Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2683: All killed

After receiving the information from Ji Wuhen, Ji Tianxing realized that he was also in danger.

However, Ji Wuhen is strong, calm and wise, and has already turned his danger into a breeze.

"No wonder Chenchen gave me a message after so long."

Ji Tianxing murmured, putting away the jade slip of the communication.

Ji Wushuang asked with concern: "Father, brother is also besieged? Are we going to save him?"

Ji Tianxing shook his head and said, "No, let's go to the northwest. There are still a lot of **** guys there."

"Father, you are so partial, are you not afraid that your brother has an idea in his heart?"

Ji Wushuang blinked his eyes, and muttered softly.

Ji Tianxing was amused by her. He stretched out his finger to tap her forehead, and said with a light smile: "What kind of eccentricity? Although your brother is young, he is calm and wise and can already be alone.

He killed most of the alien war gods who besieged him.

There are five left to escape, he is chasing and killing him, and he will join us soon. "

Ji Wushuang touched his fair and clean forehead, and said with a smile: "Brother is still great."

Ji Tianxing no longer said much.

The father and daughter hurried on the road and returned to the mountains to the northwest after two quarters of an hour.

The situation is just as Ji Tianxing expected.

Those three warships and hundreds of fighters were still besieging a dozen alien warriors.

The fight is not over yet.

However, the battlefield has moved eight thousand miles north.

The number of both sides has also been reduced accordingly.

There were originally nineteen alien warlords, but now only sixteen remain, and the injuries are even more serious.

The three battleships and the three golden armored captains were all safe and sound, but the number of warriors was reduced by more than 80.

Ji Tianxing and his daughter stood in the sky, separated by nearly a hundred miles, and observed for a moment.

Ji Wushuang couldn't help but ask: "Father, shall we kill the Heavenly Swordsmen first, or the foreign Valkyrie?"

Ji Tianxing said blankly: "All killed!"

"Domineering!" Ji Wushuang waved his pink fist, staring at Ji Tianxing staringly.

Ji Tianxing didn't say much, he directly lifted his palms, released the overwhelming golden light, poured out onto the battlefield.

"Huh! Huh!"

In the blink of an eye, dozens of brilliant golden lights scattered around the battlefield, forming a shield with a radius of hundreds of miles, blocking the battlefield.

Ji Wushuang showed a faint look, and asked: "Father, you are going to catch it all in one swoop, don't you keep the dogs?"

"Yeah." Ji Tianxing nodded and explained: "If Dad made a direct attack, he would have suffered a lot of casualties. Are all those people scared away?

At that time, we have to waste time to hunt down. "

"It makes sense." Ji Wushuang nodded in deep agreement.

At the same time, the Fatian tribe and alien warlords in the seal formation unanimously stopped their attacks.

Everyone looked up at the sky, looked at the Golden Seal with full vigilance, and searched for the people in the formation.

In the eyes of everyone, Ji Tianxing brought Ji Wushuang on the stage.


He and Ji Wushuang flew to the golden light shield and stood still, looking down at the Fatian tribe and alien warlords under their feet.

The three golden armored captains and the many sky-splitters did not know Ji Tianxing.

The crowd roared angrily and swung their swords towards the golden shield.

As for the sixteen alien warlords, their complexions changed drastically after seeing Ji Tianxing's face clearly.

Some were shocked, some were uncertain, and some showed joy and expectation.

But there are also people with solemn faces and worries in their eyes.

"It turned out to be him? Why is he still alive?"

"Impossible! The previous explosion, which can be described as ruining the world, must have something to do with him."

"Marshal Zhengdong and a large number of sky-cutters are dead, how could he still be alive?"

"How strong is this person's strength?"

"This person has blood and deep feud with the Fatian tribe, as long as he kills these Fatian tribe, we will be saved!"

"It's probably not that simple. He is not close to us, why should he save us?"

"Why did he use a great seal to block us all?"

"Does... he wants to kill us all?"

More than a dozen foreign warlords, with complex expressions, discussing works.

They were not in a hurry to attack the golden shield, they all took the opportunity to retreat.

The three sky-cutting warships and hundreds of sky-cutting warriors all attacked the golden shield desperately, banging, and purple light flying in the sky.

However, the golden shield is unparalleled, and even a trace of crack has never appeared.

Ji Tianxing raised his palms expressionlessly and began to manipulate the seal formation.


Under his control, the golden shield shrank at an extremely fast speed.

In a short while, the mask with a radius of one hundred li was reduced to about three thousand meters.

More than 400 warriors, three golden captains, three warships, and the sixteen alien warlords were all crowded together.

Especially those three warships, which are as huge as a mountain.

The mask shrank to such a point that the battleship had no room for movement, and could only be shrunk.

The three captains began to panic~www.wuxiaspot.com~ quickly issued an order to let all the fighters enter the battleship.

At this moment, Ji Tianxing waved his hands to display the secret method, and gave a soft drink.


As his words sounded, the golden ball of three thousand feet in diameter suddenly exploded.


As the earth-shattering loud noise exploded, the golden ball of light exploded, and the golden flames overwhelmed the sky.

Those three sky-cutting battleships were directly exploded into tens of millions of pieces and scattered in the rubble.

Hundreds of fighters from the sky were also blown into powder and scattered in the mountains.

Sixteen alien warlords and three captains were also unable to escape death. They were all blasted to pieces, mixed with dirt and dust, and buried in a hundred miles of land.

After a long time, the loud and deafening noise disappeared.

The golden light in the sky dissipated, and many slashers and alien warriors no longer exist.

Ji Wushuang retracted his amazed gaze, looked up at Ji Tianxing sideways, and said, "Father, I want to learn this method of killing without seeing blood."

She is lively and kind by nature, never good at fighting, and she doesn't like **** fights.

It's just fate. In order to survive, she had to learn to fight and kill.

But she still hated the kind of **** fighting with swords.

Just like this, the method of manipulating the supreme divine power and directly destroying the enemy is more acceptable to her.

Ji Tianxing understood his daughter's thoughts and nodded slightly, "This is a true **** level magical power. When you break through the true **** realm, father will teach you again."

"Good." Ji Wushuang nodded quickly, looking forward to it.

Later, the father and daughter turned and left, and continued to search in the cave.

Before long, Ji Wuhen also solved the enemy and sent a message to Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing asked him to continue searching and collect some precious artifacts and resources by the way.

Of course Ji Wuhen did.

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