Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2697: Poseidon Halberd

A full quarter of an hour.

Ji Tianxing and Tianshu have been fighting in close quarters.

The two figures are entangled, chasing and flashing in the void, overlapping and separating.

During this period, both of them waved their fists and feet hundreds of thousands of times, fighting each other tens of thousands of times.

The battlefield has moved nearly ten thousand miles.

The air waves generated by the confrontation and collision formed a shock wave, spreading in the void, rolling up a storm that ruined the world.

Such fierce and tough fighting is unbearable for any true god.

Not only is it very energy intensive, but it also tests consciousness, reaction, judgment, defense, and speed.

If he were to be another true god, he would have been beaten to pieces and wiped out.

But Ji Tianxing and Tianshu are both rare and special divine bodies, comparable to the existence of the best true artifacts.

Even so.

The fight that lasted for a quarter of an hour was over.

The figures of the two of them spread apart, facing each other hundreds of miles apart in the void.

Ji Tianxing was safe and sound, standing in the void with his face cold, his chest rising and falling, panting slightly.

His one hundred feet of divine body was unscathed, but his hair was lingering, golden light flashed all over his body, and his strength was a little unstable.

On the other hand, Tianshu's fate was very miserable.

His majestic body, which is ten feet high, has long been twisted and deformed, crouching like a lobster, panting violently.

His whole body was covered with pits and cracks, hundreds of joints were shattered, and dark purple blood came out.

Especially his entire face was beaten completely unrecognizable and bloody.

A big flat mouth and two huge eyeballs, trembling in a pile of **** rotten flesh, looked extremely hideous.

Moreover, Tianshu's divine power has been consumed too much, and his strength has been weakened by 40%.

Even if he continues to fight, he is not Ji Tianxing's opponent, he will only be beaten even worse!

However, Tianshu's resilience and vitality have reached an extremely abnormal state.

Even if he was hit so hard, he didn't worry about his fate.

Even if he is bombarded and killed, he can still use the supernatural powers bestowed by the gods of the upper realm to be reborn with blood!

He couldn't feel the pain of the flesh long ago.

At this moment, he only felt endless humiliation and humiliation!

"Damn bastard!"

Tianshu stared at Ji Tianxing poisonously, and shouted in a hoarse voice: "The law of space, the divine power of slashing the sky, the magic of the water system, and the close combat are all ineffective against him, and even crushed!

What kind of monster is he? How could it be so powerful?

His true strength is far more than the nine layers of the True God Realm, he has surpassed his father, and is comparable to the power of the gods! "

Although Tianshu couldn't believe it, there was such a terrifying existence in the mortal world.

But the fact is before him, he has to admit this result.

Thinking of this, a thought flashed in his mind, remembering what the Great Emperor Fatian said many years ago.

"Tianshu, the father has always been proud of you.

Your talents and aptitudes are the best among all warriors in the ancient and modern world and beyond three thousand worlds.

Even the Lord God takes you very seriously, accepting you as a closed disciple, and teaching you all kinds of magical skills.

For a father to have a heir like you, there is no regret in this life. "

At that time, Emperor Fatian was in the secret room and said this to Tianshu alone.

It's just that the expressions and eyes of the Great Emperor Fatian didn't feel any relief or joy, on the contrary, they were full of anxiety.

Tianshu was puzzled and asked the Great Emperor Fatian why he was depressed and unhappy.

The Great Emperor Fatian didn't explain the reason for his extremely poor temperament, he just warned with earnest words: "However, the three thousand world is too vast, and there are still too many unknown secrets in the world.

It was not until the emperor met Ji Tianxing, a human youth from a weak world, that the starry sky was infinite and miracles often appeared.

He is the only genius who can only be seen for his father's life, and can be compared with you.

Even his talent, aptitude and means are still above you!

For my father, I hope you guard against arrogance and rashness. If you run into him, don't underestimate the enemy! "

After hearing these words, Tianshu was puzzled.

He asked several times, wanting to know the secret about Ji Tianxing.

But the Great Emperor Fatian kept silent, and directly rejected him, sealed the secret room, and practiced in retreat.

Since then, Tianshu has firmly remembered the name'Ji Tianxing'.

His innate ambition and self-esteem gave him a strong fighting spirit and fighting spirit.

He began to collect news and information about Ji Tianxing, and decided to leave Fa Tianxing and intercept Ji Tianxing himself.

He needs a brilliant and fierce frontal decisive battle to defeat Ji Tianxing with his own hands and step on him.

Only in this way can it be proved that he is the first genius in the stars.

Therefore, Tianshu quietly came to the Black Dragon Star Territory while the Great Emperor Fatian was in retreat.

This matter was made by him without the consent of Emperor Fatian.

He wanted to act alone, but was informed by the guardian.

The guardian of the left and right insisted on requesting to follow, accompany him to execute the interception plan, and fight Ji Tianxing together.

If Tianshu disagrees, the guardian of the left and right will forcefully knock on the pass, wake up the Great Emperor Fatian, and report the matter.

In desperation, Tianshu had to agree.


Tianshu's wish was fulfilled.

He successfully came to the Black Dragon Star Territory, successfully intercepted Ji Tianxing, and had a fierce battle in the starry sky.

The fighting process was as he wished, a very fierce head-on duel, without any fancy and skill, it was completely head-on.

The result of the decisive battle... made him humiliated and his self-esteem was severely hit.

He who has always been arrogant and domineering and invincible ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ finally tasted the taste of failure!

feeling bad.

The heart is full of unwillingness and anger.

Until then, Tianshu did not believe the words of the Great Emperor Fatian.

At the same time, he could also guess the reason for the poor Qi of the Great Emperor Fatian.

It must be seriously injured!

Moreover, he was injured by Ji Tianxing!

At this moment, Ji Tianxing stepped across the void and walked slowly.

"Tianshu, I have long heard that you were promoted to the sky by the Heavenly Swordsman, you were named the number one genius in the starry sky, and you were also called the star war god.

Seeing it today is really disappointing.

You are nothing but an arrogant frog from the bottom of the well. "

Ji Tianxing said blankly, with a faint smile on his mouth.

"The law of space, the divine power of slashing the sky, the magic of the water system, the close combat...

You have tried every means, but you have failed without exception.

If you have any means, use them all.

Otherwise, you will not even have the chance to regret it. "

Every sentence and every word was like a sharp knife piercing Tianshu's heart.

But these are facts, so he cannot refute it.

With grief and anger, he roared in anger and held out a ten-foot-long ancient halberd.

"Ji Tianxing! You are so mad!

When I sacrificed the Sea God's Halberd, I was the real Star War God!

You are destined to be bombarded and killed by my Seagod Halberd, and you will die in the void!

And I am the real first genius in the starry sky! "

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