Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2656: The demon?

Ji Tianxing led the crowd and directly rushed into the Sacred Palace.

There are more than 800 black armored warriors and twelve golden armored captains guarding the guards of Fatian Temple.

The strongest person is the deputy general of the fleet, reaching the eighth level of the Martial God Realm.

These people alone can't resist the attack of everyone.

After the two sides fought for a quarter of an hour, more than 500 black armored soldiers were killed and seven gold armored captains died.

The strongest deputy general was also severely injured by Ji Tianxing's punch.

Subsequently, Ji Tianxing stopped attacking.

With great magical powers, he used a sealed magical formation, covering the entire shrine.

In this way, no one can escape from the Heavenly Palace.

Without his permission, even the Jade Jane could not fly out.

After doing this, he stood on the top of the shrine, watching the battle calmly.

In the divine palace, the white dragon, the thousand moon, the black dragon, Ji Wuhen and Ji Wushuang are all fighting bravely, and the battle is in full swing.

Of course, Bai Long kept his eyes on it.

He didn't try his best, so as not to kill all the Heavenly Slayers soon.

While pretending to attack, he secretly followed Ji Wuhen and Ji Wushuang.

The brothers and sisters fought with the Fatian clan for the first time, and they seemed particularly serious and cautious.

The two of them held the Origin Stone Excalibur, continuously displayed their unique swordsmanship, and used various magic skills to fight against the Sky Clan.

The experience of the swords and shadows and the blood and blood has allowed them to grow quickly and accumulate combat experience.

The two of them tested their own practice results through actual combat, constantly revised and improved their swordsmanship and magic techniques, and made rapid progress.

Two quarters later, the black soldier was killed.

There were only five golden armored captains and deputy generals left in the field, all of which were seriously injured.

At this moment, Ji Wuhen and Ji Wushuang asked, let them solve the six heavenly attackers.

As a result, the White Dragon, Qianyue, Black Dragon, and Liuli Fire Dragon all withdrew from the battle and watched the battle on the periphery, plundering the battle for the brothers and sisters.

A fierce and exciting battle began immediately.

Ji Wuhen and Ji Wushuang joined forces to deal with the six martial gods, but they were not afraid.

The two of them cooperated tacitly, advance and retreat in an orderly manner, all kinds of swordsmanship and supernatural powers were readily available, and they used them very well.

As a result, the two of them have the upper hand, and they have been suppressing the six martial gods of the sky, and their opponents have been defeated.

After just a quarter of an hour, the five Golden Captains were killed by them.

Only one deputy general was left, and he was seriously injured and dying.

Finally, Ji Wuhen flew the deputy general with a sword, cutting off half of his body.

As soon as his figure flashed, he was about to catch up and kill the deputy general with his sword.

At this moment, Ji Tianxing, who had been watching the battle on the top of the palace, suddenly spoke.

"Chenchen, stop!"

Ji Wuhen has appeared in front of the deputy general, and the divine sword in his hand has been smashed above his head.

But in the midst of the fire of calcium carbide, he did not hesitate to stop and withdrew the divine sword freely.

Ji Wuhen turned and looked at the top of the divine palace, bowed to Ji Tianxing, and said, "Please show me your father."

Ji Tianxing nodded, strode across the sky and landed on the square.

He came to Ji Wuhen's side, looked down at the critically injured deputy general, and said, "To save his life for the time being, there are other plans for his father."

Ji Wuhen was so clever, he immediately guessed his intentions and bowed out.

The battle is over.

Ji Tianxing looked at the blood-stained deputy general and shouted: "In your name, send out the jade slip of the message, summon all the captains and soldiers back..."

Suddenly hearing these words, the deputy general suddenly stiffened, and his eyes filled with anger and hatred.

"You...you are so vicious!

I would rather die than you, you never want to succeed! "

Ji Tianxing was too lazy to talk nonsense, and winked at Bai Long beside him.

Bai Long immediately understood, walked up to the deputy general with a sneer, took out the bony knife cast from the source stone, and began to torture him.

Skinning, cramping, and deboning are extremely cruel punishments, often accompanied by **** images, which make it impossible to look directly at them.

But in Bailong's hands, these things became like art.

His torture technique is perfect, his movements are light and graceful, as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water.

The peeled skin, the pulled out tendons, and the removed bones are all intact.

The most frightening thing is that Bai Long's eyes and expressions are very focused, not like executing a torture, but more like carving wood or jade.

The deputy general suffered inhuman pain and torture, passed out several times, but was stimulated to wake up again.

He fell into Bailong's hands, and even death became a luxury.

No matter how tenacious the will, it could not withstand such a devastation and gradually collapsed.

At this time, Bailong looked at him intently and muttered to himself: "A bone sculpture carved into a double dragon and a bead? Or a flowerpot carved into a dragon going out to sea?

Otherwise... it would be good to carve a picture of sentient beings worshipping God and give it to Master as a carpet. "

Ji Tianxing, Ji Wuhen, and Ji Wushuang not far away all showed some weird expressions.

Especially Ji Wushuang, his small hands were cold, holding Ji Tianxing's arms in fear, not dare to watch Bailong's movements.

so horrible!

Bai Long's serious expression, and the torture action in his hand, formed a strong contrast, which made the back breathe.

When the deputy general heard this, his eyes widened in horror, his will completely swallowed by fear.

He didn't dare to resist anymore, and quickly kowtowed his head and begged for mercy, crying hoarsely: "Let me go! Please, I am willing to send a message, just ask you to give me a good time!"

While talking, he took out a few pieces of jade slips with trembling hands and sent them to the sky-cutters on the four continents.

The goal was reached, Bai Long smiled and put away the knife, and punched the deputy general into scum.

"Get the job done!" He patted his hands nonchalantly, and returned to his usual dangling and unrestrained appearance.

However, everyone has seen his horror methods, and when he sees such a relaxed attitude change, they feel that their scalp is tingling.

When Bai Long walked towards Ji Tian, ​​Ji Wushuang subconsciously backed up two steps, hid behind Ji Tianxing, and quietly looked at Bai Long with his big eyes.

Bailong immediately scratched his head in embarrassment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a shy smile: "Little Junior Sister, what are you doing? Don't you know the big brother?"

Ji Wushuang pouted his lips, and said in an angry voice: "Huh! Big brother, you are chic and easy-going on weekdays, but I didn't expect you to be... actually an executioner!

My brother and I won’t play with you anymore, you perverted monster! "

Bai Long became more embarrassed, and he explained with a smile: "Little Junior Sister, don't get me wrong, how can Senior Brother be the demon?

A great man once said that you should treat yourself as warm as spring, and treat your enemies as cold as winter..."

Ji Wushuang didn't listen to his explanation, pulled Ji Wuhen and turned around and left.

Bai Long awkwardly stuck in place, swallowing all the following words back into his stomach.

Ji Tianxing couldn't help but smiled and said, "Deserve it! Letting you show off in front of your children has left a psychological shadow on them now. It will be up to you how to maintain your image in the future."

Bai Long suddenly cried and said, "Master, I am wronged!"

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