Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2659: Flick the sleeves to destroy the 0 army

"What a big tone!"

Marshal Meng He grinned very much, and gave a low voice with a sullen expression.

More than twenty golden armored captains also froze for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha... what did that guy just say? I heard it right?"

"Too arrogant! He actually asked the marshal to call up the manpower, so he can solve it together?"

"Tsk tusk tusk...Where is the lunatic, tired of living?"

"I bet that this guy will be in a dilemma in the hands of the marshal!"

"You said, how many pieces will the marshal cut him to relieve his hatred?"

Everyone was gloating and cruel expressions.

At this time, more than 400 sky-slashing guards wearing black armor rushed to the square from all directions.

Marshal Meng He pointed at Ji Tianxing with a sword, and sneered coldly: "Little beast, you must have lost your mind, dare to speak out in front of this marshal!

No matter which world you come from and what purpose you have, this coach will set you down to frighten you! "

When the voice fell, he waved the epee in his hand and ordered the black armored guards: "Take them to this commander, remember to stay alive!"

More than four hundred black-armored guards screamed, waving their swords into the sky, cutting out and stabbing the shadows of swords and swords, killing the three of Ji Tianxing and his son.

Facing the crimson light blade that obscured the sky and the siege of more than 400 black armored guards, Ji Tianxing never changed his face.

Even he didn't bother to look at those guards more, his eyes were always fixed at Marshal Meng He who was ten miles away.

When the sky was about to fall, he raised his arms and waved his wide robe sleeves around to show the heavenly divine light.

"Huh! Huh!"

The dazzling golden divine light, like a sky curtain, spread around.

Immediately afterwards, the muffled sound of "Boom Boom Boom" burst out, resounding all over the world.

The crimson light blade that obscured the sky was instantly shattered by the golden sky curtain.

And those more than four hundred black armored guards, whenever they were swept by the golden light curtain, they were instantly broken into pieces, turned into powder and blood and splashed into the sky.

If the golden light is the scorching sun, more than 400 black armored guards are ice and snow.

Under the scorching sun, the ice and snow melted instantly.

After just two breaths, all the more than 400 black armored guards disappeared.

Only the blood and the remnants of swords and armors were left in the sky, crashing down on the square.

Such a shocking scene made Ji Wuhen and Ji Wushuang wide-eyed, both showing deep shock and admiration.

They seldom saw Ji Tianxing attack and fight with powerful enemies.

They didn't know until this moment that their father was so strong.

In the blink of a finger, more than 400 Wu Sheng disappeared in ashes.

This is the real god!

Marshal Meng He and the twenty-four Jinjia generals were also dumbfounded, their bodies stiffly frozen in place, as if they were petrified.

Everyone was full of horror, and their hearts were full of fear and amazement.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe it was true.

The other party just waved the sleeves of his robe and wiped out more than 400 guards, and there were no bones left?

What terrifying strength is this?

I'm afraid that if you look at Three Thousand Worlds, there is only Great Emperor Fatian, can you have such a method?

The bodies of the twenty-four golden armored captains began to tremble, and fear and retreat emerged in their eyes.

Marshal Meng He also felt his throat was dry and his legs were soft.

He swallowed, his voice hoarse, and some trembling asked: "Who is your Excellency? Why do you want to oppose my clan?

Did you know that my clan has already swept the stars and dominated the five star regions? "

Ji Tianxing said expressionlessly: "I, my surname Ji and my name Tianxing, once saved Zixiao Star and were regarded as the master of Zixiao Star by all beings!

"Ji Tianxing?" Marshal Meng He stiffened again and exclaimed in amazement: "You are the... the human race that killed Marshal Zhengnan?"

He was once a fierce general under Marshal Zhengnan, with a higher qualification and status than General Fulong.

Therefore, he had also heard of Ji Tianxing's killing of Marshal Zhengnan.

Ji Tianxing sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said in a playful tone: "Since you have heard of my deeds, then you should understand what you should do!"

Marshal Meng He trembled all over, his eyes flashed with fright and his expression was uncertain.

His heart was hesitating and struggling.

"You asked me to summon all the captains and warriors and gather at the Shrine of Heaven. Do you want to kill them all?"

He finally plucked up the courage and asked the question in his mind.

Ji Tianxing did not deny it, and said with a smile: "Yes, you are a smart person."

Marshal Meng He was silent for a while before nodding hard and said: "Okay, I can follow your instructions, but I also have a request."

Ji Tianxing shook his head lightly, and said indifferently: "Prisoners under the order are not qualified to talk about requirements."

The thick humiliation made Marshal Meng He's face flushed and his eyes were full of shame.

But he resisted the anger, slowly took out a few transmission jade slips, and began to input messages.

Seeing this scene, more than twenty golden armored captains changed their faces, and many people began to discourage them.

"No! Marshal Meng He, you can't do this!"

"Stop it, you will kill everyone!"

"Marshal! We have so many people, why should we be afraid of him?"

"It's a big deal, fight with him, we will die together!"

"We defeat the heavenly warriors, and would rather die than surrender. How can you lose our integrity, Marshal!"

But Marshal Meng He turned a deaf ear to everyone's dissuasion.

Soon, he finished a few transmission jade slips and waved them out.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

The six messages of Jade Jane flew into the sky, passed through the purple light shield, and disappeared into the sky.

Marshal Meng He looked up at the six transmission jade slips flying away, and a sneer flashed in his eyes.

Obviously, he was not really afraid, nor did he really surrender.

He not only sent a message to the captains of the five continents, but also sent a message to Emperor Fatian.

"Huh! Arrogant Human Race kid, do you think it's so easy to submit to the boss?

This commander not only sent the news to the emperor, but also left behind in the palace.

Hmph, as long as this handsome delays time with you, you will soon be desperate... Hahaha! "

Marshal Meng He lowered his head ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ secretly sneered in his heart.

However, Ji Tianxing's voice sounded again.

"Actually, I just wanted you to send a message to Emperor Fatian.

If he can come to Zixiao Star, then I don't have to cross the void to find him in the distant star field. "

Ji Tianxing shook his head calmly, and said regretfully: "It's a pity, your life is too cheap, it's not worth his journey across the void to save you.

Moreover, if he knew that I was going to kill you, he would even dare not come to save you. "

Suddenly hearing this, Marshal Meng He's body stiffened, and the sneer in his eyes solidified.

He raised his head impressively, looked at Ji Tianxing in horror, and couldn't help asking, "What do you...what do you mean?"

Ji Tianxing smiled lightly: "You will understand soon."

(End of this chapter)

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