Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2695: Showdown of the strongest genius

Start with Ji Tianxing driving the Five Elements World, wandering in the void and saving all worlds.

Now more than thirty years have passed.

During this period, he successively eliminated the Zhengnan Fleet and Zhengdong Fleet, and rescued Zixiao and Qingyang Star Field.

His deeds and news have long been passed back to the Fatian tribe.

Therefore, it was reasonable for Tianshu to come to the Black Dragon Star Territory to intercept him.

He was not surprised at all.

It was the two elders behind Tianshu that caught his attention.

One was wearing a purple robe and the other in a green robe, all with old faces and white hair.

The strength of the two is also the same, and both have reached the seventh level of the true gods.

Ji Tianxing frowned and thought: "Seventh True God Realm? The strength is stronger than the emperor and several marshals!

It seems that the two old guys should be guardians of the law! "

At this moment, Tian Shu got impatient and sneered with contempt: "Ji Tianxing! Are you going to stay in the battleship forever?

Rumor has it that you are arrogant and arrogant.

Unexpectedly, you will be so timid and cowardly when you meet this God of War.

Since you dare not show up, this God of War destroyed your tortoise shell and pulled you out! "

When the voice fell, Tianshu waved his hand and gave the order to attack.

The battleship under his feet immediately opened the main gun at the bow and launched a fatal blow.


With a loud noise, a purple beam of light was sprayed out of the black dragon's blood basin.

The beam of light is like a dragon, carrying the terrifying power that penetrates everything, and fiercely blasted the sky-walking battleship.

The corner of Tian Shu's mouth evoked a playful sneer, waiting to appreciate the scene of the Tianxing battleship being bombarded to pieces.

After all, his Black Dragon battleship reached the Celestial level.

Enough to disregard the void and sweep three thousand worlds.

However, the next moment he frowned and the sneer on his face solidified.

I saw that the Tianxing battleship also released a dazzling golden divine light, heading towards the purple beam of light.


Two beams of light with the same terrifying power collided fiercely in the void, exploding with a loud noise.

The beam of light collapsed at the same time, turning into thousands of purple and golden fragments, splashing around.

The void of thousands of miles in a radius was immediately illuminated by fragments of divine light, and it was gorgeous.

The violent shock wave caused a terrifying storm in the void.

After a long time, the storm was gradually dissipated.

The two battleships stopped motionlessly in the void, facing each other a hundred miles apart.

On the Black Dragon battleship, Tianshu still stood proudly above the dragon's head, his face expressionless, his eyes flashing with cold light.

He has put away his contempt, staring at the Tianxing battleship sharply, and muttering to himself: "I actually took a look, this battleship is also a god-class!

I have heard before that there are unbounded sacred stones in the Five Elements World where Ji Tianxing is.

This thing is wonderful and unusual, and it is also of great benefit to the gods. Master Master is very interested, and ordered a thorough investigation.

Now it seems that Ji Tianxing, the battleship, mostly added a large number of unbounded sacred stones before reaching the level of the gods and possessing such power..."

As his voice fell, the purple-robed old man said in a deep voice: "Your Highness, don't worry, the old man has made arrangements.

The Twelve Gods will control the Black Dragon battleship and firmly lock the battleship of Ji Tianxing.

After this battle, we will definitely be able to capture his battleship and bring it back to Fatianxing for study! "

Tianshu nodded slightly and did not say much.

at the same time.

The hatch of the Tianxing battleship opened, and the handsome and graceful figures of the three gods walked out.

The first person was dressed in a white robe, handsome and powerful, and extraordinary, it was Ji Tianxing.

The two women who followed him, one in a white dress and the other in a fiery red dress, were both beautiful and elegant.

The three walked to the bow and stood still.

Ji Tianxing looked at Tianshu from a distance, and said with an indifferent expression: "Tianshu, relying on you and the left and right guardians, dare to come to the Black Dragon Star Territory to intercept it, it is too confident.

If your father doesn't show up, let the three of you decisively surrender.

Otherwise, when you die in the starry sky and beg for mercy, everything will be too late! "

The billowing sound flowed through the void and passed to the Black Dragon battleship.

Ji Tianxing's tone is calm, without bluffing, but it contains determination and strong self-confidence.

The guardian on the left and right frowned immediately, and his face was angry.

Tian Shu also raised his eyebrows, showing a playful sneer.

"Ha ha ha ha... this is right!

This is the rumored, lawless, arrogant Ji Tianxing!

Only in this way, when this God of War kills you personally and breaks your neck, will you have a sense of accomplishment! "

After that, Tianshu slowly raised his broad palms, and the divine power of destroying the heavens and the earth was brewing in his body.

"Ji Tianxing, give you the last three breaths time to give your last words!"

As his voice fell, a dazzling white light lit up between his broad palms.

His whole body exudes an invisible coercive aura, sweeping three thousand miles into the void.

After three breaths, his divine power will be accumulated to the peak, bursting out the strongest blow.

Ji Tianxing sneered disapprovingly: "Don't talk about the three breath time, giving you three more hours will not change the outcome of defeat!"

"Then you go to die!"

Tianshu suddenly yelled, and brazenly raised both palms~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to shoot at Ji Tianxing.

"Linglong Fantasy Sky Break!"

Suddenly, two dim white lights overwhelming the sky, carrying the ever-changing spatial power, blasted towards Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao and Ji Ke.

Each white light is ten miles long and a thousand feet wide, and there are tens of millions of vortices and space cracks in it.

Once shrouded in white light, it will be cut by space forces.

Except for the gods that can resist, all the creatures under the gods will be strangled into scum.

The law of space, only the gods can control.

However, Tianshu was hailed as the number one genius in the starry sky, and he was enlightened and taught by the gods of the upper realm to master the laws of space in advance.

So he was full of confidence.


Ji Tianxing raised his hands without changing his face, waved his palm and split out thirty-six white blades.


Each light blade has a space for divine power to condense, which is thousands of feet long, unparalleled in sharpness, and seems to be able to cut everything in the world.

Next moment.

Thirty-six spatial light blades severely hit two white lights.

Only heard the cracking sound of "Ka Ka Ka", the light blade and the white light collapsed at the same time, bursting into billions of pieces.

After a shocking storm passed, thousands of vortexes bloomed in the space of thousands of miles, and then quickly dissipated.

Tianshu's unique tricks were easily resolved by Ji Tianxing.

Seeing this scene, Tianshu's expression became solemn, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"The space blades before, really were released by him, not the power of the battleship.

Damn Ji Tianxing, he also mastered the supernatural power of space? ! "

This thought flashed in his mind, Tianshu stepped into the void, his figure moved a hundred miles in a flash, and he slammed his fist in front of Ji Tianxing.

"Falling Strike!"

Tianshu raised his fists high, and his whole body burst into the sky with divine light, like a **** descending to the earth, and blasted fiercely towards Ji Tianxing.

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