Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2648: 400 years


The Great Emperor Fatian passed through the Tiangang wind and fire layer and slammed into the golden barrier.

Holding the divine sword in both hands, he exploded his life's strength and broke a gap in the golden barrier.

After passing through the gap, he fled the Five Elements World and flew into the vast void.

Although, his injuries were severe, his supernatural power was almost exhausted, and he had reached the end of his force.

But the divine sword in his hand bloomed with purple light, wrapping him in the void, fleeing into the distance like an aurora.

"call out!"

After a short while, the Divine Sword took the Great Emperor Fatian into the void and disappeared into the darkness.

Not long ago, he brought the emperor teacher and more than two thousand guards to kill aggressively.

But now, he became a lonely family, severely injured and fleeing with humiliation.

With such a monstrous hatred and **** hatred, he can only suppress it in the bottom of his heart and try to retaliate later!


The core area of ​​the Five Elements World.

In the golden ball of light, above the golden mountain in the middle.

Ji Tianxing slowly opened his eyes, showing regret, and sighed.

"Oh...a pity, let him escape!

If you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to kill him again! "

The Great Emperor Fatian is immortal, and the Fatian clan is immortal for a day, and the potential threat always exists.

He couldn't feel relieved either.

After all, the Great Emperor Fatian had personally seen the magic of the world of the five elements and the powerful effects of the source stone.

Even the **** behind the Great Emperor Fatian was very interested in the source stone.

In any case, it is impossible for the Fatian clan to let go of the Five Elements World.

This is why Ji Tianxing is worried and anxious.

Fortunately, he has merged half of the world of the five elements and controlled five continents.

Even if a few years later, the Great Emperor Fatian led the Fatian army to come back, he was fearless.

"After this battle, the Great Emperor Fatian was severely injured, and it is impossible to recover to his peak without more than ten years.

When he was not sure, he did not dare to enter the Five Elements World again.

We have won at least ten years, and we must take advantage of this time to further enhance our strength. "

Ji Tianxing muttered to himself, clenching his fists secretly.

After all, he turned his head and looked to his side, only to see two black jade slips floating in the air.

He picked up two jade slips, divine sense invaded them, and read the information inside.

After reading it, I realized that it was a message sent by Taihao Yunqi and Yun Yao to inform him of the invasion of the Fatian tribe and the arrival of the great Fatian.

Ji Tianxing took the jade slip of Taihao Yunqi and returned a message.

"The Great Emperor Fatian was severely injured by me and has escaped from the Five Elements World.

The army and battleship he brought with him have also been destroyed by me, so don't worry.

You first appease the people of the Kingdom of God, then recharge your energy and strive to break through the Martial God Realm as soon as possible. "

After speaking, Ji Tianxing waved his hand to hit the source stone jade slip.

"call out!"

The jade is simplified as a black light, passing through the golden ball of light, and disappearing into the endless magma.

Then, Ji Tianxing returned a message to Yun Yao.

"Yaoyao, I am in the core area of ​​the Five Elements World. It may take many years to refine the core of the world.

The Great Emperor Fatian had been seriously injured and escaped, and he dared not attack again for at least ten years.

The emperor Fatian, more than two thousand powerful men, and the divine warship were all destroyed by me.

Don't worry, you can manage the government affairs of the two divine kingdoms and practice in retreat in the divine tower with peace of mind.

After I finish my work, I will meet with you and discuss it in detail. "

Ji Tianxing waved his big hand and beat Yuan Shiyu Jane out.

"call out!"

Yu Jian flew out of the golden ball of light, got into the turbulent magma, and disappeared.

Ji Tianxing no longer delays time, begins to use his power to cast spells, invades into the Golden Mountain with his mind, and continues to refine the world context.

He wants to refine the other half of the world and completely control the five elements world.

At that time, the passive situation of the Five Elements World can be reversed, from passive to active.

After all, he has complete control of the Five Elements World, and he will be able to leave the Zixiao Star Territory with the Five Elements World.


After a while.

Inside the nine-day tower, twisting time and space.

Yun Yao sat on a beautiful jade bed, closing her eyes and healing her injuries.


Light and shadow flashed, Yuan Shi Yujian flew over and stopped in front of her.

She had been waiting for Ji Tianxing's news, and sensing the arrival of the jade slip, she immediately ended her movement.

She reached out to take the source stone jade slip, and after reading the information in it, she was relieved.

"Great! Tian Xing really found a chance in the depths of the earth to refine the world of the five elements!

It's no wonder that he is not in Shiwan Dashan, but he can control the divine power of heaven and earth and fight with Emperor Fatian... It's incredible!

I have to tell Ke Ke this good news quickly so as not to worry about her. "

After all, Yun Yao took the source stone jade slip to find Ji Ke.

The situation is as she expected.

Ji Ke is working to heal her injuries, but she is restless and worried.

It wasn't until Yun Yao gave her the jade slip and learned the result that she was finally relieved.

The two talked a few words before Yun Yao left and went back to the jade bed to continue his recovery.

Ji Ke also complied with Ji Tianxing's arrangement, retreating first to heal his injuries, and then working hard to improve his strength.

Soon, the twisted time and space calmed down.

Yunyao, Ji Ke, Bailong, Qianyue, Heilong, Lan Kun, Chenchen, and Yaya all devoted themselves to cultivation.


Time flies, time flies.

Unconsciously, four hundred years have passed since the warped time and space.

After four hundred years of retreat, the white dragon, blue kun, Qianyue and black dragon broke through to the realm of true gods.

Among them, Bailong has the strongest strength, reaching the second level of True God Realm.

Qianyue and Black Dragon are both the first layer of the true gods.

The youngest Chenchen and Yaya have also grown up.

Sure enough, the two brothers and sisters are talented and outstanding, and they have reached the eighth level of the Martial God Realm!

According to the speed of their strength development, within a hundred years, it will be possible to break through to the true gods.

By then, they will become the youngest true gods.

However, the appearance of the two has not changed much.

Chenchen has grown to a height of five feet, and looks like a handsome boy of twelve or three years old. He looks very similar to Ji Tianxing, with noble and arrogant temperament.

Yaya is only two inches shorter than Chenchen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looks like a twelve-year-old innocent girl.

She not only inherited Yun Yao's beauty, but even surpassed it.

Although it looks like only about twelve years old, the allure has been born, beautiful as a fairy.

She has a noble temperament, a cheerful personality, innocent and kind, and a pair of smart and clear eyes, as if she can purify all evil in the world.

Anyone who sees her will lament the beauty of good fortune and the preference of God.

There is such a pure and holy, beautiful and lovely girl in the world.

Probably only the Son of God is worthy of such beauty and temperament.

As for Yun Yao and Ji Ke, they only practiced in retreat for more than 360 years.

After all, they left the sacred tower a few times in the middle to deal with the affairs of the two great kingdoms of heaven and Luoshui.

But even so, their strength continued to increase, reaching the sixth level of the True God Realm one after another!

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