Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2706: 10 Thousand Miles God Array


The Tianxing battleship is like a black phantom, flying to the Van Gang star like an aurora.

But the Five Elements World is 200 million miles away from the Van Gang star, and the Skywalking battleship will take at least ten days to arrive.

On the way, Bailong and the four-headed beasts chatted with each other.

Together, they imagined how much force the Zhengxi Fleet would gather on Van Gang, and how many resources it would search.

Yun Yao stood beside Ji Tianxing, gazing calmly at the front, staring at Fangang Star.

After a long time, she couldn't help but ask: "Tian Xing, isn't the divine light barrier of the Brahma Gang star formed by the law of heaven?

Why are there countless Sanskrit marks and patterns on that silver light barrier? "

Ji Tianxing thought for a while, smiled and explained: "I haven't studied this issue yet, so I am not quite clear.

However, I guess that countless Vatican people have practiced Brahma martial arts and shrines and formed a powerful special force that led to the change in the barrier of divine light.

Or, there were gods or powerful gods on the Van Gang star in ancient times.

Only the strong at this level can add a mark on the barrier of divine light to enhance the barrier's defense. "

Yun Yao nodded slightly, and continued to ask, "What is so special about the Vatican and the Sanctuary?"

Ji Tianxing said with a smile: "I haven't seen a pure-blooded Vatican with my own eyes, but I have collected some useful information from various worlds in the Vatican Star Territory.

It is said that the pure blood of the Sanskrit is somewhat similar to the human race.

However, the body of the Vatican is very tall and strong, and both men and women are bald.

They have very few body hairs, probably only two eyebrows, not even eyelashes...

Moreover, there will be circles of gold patterns on the top of the head of the Vatican, representing different realms of strength and status.

The stronger and the higher the status, the more gold patterns on the head.

A strong man in the Martial God Realm will have eight circles of gold patterns on his head.

The most powerful true **** powerhouse, the golden pattern on the head will reach nine circles. "

Yun Yao nodded her head again and again, very focused.

Ji Tianxing paused for a while, and then continued: "The Sanskrit Shinto cultivated by the Vatican people is most focused on cultivating the body and soul.

They disdain to use swords and weapons and armor protection, because their own defense and strength are far stronger than weapons and armors of the same level!

Even an ordinary warrior can cultivate a body that is not bad.

At the same time, the gods and souls of the Vatican are also unusually powerful, capable of performing many magical powers and secrets of the gods and spirits.

When cultivating spirits, their most common practice method is to meditate...

The blood of the Sanskrit is very old, dating back to the beginning of ancient times.

Therefore, they maintain a strong ethnic belief.

It is said that they believe in the King Kong God of War of the upper realm, advocating the power of the flesh and the power of the soul.

In ancient legends, the supreme King Kong God of War, used his fists and feet to destroy the stars, dogged the galaxy, and created a perfect eternal kingdom with his infinite power of jīng god..."

After Yun Yao listened, he nodded and said, "If the King Kong God of War really exists, then it should also be the Peak God King.

Moreover, it is still the most special existence among the Peak God Kings. "

Ji Tianxing chuckled and said, "I don't know this. Anyway, 1100 years ago, when I was in the God Realm, I never heard of this person.

If the King Kong God of War really existed, he might also be a mighty one in the early days of ancient times. "

Yun Yao nodded in agreement, and said no more.

Ten days passed in a flash.

The Tianxing battleship traversed the void of 200 million li and arrived at Fangang Star.

As soon as the battleship landed on the silver barrier, a golden Sanskrit mark with a radius of thousands of miles burst out with dazzling golden light.


With a muffled sound, the powerful golden light swept over and blasted the Tianxing battleship.

The battleship rolled and flew hundreds of miles, and fell into the void.

Fortunately, the quality of the battleship has reached the Celestial level and has not been compromised.

Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao, and Bai Long frowned, their eyes become solemn.

"Weird thing, will God Light Bulwark take the initiative to attack?"

"We have crossed three star regions and saved hundreds of worlds, and we have never encountered such a thing!"

"This Van Gogh star is really weird! Could it be Marshal Zhengxi's ghost?"

The three people and the four-headed beasts became suspicious and were on guard.

"Bailong, you stay in the battleship, we go out to check the situation."

Ji Tianxing exhorted, and handed over control of the battleship to Bai Long.

Then, he took Yun Yao and the four-headed beasts to leave the battleship and flew near the silver light barrier.

He performed the mystery of the pupils, staring at the silver barrier, carefully watching.

The silver barrier is very thick, containing the mighty heavenly power and the breath of ancient vicissitudes.

It took a full half an hour before Ji Tianxing saw through the barrier of silver light.

He suddenly discovered that in addition to the power of the Celestial God level, the silver light barrier also hides the inextricable formations.

This result made him immediately realize that the silver barrier had been moved.

"Sure enough! Many divine formations have been set up in the Brahma Gang barrier, which not only has a strong defense, but also releases a very powerful attack power!"

Ji Tianxing stared at Fan Gang star with cold eyes, his whole body was filled with a strong fighting spirit.

"It seems that the Celestial Clan has spent a lot of effort and intends to stick to the Van Gogh star!"

When Ji Tianxing explored the barrier of silver light, Yun Yao also used supernatural powers to explore the breath of power in the barrier.

She frowned suddenly, and solemnly reminded: "Tian Xing! In the silver barrier, there is not only a strong slashing power ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~, there is also a violent, staunch scent of power.

That kind of masculine and bursting special divine power is very similar to the Sanskrit divine power you mentioned! "

Ji Tianxing asked with some doubts: "Do you mean that not only are the strongest fighters guarding here, but also the Vatican gods who practice the Sanctuary?

wrong! There are many Sanskrit marks on the silver barrier, which inherently contains the power of Sanskrit..."

Just when the two were puzzled and discussed about it.

On the silver barrier around the crowd, purple and golden light suddenly lit up.


At least millions of purple and golden lights emerged from the barrier of silver light at the same time, blooming in the void.

It's like millions of light strips, and it's like a sky-filled array.

As the overwhelming divine light appeared, an extremely heavy force that suppressed the heavens and the earth was silently suppressed.


After just two breaths, the more than eight million divine lights condensed into a huge and terrifying light mask above the silver light barrier.

The light mask with a radius of 100,000 li is intertwined with purple sè and gold sè, like an inverted bowl, buckled on the silver barrier.

There is no doubt that this is an earth-shattering super large array.

But Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao and others were blocked in this area by this super huge divine formation.

"Such a huge sacred formation, we have never encountered before... Is it at least a hundred thousand li?"

"Sure enough, it was an ambush for the Sky Clan, we got into the trap after all."

"Don't worry, no matter what danger appears, I am sure to take everyone out!"

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