Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2641: Turnaround


With the roar of the emperor's teacher, five purple dragons opened their teeth and danced their claws, and blasted towards Ji Ke from the sky.

Before the dragon arrives, the invisible divine power that suppresses heaven and earth has locked Ji Ke.

She was struggling to move, and she was unable to teleport and avoid.

At a critical juncture, she could only wield the source stone sharp spear, and used her trump card.

"Nie Zhiyan!"

She gave a solemn cry, and the endless fire of Nirvana burst out of her body, instilling it into the source stone magic spear.

She clasped the source stone sharp spear in both hands and stab at the sky with all her strength.

Suddenly, the source stone magic spear blasted out five dazzling pillars of fire.


The Wudaoni Divine Flame slammed into the five purple dragons, bursting out loud noises that shook the clouds.

In an instant, the purple light dragon and the light pillar of fire fell apart and turned into shards of light, scattered in the sky.

The shock wave that ruined the heavens and the earth engulfed the flames of Nirvana that burned everything and swept across a radius of three thousand miles.

Suddenly, the mountains, rivers, land and jungles within three thousand miles were burned into black scorched earth and ashes, and reduced to ruins.

Ji Ke and Emperor Shi were also shocked.

Both of them looked painful, their seven orifices bleed, and they flew hundreds of miles away, smashing into the ruins.

"Boom! Boom!"

On the dark scorched earth ruins, there were two more huge deep pits, splashing earth and rocks.

The emperor teacher ended up in a dusty face.

He coughed violently and spit out a few mouthfuls of dirty blood before crawling out of the rubble.

"Damn maidservant! Her strength is far inferior to this seat, how could she lose both?

What kind of power was the divine flame she released that was so terrifying? "

The emperor was both shocked and angry.

At the same time, a deep sense of humiliation was born in my heart.

The emperor of the dignified slasher was wounded by an unknown human woman.

If this incident spreads out, how will it make him face?

"No! I have to kill that cheap maid today!

If this seat can't even be solved by her, how can I explain to the emperor? "

The emperor discarded his mind full of distracting thoughts and only kept this one thought.

He suppressed the injury, regained his strength, and rushed towards Ji Ke murderously.

At this time, Ji Ke had already left the ruins, turned into a golden light, and fled towards the east.

"call out!"

The reason why she ran away was not afraid of the strength of the emperor teacher.

In fact, if she fights desperately, she will be able to fight both sides with the emperor.

But she did not do so.

Because she was always concerned about Yun Yao's safety.

She knew that Yun Yao could not be the opponent of Emperor Fatian.

At this moment, Yun Yao was being chased by the Great Emperor Fatian and had already escaped tens of thousands of miles to the east.

She couldn't waste time with the emperor, she had to assist Yun Yao and jointly deal with the Great Emperor Fatian.


Ji Ke was full of worry, and flew across the sky with grief, and went straight to the east.

Two hundred miles away behind her, the emperor also recovered, and hurriedly roared and started chasing.

"Meaner, don't want to run away!

No matter where you chase, this seat is bound to take your life! "

However, Ji Ke turned a deaf ear to the words of the emperor, and did not even bother to pay attention.

With the help of the power of the source stone gun, she exploded to the extreme speed, like an aurora flying through the sky.

In a short while, the emperor was thrown thousands of miles away by her.

The emperor was ashamed and angry, and quickly sacrificed to the godship and chased after the godship.


at the same time.

In the vast mountains thirty thousand miles away.

Yun Yao turned into a ray of starlight, galloping in the sky.

She was already seriously injured, and the moon white dress she was wearing had long been ragged and stained with blood.

The bun on the top of the head has long been slanted, and the waist-long blue silk is also unbearable.

Her injury was serious, her pretty face was covered with blood mist, and the corners of her mouth were still bleeding.

Even her divine power is fading fast, and her strength continues to weaken.

The internal organs were painful like a knife cut, and the spirit was very exhausted.

But she pressed her lips tightly, supported her injury, and continued to accelerate to the east.

She had planned long ago to lead the Great Emperor Fatian to leave the Kingdom of Taihao and enter the Great Mountain.

The Hundred Thousand Mountains is a mountain area with a radius of several million miles, located at the junction of the three kingdoms of God.

It has always been off the beaten track and the environment is harsh.

Only by bringing the Great Emperor Fatian to there, innocent casualties can be avoided as much as possible.

However, this place is still a million miles away from one hundred thousand mountains.

Even if she kept teleporting on her way, it would take three days to arrive.

Thinking of this, she felt a sense of helplessness in her heart.

She was worried that, in her current state, it might be difficult to reach the 100,000 Great Mountains.

In the sky two hundred miles behind her, Emperor Fatian was chasing after her.

His posture is confident and calm, with his hands behind his back, one step is a hundred miles away, and his figure keeps flashing in the sky.

Moreover, he and Yun Yao fought thousands of moves, and there was no trace of wounds on his body.

Even his divine power did not consume much, still maintaining the peak state.

In his eyes, Yun Yao is already bound to die, absolutely no escape.

The reason why he didn't use his unique tricks to kill Yun Yao was because he wanted to drive Yun Yao to a desperate situation, to see if she would ask Ji Tianxing for help.


Soon, three days passed.

In these three days, Yun Yao was overtaken seven times.

The Great Emperor Fatian cast his magical attacks seven times and wounded Yun Yao all over his body.

She was covered with wounds, blood was flowing, and her white skirt was soaked.

She suffered such a severe injury, her divine power was greatly weakened, and her spirit was also severely injured.

She had only 40% strength left, and she had reached the end of the crossbow, unable to withstand the attack of the Great Emperor Fatian.

When Emperor Fatian overtook her seven times, she was almost killed by Emperor Fatian.

At the critical moment, Ji Ke chased up and helped her block the fatal blow.

As a result, Ji Ke, like her, was severely injured by the Great Emperor Fatian and was dying.

Fortunately, the two of them finally escaped from the Kingdom of Taihao and entered the 100,000 mountains.

There are endless mountains in all directions, and the sky and the earth are full of towering peaks.

Both Yun Yao and Ji Ke breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the Great Emperor Fatian suddenly accelerated and caught up.

"Your death date is here!

This mountain range is where your bones are buried! "

The Great Emperor Fatian gave an expressionless cold scream, raised his fists brazenly, punched out two large mountain fists, and blasted towards Yun Yao and Ji Ke.

"Huh! Huh!"

The boundless purple light fists ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ broke through the air in an instant and slammed in front of Yunyao and Ji Ke.

Both of them were covered in blood, weak in strength, and already unable to resist.

Seeing that they were about to be hit by purple light fists, and they were crushed on the spot.

At the critical moment, Yun Yao and Ji Ke did not panic, their expressions were still calm.

The two looked at each other and at the same time stretched out their hands to hold each other.

Yun Yao used her divine sense to transmit her voice and said helplessly: "Koke, our mission has been completed, we can only lead them here."

"Well, we are all seriously injured, we can only withdraw first, and then find a countermeasure." Ji Ke Chuanyin replied.

After all, she wanted to use a secret method to communicate with the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers in the God Ruins.

With a single thought, she can take Yun Yao back to the tower in an instant.

But at this moment, sudden change occurred in the hundred thousand mountains.

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