Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2678: Blind optimism

Marshal Zhengdong has cultivated for six thousand years before he has the strength today.

Only when he opened up the frontiers and explored the territory for the Celestial Clan, and fought bloody, he has the current status.

Since reaching the Sixth Level of the True God Realm, he hasn't broken through the realm for 700 years.

He knew that without great opportunities, it would be difficult to improve his strength in the future.

As for ascending to the upper realm and breaking through the heavenly **** realm, he dare not expect it.

And Ji Tianxing in front of him is the biggest opportunity for him.

If he were to be killed, he would be at his fingertips, and there would be hope of improving his strength and breaking through the realm of the gods!

As soon as he thought of this, Marshal Zhengdong was thrilled and trembling with excitement.

Although, he knew that Ji Tianxing was very strong.

But he is not weak, there are hundreds of warriors beside him.

In any case, he can easily kill Ji Tianxing without any accident!

How fierce and fierce Ji Tianxing's eyes are?

How can you fail to see the mind of Marshal Zhengdong?

He immediately showed a playful sneer, and said in a playful tone: "It seems that the Great Emperor Fatian only tells you that killing me can gain power and wealth.

He didn't tell you that he was beaten up by me and ran away in embarrassment under severe injuries.

If you know this, you will not be blindly optimistic now. "

This news made Marshal Zhengdong feel like thunder, and his whole person was like petrified.

He was stunned in shock, his body stiffly stunned, staring straight at Ji Tianxing.

After a while, he recovered, and almost subconsciously roared: "Fart! Ji Tianxing, you can confuse the crowd and confuse people!

What kind of person is our emperor?

He has already reached the limit of the true god, half a step in the realm of the gods, invincible across the starry sky.

Just by virtue of your humble human race, you are also worthy of being compared with the great emperor of our race?

Today, this handsome will kill you on the spot and expose your ridiculous lie! "

Marshal Zhengdong naturally had never heard of this, nor did he believe what Ji Tianxing said.

Even if he has some doubts in his heart, he must show contempt and disdain, and try his best to deny it.

Otherwise, how does Fatian's face remain?

While roaring, Marshal Zhengdong brandished two swords murderously, and slashed two giant blades at Ji Tianxing.

"Huh! Huh!"

The dazzling purple light blade locked the soul of Ji Tianxing, and slashed with the power of opening the world.

He can't evade, he can only try to resist, or take action to resolve.

Between the heaven and the earth, the murderous aura suddenly rolled, and the purple light filled the sky.

However, Ji Tianxing's complexion was indifferent, and he seemed to swing the Heaven Burying Sword at random, sweeping out.


A thousand-foot-long dazzling golden sword light pierced the sky with endless divine might, and hit two purple light blades head-on.

Only two loud sounds of "bang bang" were heard, and the two purple light blades collapsed on the spot, turning into sky fragments and splashing out.

The golden sword light was intact, and he cut to Marshal Zhengdong with undiminished power.

Marshal Zhengdong's complexion suddenly changed, a thick color of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he subconsciously swung his swords away.


In the muffled sound, Hyun Jin's sword light was chopped, and fragments of golden light burst into the sky.

However, Marshal Zhengdong was shocked and flew out, tumbling and smashing into the crowd ten miles away.

More than a dozen martial gods screamed in exclamation and rushed to catch Marshal Zhengdong.

"Tom Tom Tom!"

The violent impact smashed everyone to each other, and they turned their backs on their backs.

Marshal Zhengdong didn't have time to tidy up his clothes and roared into anger, "What are you **** doing in a daze? Kill him for this commander!"

The dozens of Heaven-Fighting Martial Gods came back to their senses, and they all obeyed, all brandishing their swords to kill Xiang Ji Tianxing.

At the same time, Ji Wuhen and Ji Wushuang also waved their divine swords, cutting out the overwhelming sword light.

"One sword glorifies nineteen states!"

"Missing Moon Profound Light Sword!"

Like a sword light flying from outside the sky, carrying the radiant power, with the momentum of opening the sky, it crashed into the crowd.

Ji Wushuang shed 18 crescent-like sword lights, covering more than a dozen martial gods.

Her posture is light and elegant, and her sword light is gorgeous and gorgeous, and she looks quite pleasing to the eye.

But the power of swordsmanship is extremely powerful!

He only heard a series of muffled noises exploding, and the dozens of Heaven-Fighting Martial Gods were all shaken back.

A few people were unharmed, but a dozen other martial gods suffered.

Not only was the armor split open, but there were also hideous wounds on his body, splashing purple blood.

A few of the wounds were the worst, and their limbs were severed on the spot.

There were also two Martial God Fighting Heavens standing at the front, and they were directly cut into pieces by Jianguang and died on the spot.

Marshal Zhengdong's eyes were cracked, both angry and shocked.

He couldn't believe it, just because Ji Tianxing was strong, even the two children beside him had such terrifying combat effectiveness.

At this moment, he finally understood, no wonder Ji Tianxing dared to find here!

Marshal Zhengdong's self-confidence began to gradually disintegrate, and a touch of worry came out of his heart.

There was a bad feeling in his heart.

The outcome of this battle may be unpredictable!

But at this point, he would never be afraid and flinch, and once again waved his two swords to kill Xiang Ji Tianxing.

"Broken Sky!"

Marshal Zhengdong roared ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ waved two knives to cut out hundreds of purple lights, and went to kill Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing lost his left hand behind him, waved the Heaven Burying Sword with his right hand, and counterattacked with a calm expression on his sword.

"Broken Sun Sword!"

The Sky Burial Sword pierced thirty-six swords instantly, hitting hundreds of purple lights.


In the blink of an eye, hundreds of purple lights collapsed.

Twenty-four golden sword lights were left, but they were too powerful to cover Marshal Zhengdong.

"Boom bang bang!"

With a muffled sound, Marshal Zhengdong flew out with a scream of twenty-four swords in his body.

The black armor and golden cloak he was wearing were all shattered by sword light.

On the dark purple body, there were more than a dozen bone wounds, and blood gurgled out.

Marshal Zhengdong flew more than a dozen miles away and smashed into the crowd.

Several golden armored captains who were casting spells to attack the elders of the spirit race and idols were suddenly staggered and exclaimed.

Marshal Zhengdong was very embarrassed and quickly got up and rushed to Ji Tianxing desperately.

This is the second time he has been knocked into the air.

There are no more than three things.

In this shot, he tried his best to use his hole card stunts and would never be repelled by Ji Tianxing again!

"Slaying the world!"

Marshal Zhengdong screamed, holding two long knives in both hands, slashing from the sky towards Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing stood still, raising his left hand and punching.

"Long Xiang Shen Fist!"

A shadow of a big dragon elephant fist, carrying a terrifying power, blasted out.


In the muffled sound, Marshal Zhengdong was blown away again.

Before he fell into the crowd, Ji Tianxing waved the Heaven Burying Sword with his right hand, stabbing a dazzling cold light.

"call out!"

The cold light flashed in the sky.

In the next instant, Hanmang appeared more than a dozen miles away, exploding from Marshal Zhengdong's chest.

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