Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2652: Star Eater

Unconsciously, a year passed.

The Five Elements World has flown five billion li in the void.

Compared to the size of the Five Elements World, this has only moved five positions.

After all, it is impossible to find the second star in the universe and the three thousand worlds, which is as huge as the Five Elements World.

In most mortal worlds, stars are no more than 300 million li in diameter.

The Five Elements World is several times bigger than those stars!

In the process of flying on the way, Ji Tianxing had nothing to do and began to clean up the impurities on the golden barrier.

The golden barrier that enveloped the Five Elements World was knocked out of gaps and cracks by many star nuclei and wreckage.

When the Fatians invaded, they entered the Five Elements World through those spatial cracks and gaps.

Ji Tianxing controlled the power of the world to clean up all the meteorites, stars and the wreckage of the godship.

Then, he used the power of the world to repair the gaps and cracks in the golden barrier.

Since then, the Golden Barrier is intact and there are no loopholes.

Even if there is an invasion by a foreign enemy, a breakthrough cannot be found.

The security of the Five Elements World has been further improved and reinforced.

In addition, Ji Tianxing was still on the way and found four stars.

Those four stars can be regarded as the closest stars to the Five Elements World, and they are all barren, lifeless, waste stars.

Moreover, the four stars are very small in size, only a few million miles in diameter.

Compared with the Five Elements World, it is the gap between watermelon and sesame.

When the world of the five elements was shining with golden light, the tail flame flew by the vicinity of a few stars.

The terrifying air current scrolled the four stars, tumbling far in the void before stopping.

Ji Tianxing didn't like the four small dead stars, and he didn't even have the idea of ​​using the Star Refining Technique.

However, as time passed, he felt more and more clearly that the power of the Five Elements World began to decline.

The flight in the previous year caused the Five Elements World to consume a lot of world power.

He must find the right star, swallow it as soon as possible, and replenish the power of the Five Elements World.

Otherwise, after two or three years, the world of the five elements will decline and fall.

While controlling the stars on the road, Ji Tianxing also observed the surrounding void, looking for suitable targets.

Another year passed in a flash.

The Five Elements World flew another 5 billion li, truly far away from the previous void.

In the process, the Five Elements World passed by three larger stars.

Those three stars are all mortal worlds, in which there are hundreds of millions of living beings, as well as the powerhouses of the Martial God Realm.

In order not to disturb the three worlds, he manipulated the Five Elements World to slightly change direction, keeping a distance from the three worlds.

In this way, even if the three world's Valkyrie powerhouses saw it, they would only think that there was a meteor passing by.

"For two full years, the power of the Five Elements World has been declining, and changes have occurred on all continents.

The endless sky and sea are surging and rolling, the aura of each continent has become thinner, countless forests and grasslands are also disappearing, and the birds and beasts are also disappearing in large numbers...

If I still cannot find a suitable star, the world of the five elements will accelerate its decline and degradation. "

Ji Tianxing thought about it silently, feeling increasingly anxious.

at last.

Someday three months later.

He suddenly saw a dark silver star appeared in the void in the front left.

Although it was far away, he could also estimate that the diameter of the star reached tens of millions of miles.

The stars are a little dim and lifeless.

Moreover, there is no divine light shield formed by the law of heaven.

It is obviously a star without life.

"It's not big or small, there is no life, but it contains powerful star power... it's it!"

Ji Tianxing made up his mind and quickly changed the flight direction of the Five Elements World and flew towards the star.

Four months later, the Five Elements World gradually approached the barren stars.

When he was 50 million miles away from the barren stars, Ji Tianxing recovered the power of the world.

The world of the Five Elements no longer emits golden flames, and the flight speed begins to slow down.

Although it has lost the impulse of the power of the world, it still maintains a strong inertia, approaching the barren star.

Under the precise control of Ji Tianxing, the Five Elements World flew near the barren stars and gradually stopped.

The two stars did not collide, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The distance between the two was reduced to tens of thousands of miles under the subtle control of Ji Tianxing.

Compared to the world of five elements with a diameter of one billion miles, this distance is very small.

From a distance, the two stars seem to be close together.

After the Five Elements World stopped, Ji Tianxing flew out.


He easily passed through the golden barrier, flew through tens of thousands of miles of void, and landed on the barren stars.

Before swallowing the barren stars, he must explore it himself to make sure that the barren stars can replenish the power of the Five Elements World.

Ji Tianxing landed on the surface of the barren stars, standing on a vast dark silver ground.

This dark silver land was directly exposed to the void, cold and hard.

Looking around, there are undulating peaks and layers of silver rocks.

Ji Tianxing released his divine consciousness, invaded the dark silver earth, spread out in all directions, covering a radius of 90,000 miles.

Soon, he found the result.

This dark silver land contains extremely rich metal deposits, as well as powerful star power.

He also used the laws of the earth to observe the earth in a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles.

The result is still the same.

Ji Tianxing breathed a sigh of relief and smiled satisfied.

"Very good! This star is a very suitable tonic for the Five Elements World!"

After all, he will use the Star Refining Technique to control the Five Elements World and devour this barren star.

But at this moment, a dazzling purple-red brilliance came as fast as a stream of light from the void 100,000 miles away.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing paused casting spells and frowned.

The familiar purple-red light made him vaguely guess something.

After a while, when the purple-red light quickly approached, he gradually saw what was in the light.

It turned out to be more than 30 huge warships like a mountain!

Each battleship is thousands of feet long, quirky and hideous~www.wuxiaspot.com~ blooming with red or purple light.

Ji Tianxing raised his brows immediately, a playful sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"A battleship of the Celestial Clan?

Ha ha... The claws of the Great Emperor Fatian were long enough to reach here.

It seems that after occupying Zixiao Star, he has occupied more than half of the Zixiao Star Region in the past ten years! "

Based on this alone, Ji Tianxing can predict that the situation in the Zixiao Star Region must be very bad now.

Since he encountered the Fatian tribe's fleet here, he certainly wouldn't let it go.

Moreover, he was also confused and curious.

Why didn't the Fatian tribe's fleet invade the worlds, why did it come to this barren star?

(End of this chapter)

. Wonderful book house

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