Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2645: Run away

Although, the battleship of the emperor division is not the god-class.

But it is also a real God-class high-grade warship, very powerful regardless of speed and defense.

Even if the Great Emperor Fatian made a move, he could not easily tear this warship apart.

But now, Ji Tianxing has done it!

He didn't show up at all, just manipulating the earth to split an abyss with a radius of thousands of miles, making it difficult for the emperor's warship to escape.

The terrifying devouring force not only sucked the warship into the abyss.

As the warship struggled and struggled, the hull became distorted and shattered.

After the two sides stood in a stalemate for twenty breaths, the entire battleship fell apart.

"Kacha Kacha..."

In the crisp sound of shattering, the battleship was torn into hundreds of pieces and plunged into the abyss one after another.

The shocked Emperor Fatian and the emperor quickly got out of the wreckage of the battleship and fleeing beyond the abyss.

The Great Emperor Fatian exploded with all his strength, ignited a purple flame all over his body, and desperately fled to the distance.

The emperor is the same, but his strength is not strong enough, he has been standing still.

Swallowing is still expanding, like the big mouth of a giant swallowing beast, gradually approaching the emperor master.

The emperor was horrified and anxious, roaring hoarse, struggling with his arms and legs.

But that powerful swallowing power is like an invisible big hand holding him, dragging him into the abyss.

Seeing, the emperor was about to fall into the abyss.

Waiting for him will be the turbulent magma fire.

At the moment of this moment, the Great Emperor Fatian rushed over, grabbed the emperor's arm, and dragged him out.


With a flash of purple light, the figures of Emperor Fatian and the emperor disappeared.

In the next instant, the two teleported thousands of miles away out of thin air and appeared over the distant mountains.

The emperor showed the color of rejoicing for the rest of his life, a smile on his pale face.

The Great Emperor Fatian also breathed a sigh of relief, his chest rising and falling sharply, breathing continuously.

"Damn bastard, how did he do it?

Could it be... the power of the **** law of the earth again? "

The Great Emperor Fatian was breathing while cursing.

He had seen Ji Tianxing's power of the laws of the earth when he was on the barren star near Zixiao Star.

Now, Ji Tianxing hides in the dark without showing up, causing him to quarrel with the emperor.

He can basically be sure that Ji Tianxing relies on the power of the law of the earth to achieve this effect.

But what makes him most angry is... even if he knows this, he can't fight back!

"Emperor Master, don't be stunned, let's leave this place first, and then make long-term discussions!"

The Great Emperor Fatian didn't dare to delay time, and hurriedly led the emperor to flee further away.

He has a judgment in his heart, and Ji Tianxing today is very different from the past!

Not only the methods and tricks are more unpredictable, but the strength has also increased a lot.

The Great Emperor Fatian even had an ominous premonition that he always felt that coming to the Five Elements World this time might not go smoothly.

"call out!"

With a flash of purple light, the Great Emperor Fatian and the emperor moved eight hundred miles, crossed a dozen mountains, and flew toward the south.

The two want to leave the Shiwan Mountain area and get rid of Ji Tianxing as soon as possible.

However, as soon as the two of them teleported to the sky above a mountain, that mountain shattered out of thin air and turned into endless dust.

The metal ore in the mountain peaks and the earth was instantly drawn out, condensed into twelve pale golden spears, and killed the Emperor Fatian and the emperor.


The spear pierced the sky, carrying the power to penetrate everything, and surrounded the Great Emperor Fatian and the emperor.

The two of them looked solemn, and had to sacrifice their magical swords and cast spells to resist.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

The two slashed out the overwhelming shadows of swords and swords, slashed at the twelve golden spears, and burst a series of muffled sounds.

The golden spears and swords and swords were all shattered and scattered in the sky.

After resolving Ji Tianxing's attack, the Great Emperor Fatian and the emperor did not linger, and continued to run away.

They couldn't find where Ji Tianxing was, and of course they couldn't fight back.

Apart from resisting the attack, they can only run away and can do nothing.

However, the two of them had just escaped three hundred miles away, and there were overwhelming spurs of rocks in the earth, mountains and jungle.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

The Great Emperor Fatian and the emperor wielded their swords and smashed 80% of the rock stabs, but they were still hit dozens of times.

The divine shields of both of them were shattered, and their faces became increasingly ugly.

Next, the two continued to flee in the sky.

The pursuit and interception from Ji Tianxing have never stopped.

Almost every other breath, the mountains, the earth and the jungle will launch an attack.

Either intercepted, or besieged the Emperor Fatian and the emperor.

There are magma fire pillars, dark gold light pillars, rock spurs, and the light and shadow formed by various heaven and earth divine powers.

Although all kinds of attacks are not too powerful, it is difficult to severely damage Emperor Fatian and the emperor.

But they didn't dare to resist, otherwise they would still be injured and their divine power would be consumed violently.

They can only concentrate on guarding and cast spells carefully to resist and resolve.

But those attacks continued, no matter where the Great Emperor Fatian and the emperor flee, they could not be avoided.

Fortunately at the beginning, the two of them can always save themselves.

But after a long time, the two became more tired and irritable, their injuries continued to worsen, and their divine power was also intensified.

Two hours later, the Great Emperor Fatian and the emperor finally escaped from the Shiwan Mountain.

Along the way, hundreds of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers have turned into scorched earth and ruins, leaving countless ravines and abysses.

The Great Emperor Fatian and the emperor were exhausted by the torture, and desperately wanted to vomit blood.

After escaping from one hundred thousand mountains, the two of them flew over the grassland, and both breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh... finally left that ghost place!"

The emperor let out a sigh of relief, which meant that he was left behind.

The Great Emperor Fatian had cold eyes, clenched his fists, and gritted his teeth and cursed: "We have been attacked by Ji Tianxing, but there is no way to fight back.

Even, we don't even know where he is hiding.

What is this?

The **** little beast, it is extremely despicable!

The emperor couldn't swallow this breath, he must be pulled out as soon as possible~www.wuxiaspot.com~ torture him! "

Both of them thought that they would be out of danger if they left the 100,000 mountains and came to the sky over this grassland.

However, the words of Emperor Fatian just fell.

On the endless green grassland, several wide gullies suddenly cracked.

Hundreds of dark red magma fire pillars, carrying terrifying flames, slammed at Emperor Fatian and the emperor.

The power of the dark red **** flame is comparable to the full attack of the true **** eight-fold powerhouse, enough to kill the emperor.

Even the Great Emperor Fatian could pose a sufficient threat.

Such a scene caused the two of them to change their faces on the spot, both shocked and angry, showing incredible eyes.

"This little beast... we have all escaped here. He can attack?"

"Emperor, run away!"

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