Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2650: The origin of Bailong

After some greetings, everyone understood each other's situation.

Ji Tianxing refining the core of the world and controlling the five elements world also shocked and excited everyone.

After a quarter of an hour, when everyone's emotions calmed down, Ji Tianxing started talking about business.

"Today we are calling you here to announce one thing. I hope you will discuss it.

The Great Emperor Fatian had escaped for eight years, and he was about to recover from his injuries and return to his peak after counting time.

We all know that the Great Emperor Fatian will never let go of the Five Elements World.

He will definitely try to retaliate and **** the source stone.

However, I have taken control of the Five Elements World, and can use some special methods to take the Five Elements World away from this star field.

To put it simply, the Five Elements World is able to move in the void, so there is no fear of the Heavenly Swordsmen's revenge.

Moreover, our strength has been greatly enhanced, and there are already seven true **** powerhouses.

The time is ripe, we have the qualifications and strength to avenge the Heavenly Tribe, and even destroy the Heavenly Tribe!

Therefore, I decided to take the initiative and will not wait to die! "

When Ji Tianxing revealed his plan, everyone's eyes widened, showing complex expressions.

Neither Yun Yao nor Ji Ke had any objections, and they nodded without hesitation to agree with his decision.

"Tianxing, I think your plan is feasible!

For so many years, we have been passive, and we must always guard against the attack of the Celestial Clan.

Now that we can finally grasp the initiative, we have a great chance of winning! "

"Big Brother Tianxing, the Celestial Clan swept across the major star regions, and I don't know how many worlds they destroyed and how many creatures they slaughtered.

If we can eradicate the Heavenly Clan, we will not only protect the world of the five elements, but also act for the heavens, with immense merit! "

Qianyue and Heilong were both very excited, showing deep anticipation eyes.

"Hehe...We were always bullied by the Fatian Clan before, and the Shenwu Continent was so miserable.

Now, we are finally able to raise our eyebrows and fight back confidently!

I have to kill ten million... no, at least one hundred million Celestial Clan to dispel my hatred! "

"Old Ji, as long as you make a decision, we firmly support you.

We have been in retreat for so many years, isn't it just to fight back and eliminate the Sky Clan? "

Chenchen and Yaya thought for a while, and they also spoke.

"Father, since you made this decision, it must be well thought out.

Haier believes in your judgment and is willing to follow you on the expedition, eradicate the Clan of Heaven, and eliminate harm for the people! "

Chen Chen bowed his hand to Ji Tianxing, and said solemnly with a solemn expression.

He is not only handsome and cold in appearance, but also noble and elegant in his words and deeds. He is definitely one of the best in the world.

Yaya blinked Shui Lingling’s big eyes, waved the exquisite and gorgeous Origin Stone Excalibur, and said, “Although children don’t like war and killing, they can kill the heavens and slaughter millions of creatures. It is the great evil in the world.

The father wants to support justice and walk the way for the sky, and the child is willing to follow along. "

Everyone expressed their opinions, but Bai Long and Lan Kun remained silent.

Lan Kun is reticent by nature, and generally doesn't comment on such things.

But Bailong has always been out of control and very active.

He frowned and thought, silently, and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Ji Tianxing looked at him sideways and asked, "Bailong, why don't you speak, do you have any concerns?"

Bailong nodded solemnly, and replied: "Return to Master, it is true.

The Fatian tribe conquered ten thousand realms and set off massive killings. It is indeed a crime that deserves ten thousand deaths and must be eradicated.

But the disciple is somewhat worried that you have merged with the world of the five elements, how can you take this world away?

First, the world of the five elements is sealed by the gods, and it may be inconvenient to move.

Second, this star is so huge that with your current realm of strength, it is impossible to integrate it into the divine body and move at will.

Third, when stars fly in the void, they consume terrifying energy. How do you get energy from it? "

The words of Bai Long made everyone stunned for a moment, and all fell silent.

Ji Tianxing also nodded slightly, and said in a calm tone: "Yes, you are on the point. These issues have been considered by the teacher.

Although the Five Elements World was sealed by the gods, the golden barrier was very special.

Its main function is not to seal the five-element world and restrict its actions and development, but to protect the world!

It can not only protect the Five Elements World from foreign enemies, but also avoid damage and shrinkage of the Five Elements World.

As for the second point you said, it is true.

The Five Elements World is so huge that the teacher has not yet reached the realm of the gods, it is impossible to integrate it into oneself and carry it with him.

However, the teacher will manipulate the power of the world to make the world of the five elements move and fly in the void.

To put it simply, the division regards the entire star as a battleship and a flying artifact, and drives it through the void. "

Ji Tianxing answered in an orderly manner, and Bai Long nodded after hearing it.

However, he was still a little worried, and continued: "Master's meaning, the disciple has already understood.

But it is still the problem, which makes the disciples worry about it.

It is a feasible way for you to release the power of the five elements world and make it fly in the void.

But the world of the Five Elements has long been broken and deserted, and its power is limited.

If you can't get the power to supplement, I am afraid that the power will be exhausted and the world will be even more barren before flying out of the purple sky star field.

The Lair of the Celestial Clan is in another star field far away.

You have to find a way to replenish the power of the Five Elements World, otherwise it will be difficult for us to cross a few star fields and fly to the Lair of the Sky Clan. "

Speaking of this, Bai Long paused and added: "I will tell you a real example. In the universe of another dimension, there is a star named Earth Star, which is my hometown.

A terrifying solar storm broke out in the star field where the earth star was located, destroying countless stars.

The earth star is in danger, so the whole world is doing its best to gather all the nuclear energy and build hundreds of energy stations on the earth star.

After all these energy stations are turned on, they can burst out with extremely powerful thrust, allowing the earth and stars to break free from their gravitational orbit and fly to the depths of the universe to avoid solar storms.

Ten years later ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the earth star finally flew out of the star field, avoiding the solar storm.

But the earth star's energy was exhausted and could not be replenished, so it lost its power and floated in the void.

The invisible gravity dragged the earth star, accelerating continuously in the void, and finally hit another star like a meteor.

The earth star was destroyed, and all tens of billions of creatures died.

I was the only survivor, and came to this world through the black hole formed by the collision of stars.

Later, I met Master..."

When Bai Long finished speaking, everyone was silent and looked at Ji Tianxing.

Everyone realized that Bai Long had such a thrilling and bizarre experience.

At the same time, everyone understands that if this problem is not resolved, it will be very troublesome.

Ji Tianxing's plan will also be affected and difficult to implement.

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