Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2643: 1 Anger

"The Great Emperor Fatian!"

In an instant, Ji Tianxing recognized it.

That strong man with purple hair and dragon horse shape is exactly the great emperor.

And those two outstanding and graceful human women are Ji Ke and Yun Yao!

"After a few years, the Great Emperor Fatian finally found the Five Elements World and sought my revenge!

No wonder the people of the Kingdom of God Taihao fell into panic and fled in large numbers.

It must have been the Great Emperor Fatian who caused the chaos and slaughtered him to create such a situation.

I was asleep in the core of the world, Yaoyao and Ke Ke had no choice but to fight against the Great Emperor Fatian.

Unfortunately, their strength is too weak, even if they join forces, they can't defeat the Great Emperor Fatian! "

These thoughts flashed through Ji Tianxing's mind, and he quickly guessed what happened.

At this moment, he'sees' that the Great Emperor Fatian made a move, punching out two mountain-big purple fists.

The fist light that ruined the world locked the breath of Yun Yao and Ji Ke, and sealed the world of thousands of miles.

Yun Yao and Ji Ke were seriously injured and could not avoid them.

Seeing, the two were about to be hit by purple light fists, and they were about to be hit hard if they were not dead.

At this critical moment, Ji Tianxing was full of anger, subconsciously manipulated the world, and launched a counterattack.


Two dark green mountain peaks that were thousands of feet high suddenly rose from the ground and flew into the sky to block Yun Yao and Ji Ke.

"Boom! Boom!"

In the next instant, two purple light fists hit the Qianzhang mountain peak severely, bursting with a deafening noise.

Accompanied by the earth-shaking sound and waves, the two mountain peaks also turned into dust and rubble, scattered in the sky.

Hundreds of miles were covered by dust and sand, and the world was in chaos.

The purple light of Emperor Fatian was blocked in this way.

He was stunned on the spot, frowned suspiciously, searching around for something.

With his strength and vision, he could naturally tell that it was not Yun Yao and Ji Ke's counterattack.

Someone was definitely hiding in the dark to help Yun Yao and Ji Ke block their fists.

Yun Yao and Ji Ke also understood this, and both were taken aback, revealing their faces full of doubts.

They didn't want to understand, who was helping in secret?

The first answer that popped up in their minds was Ji Tianxing.

But they all knew that Ji Tianxing had gone to the depths of the earth a long time ago, and hadn't appeared for several years.

Moreover, the two searched all around with their spiritual sense, and they didn't sense the breath of Ji Tianxing.

"Within a radius of 30,000 miles, there is no trace of the sky, it shouldn't be him who rescued us..."

"Apart from Brother Tianxing, who else will help us?

Who is so powerful, can resist the attack of Emperor Fatian? "

Both Yun Yao and Ji Ke frowned, thinking to themselves.

At this time, the Great Emperor Fatian also guessed the answer, mostly Ji Tianxing was playing a ghost.

But when he searched around, he didn't find Ji Tianxing's breath, and he was a little uncertain.

So, he waved his palms again, splitting two open-sky purple blades, and killed Yun Yao and Ji Ke.

"Ji Tianxing! You despicable little beast, dare you show up for a fight?"

The Great Emperor Fatian roared contemptuously, and the billowing sound echoed between the heaven and the earth.

The two ten-li long open sky purple blades also locked the breath of Yun Yao and Ji Ke, and smashed them immediately.

At the critical juncture, Ji Ke held Yun Yao's hand tightly, ready to retreat into the tower at any time.

But both of them are hopeful, wanting to see if the person secretly helping each other will make another move.

As a result, they naturally did not disappoint them.

In the depths of the earth there was a loud bang again.

In the next instant, the endless dark red lava condensed into two fire pillars as high as ten thousand feet, rising from the ground to the sky.

"Boom! Boom!"

The two dark red pillars of fire stopped the Open Sky Purple Blade, and there were two loud noises that shook the sky and the earth.

The open sky purple blade collapsed on the spot, turning into billions of purple light fragments, scattered in the sky.

The dark red pillar of fire was also shattered and turned into a billowing fire wave, covering the sky.

At the same time, two pillars of magma fire appeared in the ground at the feet of the Great Emperor Fatian, blasting at him fiercely.

The Great Emperor Fatian's expression changed, a sneer of disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he lifted his foot and stepped hard.

"Little beast, do you only have this means? What a disappointment!"

While talking, his two front hooves stepped out of two mountain-large horseshoe phantoms, and hit the magma fire column severely.


Amid the loud noise, the magma fire column was crushed and turned into an overwhelming stream of fire, scattered on the earth for thousands of miles.

Suddenly, dozens of mountain peaks and countless jungles were ignited, and a red flame rose into the sky, billowing thick smoke.

Between heaven and earth, there was a cold shout full of anger.

"Great Emperor Fatian, you incompetent old dog, even if you sneak into the world of the Five Elements, what can you do?"

The low and majestic sound reverberates endlessly between heaven and earth.

Upon hearing these words, the expressions of Emperor Fatian, Yun Yao and Ji Ke all changed.

Yun Yao and Ji Ke widened their eyes, showing incredible expressions, but their pretty faces were full of surprises.

The two were both surprised and happy, and couldn't believe that the person who shot secretly was really Ji Tianxing!

The Great Emperor Fatian was pale, his angry eyes were cold, and his murderous intent skyrocketed.

"Ji Tianxing! It really is you little beast pretending to be a ghost!

Do you think that hiding in the dark and using these little bugs can resist the emperor's attacking pace?

too naive!

The emperor advises you to get out and die as soon as possible!

Otherwise, the emperor wants you to see how those two women were tortured and killed by the emperor! "

The Great Emperor Fatian roared angrily, condensed the imprints of his palms, and used the magic spell of destroying the sky and the earth, attacking Yun Yao and Ji Ke.


With the roar of the Great Emperor Fatian, his palms shot endless purple light, which condensed into tens of millions of swords, spears, and swords, and scattered in all directions.


Thousands of purple lights flickered, and the shadows of the swords, lights, swords, and swords suddenly began to condense into a three-thousand-mile circle, sealing the world.

The Great Emperor Fatian made up his mind to imprison Yunyao and Ji Ke with the Fatian Divine Array~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so that they have nowhere to escape.

He tortured Yun Yao and Ji Ke in the big formation, Ji Tianxing could only watch in the dark, but could not intervene.

Even if Ji Tianxing made an attack, it would be difficult to break the Heaven Slashing Divine Formation and could not threaten him at all.

This approach is the best of both worlds.

At the critical juncture, Yun Yao and Ji Ke's mind immediately rang Ji Tianxing's voice.

"Yaoyao, Keke, your injuries are too serious to stay, and go back to the tower to heal.

The Great Emperor Fatian handed it over to me, I will solve him! "

Yunyao and Ji Ke were taken aback, and asked in unison: "We ran away, then what do you do?"

Ji Tianxing's voice replied in their minds: "Don't worry about me, in the world of the five elements, I am an invincible existence!

Unless the Great Emperor Fatian can destroy the entire world, he can't hurt me a single hair! "

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