Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2690: The top secret of the Fatian tribe

Thirty thousand soldiers fight against the three of Ji Tianxing.

This is a huge disparity in the number of people, and it should be a battle that should be unilaterally crushed.

The result... is indeed a unilateral crush and massacre.

However, the object of being crushed and slaughtered was a warrior who was ten thousand times larger than the opponent!

During the tragic massacre, Marshal Cheng Yang also brought many captains and launched a desperate counterattack.

But the effect was minimal, and it didn't hurt Ji Tianxing at all.

The massacre lasted for three quarters of an hour before it gradually stopped.

It's not because the three of Ji Tianxing's power was exhausted and their successors were weak.

It was because... 30,000 soldiers were almost killed.

In the chaotic waters of thousands of miles, the corpses were everywhere and the sea was stained dark red.

All the warships were destroyed, including Marshal Yong Yang's ship.

The very few survivors gathered around Marshal Cheng Yang in despair.

I saw Marshal Cheng Yang standing in the middle, beside six captains covered in blood.

Behind them were more than sixty warriors wearing black armor and missing arms and legs.

There are more than 30,000 fighters, but there are only so few people left!

And all were seriously injured, to the end of the crossbow!

Everyone was completely desperate and gave up resisting and fleeing.

On the other hand, the three of Ji Tianxing and his wife were all safe and sound, standing calmly in the sky.

Ji Tianxing looked at Marshal Cheng Yang and the others blankly, and slowly raised his left hand.

The divine power that destroys the world is accumulating in his body.

The next moment, as long as he blasted out with a punch, Marshal Cheng Yang and others would be wiped out.

At this juncture of life and death, the hearts of the Fatian soldiers were lifted up, and desperate death gray came out in their eyes.

Marshal Cheng Yang hesitated for a moment, then took two steps forward, and shouted eagerly, "Hold on!"

Ji Tianxing clenched his left hand into a fist, stopped in mid-air, and looked at him blankly.

"Cheng Yang, this is the end of the matter, what else can you say?"

Marshal Cheng Yang made up his mind, and he bowed and saluted without hesitation: "Ji Tianxing! It is this commander who has no eyes and should not ambush you here.

The coach gave up and surrendered to you now!

You are the strongest man in the world, and we are just weak ants, we can't threaten you at all...Why should you kill them all? "

The dozens of heaven-killing soldiers behind him also knelt in the sky, kowtowing for mercy.

"We are willing to surrender, please forgive us a fate and let us live!"

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing raised his brows, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Ha ha ha... who said impassionedly just now, I don't understand the Sky Clan.

Who is rightly saying that the Fatian tribe are loyal souls who would rather die than surrender?

Now it seems that I really don't understand your Sky Clan! "

The thick ridicule made Marshal Cheng Yang and the others flushed and shameful.

However, everyone bowed their heads and did not dare to rebut.

What can be refuted?

Just now, the soldiers patted their chests and shouted, looking like death and righteousness.

Now he humbled and surrendered, without dignity and backbone.

If you turn around, you will fart.

It smells so good.

Seeing that everyone was speechless, Ji Tianxing no longer wasted time, his left fist lit up with a brilliant light.

Seeing that he refused to forgive, Marshal Cheng Yang suddenly felt distraught.

He simply threw himself out, roaring hoarsely: "Ji Tianxing! Stop!

As long as you can spare our lives, I am willing to tell you a great secret!

Really! Only a few dozen people know this secret, you will definitely be interested! "

Ji Tianxing really became interested, and the divine light in his left hand diminished.

"Oh? What's the secret?"

As soon as Marshal Cheng Yang had a chance, he quickly explained: "This secret is about my clan emperor and the gods of the upper realm.

But I can only tell you alone! "

Ji Tianxing smiled lightly and said: "Okay! In that case, I will save your life for now, as for the others..."

While talking, he waved his left hand and shot dozens of brilliant golden lights.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

Dozens of golden sword lights pierced the sky, and instantly stabbed the soldiers beside Marshal Cheng Yang.

"Boom bang bang!"

As a series of muffled noises erupted, the six captains and more than sixty fighters from the sky exploded and broke into pieces.

In the sky, only three people Ji Tianxing and Marshal Cheng Yang remained.

Seeing the soldiers were killed in seconds, Marshal Cheng Yang was shocked and his heart was extremely angry.

However, reason quickly triumphed over anger.

He tried his best to stay calm, looking at Ji Tianxing with cold eyes, gritted his teeth and said: "Ji Tianxing! You are so vicious!"

Ji Tianxing sneered disapprovingly: "Ha ha ha... If you talk nonsense, you will be the next person to die."

Marshal Cheng Yang looked stiff, and quickly shut up.

Ji Tianxing retracted his left hand, took Yun Yao and Ji Ke across the sky, and flew to stand in front of Marshal Cheng Yang.

"Now, you should explain that secret."

Marshal Cheng Yang looked at Yun Yao and Ji Ke, hesitated for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "This matter is the most secret of my clan.

Only the emperor, empress, emperor son, guardian of the left and right, emperor teacher and the five marshals know ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ everyone else knows nothing.

I didn't know before. After Marshal Zhengdong died, I took over as Marshal and discovered this secret. "

Ji Tianxing did not answer the conversation, and listened carefully.

Marshal Cheng Yang said with a solemn expression: "On the surface, the gods of the upper realm value our race and use divine grace and baptism to help our race grow and develop.

But in fact, our clan is just a chess piece in the hands of the gods of the upper world, a running dog carefully cultivated by them!

Our clan battles the starry sky, invades the major star regions, and dominates three thousand worlds, all under the direction of the gods of the upper realm! "

Ji Tianxing frowned and asked, "Why do the gods of the upper realm do this? The Three Thousand World is a mortal world after all, and the gods simply don't look at it."

"I don't know the specific reason." Marshal Cheng Yang shook his head and said in a deep voice: "I only know that this is the plan of the gods of the upper realm, and it seems to be related to an ancient legend."

"What ancient legend?" Yun Yao asked solemnly.

Marshal Cheng Yang shook his head blankly, indicating that he didn't know.

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "Go on."

Marshal Cheng Yang continued: "In addition to instructing our clan to dominate the three thousand worlds, the gods of the upper realm also issued oracles to the emperor.

Afterwards, the emperor issued a secret order to the marshals, let us search for a **** map in the major star regions.

This task is very confidential and has always been carried out in secret..."

"God map?" Ji Tianxing squinted his eyes, a light flashed under his eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "What kind of **** map? Array map? God soldier map or treasure map?"

Marshal Cheng Yang said with a wry smile: "I don't know, even the emperor can't tell exactly what the **** map looks like and what characteristics it has.

We only know that all the mysterious pictures of gods beyond the true **** level must be collected and submitted to the emperor for review..."

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