, it is very likely that the mysterious strong man did it.

According to our guess, the mysterious powerhouse is probably the great emperor of the Heavenly Swordsman..."

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