Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2716: Erased memory

The white dragon and the four-headed beasts both retreat in the Tianxing battleship to heal their injuries.

Ji Tianxing broke through the divine light barriers of the Brahma Gang Star Territory by making a small plan.

Then, he took Yun Yao into Fangang Star and flew the warship to a certain continent.

The situation is as he expected.

There are also a large number of heaven-killing soldiers stationed in the Van Gang star, firmly controlling the six continents.

Those warriors were defenseless and did not realize that the crisis was approaching.

The Great Emperor Fatian led three marshals and a hundred generals to guard here, and he also created eighty-one King Kong puppets, and arranged a powerful and terrifying sky-destroying formation.

Everyone believes that the defense of Van Gang is extremely strong, absolutely impeccable and foolproof.

Even if Ji Tianxing invades, he will definitely be punishable.

But everyone couldn't think that the Great Emperor Fatian and many marshals and generals had already been wiped out.

When Ji Tianxing broke into Fangang Star, everyone was defenseless, and all the continents were peaceful.

He entered a certain kingdom of God, easily killed many warriors and captured several warriors.

Using the technique of searching for souls, he quickly got the news he wanted and learned the location of the Temple of Slashing Heaven.

In the depths of a certain continent, there is a mountain range that stretches for millions of miles.

That is not only the origin of the mainland, but also the top treasure of spiritual veins, with a strong aura of divine power.

The majestic and majestic Fatian Temple was built in that mountain range.

The Tianxing battleship entered the mountains, and it didn't take long to find the Fatian Temple.

Then, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao personally took action and destroyed the entire temple.

More than two dozen martial gods, thousands of guards and warriors, were all slaughtered by the two.

Afterwards, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao searched a large number of cultivation resources.

He also used the jade slips from the guarding general to give orders to the captains guarding the various continents, so that everyone would immediately return to the Temple of Heaven to discuss matters.

Ji Tianxing did not say that the Fatian Temple was attacked and the soldiers returned to join the war.

Instead, in the tone of a guarding general, he conveyed the decree of the Great Emperor Fatian, stating that the Great Emperor had an urgent matter to announce.

As a result, after receiving the order, the captains guarding the various continents did not hesitate to summon the soldiers and rush back to the Temple of Heaven Defying as quickly as possible.

The next thing is self-evident.

When the warriors hurried back to the Temple of the Heavens, they ushered in the disaster of extinction.

One after another battleship was destroyed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and destroyed, batch after batch of sky-scrapers were wiped out.

Five days later, a total of more than 60 captains and more than 6,000 sky-cutting soldiers were killed by Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao.

The warriors guarding the Van Gang star were swept away by a single net.

There are only more than two million puppet powerhouses left, scattered on various continents, helping the Celestial Clan maintain their rule.

Ji Tianxing worked tirelessly, stepping across the continents one by one, purifying the puppets controlled by the Slasher.

This simple but tedious task took him three months.

Ninety days later, more than two million puppets were all purified.

Only then did Van Gang star really get rescued, and Ji Tianxing got a huge gain from it.

The Bu Dzi Bead drew a huge amount of life-saving light, and its strength increased twice.

Naturally, Ji Tianxing's strength also doubled, reaching eighty-one times the peak true god.

After the matter was over, he and Yun Yao left Fangang Star.

After returning to the world of the Five Elements, everyone went into retreat and practiced in the tower.

Ji Tianxing did not enter the tower.

He still has a very important thing that needs to be resolved as soon as possible.

The Great Emperor Fatian, who was burnt to coke and unconscious, was still asleep in the sword world.

Ji Tianxing took him out of the world in the sword, ready to torture the secrets about the Sky Star and the gods of the upper realm.

However, the Great Emperor Fatian was so seriously injured that he was still unconscious.

Ji Tianxing was too lazy to waste time, so he directly performed the soul search technique to grab his soul memory.

This method is simple and rude, but very efficient.


In Ji Tianxing's palm, several mysterious black lights were released, covering the Great Emperor Fatian.

In the blink of an eye, those mysterious black lights got into the scorched flesh and began to erode the spirit of the Great Emperor Fatian.

Although, the Fatians are not good at cultivating the Tao of Souls.

However, the spirit of the Great Emperor Fatian was different from ordinary people, he was obviously baptized by the gods of the upper realm, and his defense was very strong.

Fortunately, Ji Tianxing released the Burning Sky Divine Flame before, which caused Great Emperor Fatian to be severely injured and nearly killed.

His spirit has been severely damaged, cracks have appeared, and his defenses have been greatly reduced.

As a result, it took Ji Tianxing a little bit to successfully invade the Divine Soul of the Great Emperor Fatian and grab a large amount of Divine Soul memory.

Hundreds of millions of images and scenes poured into Ji Tianxing's mind like cháo water, forming an endless river of memories, rushing fast.

Time passed quietly.

The divine and soul memory of the Great Emperor Fatian flooded into Ji Tianxing's mind like water, turbulent.

This scenario lasted a whole quarter of an hour before it ended.

In fact, Emperor Fatian has lived for thousands of years, and his complete memory is more than ten times more than this.

But when Ji Tianxing was grabbing memories, he made a rough selection.

The memories thousands of years ago were all eliminated by him.

Less important things and memories were also omitted by him.

This is so, the thousand-year memory of the Great Emperor Fatian also contains too much information, complex and vast.

The reason why Ji Tianxing ended the soul search was not that he got the news he wanted.

But... there is a large blank space in the memory of Emperor Fatian ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~.

It's like being erased artificially.

"Weird... the memory of Great Emperor Fatian has been partially erased?

Was it his self-protection after being seriously injured and unconscious, or was his memory erased by others? "

Ji Tianxing was deeply puzzled, so he ended his soul search and carefully read the memory of Emperor Fatian.

As a result, all kinds of pictures and information flashed through his mind quickly, like calcium carbide fire.

It took a full half an hour before Ji Tianxing smoothed the memory scenes and had the answer in his heart.

"That's it!"

He got a lot of news he wanted, and many doubts in his heart were easily resolved, and he couldn't help nodding.

Through the memory of the Great Emperor Fatian, he learned what had happened in the past thousand years.

Among them, it includes the initial appearance of the Fatian tribe, the scene when it was protected by the grace of God, and the scene of its rapid development and growth afterwards.

The five continents, tens of billions of people, three large seas, dozens of ancient ruins and secret realms of the Heavenly Star are all presented in Ji Tianxing's mind.

Although, he has never been to Vatianxing.

Now incorporating the memories of the Great Emperor Fatian, he knows Fatian Xing well, as if he was here!

In addition to the situation of Decatian Star, Ji Tianxing also learned many useful secrets.

For example, the cultivation status and talents of the emperor Tianshu, the appearance, characteristics, strength and ambition of the empress Yun Shiyan, etc...

Various news and secrets made Ji Tianxing's understanding of the Fatian clan more and more profound.

He gradually understood the whole story, and he was full of confidence in extinguishing the Heavenly Clan.

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