Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2666: Qingyang Starfield

Before Marshal Meng He was defeated, he honestly explained the situation of the three star regions.

   Ji Tianxing had known for a long time that the Qingyang star field had been occupied by the Fatian tribe more than 30 years ago.

  The huge star field, more than one hundred worlds, ninety percent of them fell under the fleet of the Fatian tribe.

   Now the Zhengdong Fleet dominates the Qingyang Star Region.

  According to Meng He, the strength of Marshal Zhengdong was slightly stronger than Marshal Zhengnan, and the generals and captains under his command were all excellent and powerful generals.

   The most important thing is that when the East Expedition Fleet invaded the Qingyang Star Region, the process went smoothly.

   is not like when the South Fleet attacked the Purple Star Region, it took so much time and sacrificed so many soldiers.

   After conquering the East Fleet to unify the Qingyang Star Territory, there are still more than 5,000 warships and more than 500,000 elite soldiers.

   For the past thirty years, the situation in the Qingyang Star Territory has been very stable.

   Even if the warriors of all the worlds would resist, they were scattered and difficult to achieve, and they were quickly suppressed by the Fatian tribe.

   After so many years of operation, the rule of the Fatian tribe has been consolidated, and its power has grown stronger after recuperating.

   Ji Tianxing was mentally prepared, and the strength and background of the Zhengdong Fleet must be better than the Zhengnan Fleet!

   His entry into the Qingyang Star Territory this time will surely usher in many years of fierce battle.

   Three days later.

   The Five Elements World flew to the border of Qingyang Star Territory.

   In the dark void ahead, there appeared a silver galaxy that traverses north and south and is billions of miles long.

   Still hundreds of millions of miles away, the world of the Five Elements is bathed in a cold silver glow.

   The simple, majestic, mysterious and vast aura that rushed forward made everyone amazed.

   The galaxy that hangs in the void like a jade belt is the border of the Qingyang Star Territory.

   Cross that huge galaxy to enter the Qingyang star field.

   Looking from a distance, there are tens of thousands of stars in the galaxy, shining and dazzling.

   Such a splendid and magnificent scene, I don't know how many thousands of years it lasted in the void, and it has never changed.

   Ji Tianxing, Bai Long and others are standing on the golden barrier of the Five Elements World, admiring the galaxy ahead.

   Bailong sighed: "After a thousand years have passed, I finally see the galaxies in the universe."

  His expression was a little emotional, and many memories came to mind, and he remembered the past that followed the sword **** and emptied himself.

   Ji Tianxing stared at the galaxy, and said in a calm tone: "The vicissitudes of life are vicissitudes of life, things are different, only the galaxy survives, as gorgeous as ever.

  The Dao of Heaven is fortunate to enable all the races in the world to unlock the wisdom, and through the practice of martial arts and gods, they can also be as brilliant as stars.

   But the sad thing is, no matter how far I wait for the gods to practice, I will never escape reincarnation and perish.

   Even if he is the pinnacle **** king, his life span cannot be compared with ordinary stars. "

   It is true that even an ordinary star in the galaxy has a life span of tens or even hundreds of millions of years.

   And the longevity of the king of gods is not as good as one percent of a star.

   Hearing this, not only Bai Long's eyes dimmed, but Ji Wuhen was also silent.

   Only Ji Wushuang showed a thoughtful expression, and said Ji Tianxing: "Father, is the realm of the **** king the end of the gods?"

   Ji Tianxing turned to look at her, smiled and shook his head, and said, "For most people, yes!

   However, for those who have been to the Divine King Realm, it is not! "

   Ji Wushuang's eyes brightened, and he asked hopefully: "Father, mother said that you were once one of the most powerful **** kings in the world.

  Do you know what realm is above the God King Realm? "

   Ji Tianxing shook his head again and said, "This problem was also what Dad had been pursuing and exploring.

   Fortunately, Dad has touched the threshold of that realm.

   That kind of realm has transcended the shackles of the world, has jumped out of reincarnation, has vast magical powers, does whatever one wants, immortal! "

   "Longevity is not dead?" Ji Wushuang murmured, vaguely understand something.

   At this time, Bai Long warned everyone: "In one month, we will be close to that galaxy.

   The size of the Five Elements World is too big to pass through that galaxy, otherwise it will collide with countless stars, which is very dangerous.

   We can only bypass that galaxy and enter the Qingyang star field.

   Even so, everyone must remember.

   If you drive a warship or fly in the void in the future, you must be careful of this galaxy.

   Galaxy looks magnificent, but in fact it is dangerous and unpredictable, with many unexpected crises.

  Even the true gods and devas, even if they are careless, they will die. "

   Qianyue leaned over and asked curiously: "Lao Bai, what crisis can there be in Galaxy?

  Is it hard to say, what kind of fierce and sacred beasts can be in the galaxy? "

   Bailong glanced at it, and said with a chuckle: "If it's just a fierce beast and a sacred beast, it would be easier, just to kill the meat.

  The dangers in the galaxy are mostly void storms, void flames, star tides, folding spaces and black holes.

   Void Storm and Void Shenyan Fortunately, you have encountered them a few years ago.

   Stars and tides rarely appear, but their power is terrifying and unpredictable.

   Hundreds of thousands of stars, in a specific time period, simultaneously release a terrifying star shock wave, which is enough to destroy hundreds of stars.

   The most troublesome thing is the folding space. There is no clue on the surface. In fact, it is difficult to get out if you break in. It is very likely to be trapped in it.

  The scariest thing is the legendary black hole.

   The thing is mysterious and unpredictable, once you encounter it, you can only avoid it in advance, no one dares to approach it.

   Not to mention the king of gods, even thousands or tens of thousands of stars, once swallowed by a black hole, they will be annihilated. "

   Bailong tells everyone about the dangers in the void~www.wuxiaspot.com~ teaches how to deal with it, and speaks endlessly.

   Ji Wuhen, Ji Wushuang and a few sacred beasts listened carefully, and silently wrote down his words.

   One month passed quickly.

   The huge five-element world is close to the bright galaxy.

   Under the precise control of Ji Tianxing, the world of the five elements flew past the edge of the galaxy.

   But even so, something unexpected happened during the detour.

   In the bright galaxy, dozens of dazzling meteors flew out, blasting towards the world of the five elements.

   At first glance, it looks like there are powerful men in the galaxy who use the stars as hidden weapons to hit the Five Elements World.

   This made Ji Wuhen, Ji Wushuang and a few sacred beasts vigilant and guarded.

   However, Bai Long quickly explained to everyone that it was because the five-element world was too large, and gravitation and shock waves were generated when it approached the galaxy.

   Some stars with super high metal content will be attracted and pounce like meteors.

   If it is hit by a meteor, the world of the Five Elements will be damaged and a huge shock will occur.

   The sky and the sea will stir up super swells, several continents will be broken, and hundreds of millions of lives will surely suffer.

   Fortunately, Ji Tianxing had anticipated and prepared for it.

   When more than a dozen meteors hit one after another, he not only controlled the Five Elements World to escape, but also released the mighty power of the world and caught a meteor.

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