Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2686: What are you afraid of?

Qingyang Star is the strange world that Ji Tianxing has lived in from the future.

After entering Qingyang Star, the couple did not act rashly.

Knowing that Marshal Chengyang had been prepared for a long time, and strengthened the defense, how could they attack rashly?

Ji Tianxing took Yun Yao and Ji Ke and descended on a continent.

After doing some sub-calculations, the three of them changed their faces and entered a prosperous main city.

In a city with a radius of three hundred miles, there are more than two million warriors and people living in it.

A war **** and more than 30 warriors guarded this prosperous city.

The warriors and the people in the city have become slaves of the Chutian tribe.

In recent decades, slaves have suffered from the oppression of the Sky Clan.

Not only were all cultivation resources and property confiscated, but they also worked day and night to collect cultivation resources.

The three of Ji Tianxing remained invisible, and easily sneaked into the city lord's mansion, and captured the Valiant Fighting God who was sitting here.

This Valiant Fighting God is a captain, only the strength of the four-tiered Martial God Realm.

Ji Tianxing captured him easily, leaving him no chance to escape and send a message, and he didn't even make a sound.

However, Ji Tianxing used the secret method of soul search, depriving this person of his soul memory.

In this way, he not only learned about Qingyang Star's situation, but also learned about Marshal Cheng Yang's plan.

"Qingyang Star has four continents and eighteen kingdoms, controlled by nine generals and 72 warriors.

We are in Fengjing City on the waning moon continent, and the Heaven-cutting Temple built by Marshal Zhengdong is in the sea of ​​heaven between the waning moon continent and the Fengshuang continent.

This poor guy, with low strength and low status, has only been to the Temple of Slashing Heaven once. "

While talking, Ji Tianxing casually shot a ball of golden flames, burning the unconscious Martial God Fighting Sky to ashes.

Yun Yao frowned and asked, "Tian Xing, how many heaven-slashing warriors and soldiers are there on Qingyang Star?

Are we going to kill the Fatian Temple directly, or assassinate the Fatian Wushen one by one? "

Ji Tianxing integrated the memory of Fengjing City Lord, and replied without hesitation: "After Marshal Cheng Yang took control of the power, he guessed that I would deal with him.

Therefore, he withdrew a large number of Warriors and Warriors, and strengthened the defense of Qingyang Star and the Temple of Defaging.

There are a total of three hundred and sixty heaven-slashing martial arts and 60,000 heaven-slashing warriors on Qingyang star today.

Among them, sixty gods and 20,000 sky-sworders stayed on four continents.

There are three hundred warriors and 40,000 warriors left, all on standby in the Temple of the Heavens! "

Ji Ke also frowned, and said solemnly: "In that case, Marshal Cheng Yang is going to stick to the Temple of Heaven-cutting, where is he going to fight us?"

Ji Tianxing thought for a while, shook his head and said, "This is not necessarily true. Marshal Cheng Yang has already made sufficient preparations. It will definitely not be that simple.

It's just that he knows exactly what plan he has. "

After a pause, he added another sentence.

"A year ago, Marshal Cheng Yang brought hundreds of martial gods to kill the sky and laid a large number of divine formations on the blue light shield.

There are many formations in it, monitoring the movement of the blue light shield.

Once the shield is destroyed and a strong invades, the formation in the Temple of Fate will sound an alarm.

This Fengjing City Lord happened to be involved in the arrangement of the God Array, so he knew about it. "

Yun Yao frowned and said in a deep voice: "So, Marshal Cheng Yang must know that we are here.

If he is vigilant enough, he can still monitor our position through certain divine formations. "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "Perhaps! Marshal Cheng Yang is not as strong as Marshal Zhengdong, but he acts very cautiously."

Ji Ke raised her eyebrows, and said with a smile: "It seems that this time is a head-on fight."

"What's the fear?" Ji Tianxing disapproved, full of confidence.

Yun Yao asked: "Now, we have understood the pattern of Qingyang Star and the approximate location of the Temple of Slashing Heaven.

Continue activities in the waning moon continent, or directly to the Temple of Slashing Heaven? "

"Of course it is to go to the Temple of Fatian and take the Fatian tribe away!"

Ji Tianxing said with a solemn expression: "The three of us work together. If even these shrimp soldiers and crabs can't solve them, how can we kill the Sky Star and destroy the Sky Clan?"

He had made a decision, Yun Yao and Ji Ke naturally agreed and would not stop it.

Afterwards, the three quietly left Fengjing City and flew towards the east.

The Fengshuang Continent is to the east of the Waning Moon Continent, and between the two continents is the boundless sea of ​​heaven.

In order to reach the sea as quickly as possible, Ji Tianxing drove the warship and galloped through the sky.

In just three days, the warship left the waning moon continent and entered the bounds of the sky.

In the endless blue sea, there are not only hundreds of millions of fish and shrimps, but also many powerful sea beasts.

When the battleship flew over the sky over the sky, the trio of Ji Tianxing saw many sea beasts as large as mountains, slashing through the waves and fighting desperately in the sky.

Of course, for the three true gods of the pinnacle, that was a trivial little scene.

If there are blind sea beasts who dare to attack them, they will definitely be bombarded and killed.

Unconsciously, another day passed.

At this moment, the sun is shining~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the wind is swelling in the sea.

Suddenly, three sky-cutting warships flew in front of them, arranged in a pattern, and galloping towards them.

Ji Tianxing found the opponent, but didn't mean to evade.

"call out!"

The Tianxing battleship turned into a ray of black light, piercing the sky like a flash of electricity, and hit the middle battleship directly.

The three warships spotted the Skywalking Warship and paused for a while, then turned on the main artillery at the bow of the ship, and blasted a dazzling purple beam of light.

"Boom boom boom!"

Three huge purple beams of light, carrying huge power, blasted the warship toward the sky.

When the purple beam of light approached, the Tianxing battleship suddenly flipped a few times and suddenly dropped three hundred feet before evading the beam of light.

In the next instant, the Tianxing battleship slammed into the middle battleship.


Amid the deafening noise, the thousand-meter-long sky-cutting battleship was smashed into the sky.

Hundreds of sky-slashers in the battleship were also killed and injured, and fell into the sky like dumplings.

The leader of the Golden Armored Captain, also suffered serious injuries, fell into the sky and quickly turned and fled.

Before Ji Tianxing could speak, Yun Yao and Ji Ke flew out of the battleship and killed them with their divine sword and long spear.



Jian Guang suddenly appeared, and the shadow of the gun covered the sky.

In just three breaths, Yun Yao and Ji Ke killed all the surviving fighters.

The golden armored captain who was wounded and escaped was also stabbed by Ji Ke with a shot, and his body burst into pieces.

The other two slashing warships witnessed this scene with their own eyes, and they were so scared that they turned around and fled in panic.

Yun Yao and Ji Ke returned to the Tianxing battleship, Ji Tianxing hurriedly drove the battleship and launched the hunt.

The two sides galloped over the sea, like three black lights piercing the sky.

The distance between each other is constantly getting closer.

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