Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2719: Empress Yun Shisha

at this time.

It was the evening and the sun was setting.

Fatianxing is as peaceful and peaceful as ever.

The expeditioners of five continents and three large seas practice and live as before.

Everyone was kept in the dark, and they didn't know the news of the fall of Great Emperor Fatian and several marshals.

More than 30 billion people are still immersed in pride and longing, looking forward to the moment when the Fatian tribe will unify the three thousand worlds.

Ordinary warriors worked hard to cultivate.

The masters who have just reached the tribulation realm are gathering in the imperial cities of various countries, waiting for the baptism of divine light once a year.

After Shenguang baptism, they can directly reach the Martial Saint Realm.

After ten years of retreat and practice, when the realm of strength is stabilized, they will be able to join the sky-slashing fleet.

At that time, they will leave the crowded, resource-poor Sky Star, and follow the fleet to fight the starry sky.

At that time, everyone can slaughter foreign races and plunder massive resources.

If you have outstanding performance and can make contributions, you can get a vast fief and reward.

The huge temptation always bewitches and inspires hundreds of millions of warriors.

of course.

There are also many martial arts masters who have discovered that recently many fleets have returned to the Sky Star.

The mighty battleships, the majestic teams, are all assembled in the sky, arranged in a sea of ​​battleships.

But everyone didn't think much about it, thinking that the emperor had new goals and tasks.

No one knows what kind of mission the hundreds of thousands of warships that have been ordered to return.

"Return to the home planet quickly, and after turning in the training resources, the major fleets will gather as soon as possible to guard the home planet outside the sky!"

This is the decree issued by the Imperial Palace, which has already been conveyed to the major fleets.

Therefore, more than 200,000 warships carrying 30 million sky-killing soldiers returned to the sky-killing star one after another, firmly guarding the sky.

Every day, a large number of warships flew back to Fatianxing, and after turning in resources at the Emperor's Palace, they returned to the major fleets to guard Fatianxing.

There is a warship every tens of thousands of miles in the high sky on five continents and three sea areas.

Moreover, outside the divine light barrier of the Sky Star, the dark and cold void was also lined with densely packed warships.

The entire Fatianxing was surrounded by battleships.

All the warriors are in a posture of facing an enemy, and they dare not slack in the slightest.


The 30 million warriors and soldiers were full of murmurs and doubts in their hearts.

What on earth happened?

Why did the Emperor Shrine issue an order to recall the major fleets and return to guard against the sky stars?

Which force are you going to fight with?

Or is Vatianxing about to usher in a major crisis and needs protection?

Or did Emperor Fatian have a new offensive target or plan?

No one knows the specific reason.

No one knew that the Great Emperor Fatian, who was regarded as a **** by them, had already been wiped out.


The high heaven of origin continent.

On the top of the vast sea of ​​clouds, stands a magnificent and magnificent ancient temple.

This hall is the highest ruling center of the Fatian tribe, the sacred and majestic imperial palace!

The Imperial Palace was built 20,000 years ago, and is a masterpiece of the previous generation of Emperor Fatian.

This generation of Emperor Fatian has only succeeded to the throne since the previous Emperor Fatian ascended to the God Realm six thousand years ago.

The temple is thousands of feet tall, revealing the breath of ancient vicissitudes.

In the setting sun, the golden light of the temple shone, still glorious and solemn.

Thousands of jīng sharp guards, wearing silver armor, firmly guarded the main roads and corners of the Emperor's Palace.

Hundreds of sharp warriors also wear dark gold armor, standing by in the emperor palace at any time.

The entire Imperial Palace was under martial law, and the atmosphere was heavy and depressing.

at this time.

The depths of the Imperial Palace.

In a wide secret room full of magnificence and purple light.

Eight Jinjia generals in the realm of true gods guarded the door of the secret room firmly.

The secret room is extremely powerful, forming a turbulent colorful fog, surging in the space of a hundred meters wide.

The ground and walls are paved with stars and divine stones, and are dotted with thousands of rare and rare divine stones.

No spiritual vein treasure in the world can be compared with this secret room.

Cultivating in this secret room will increase your strength twenty times faster than the outside world!

In the north of the secret room, countless sacred stones are inlaid on the wide wall, forming a huge picture of a hundred birds facing the phoenix.

The aviary and the flying phoenix are all gleaming and lifelike.

Under the wonderful stone carving, there is a three-foot-long purple jade bed.

This bed is not made of ordinary purple jade, but a kind of **** stone similar to jade.

It contains special divine power, which can strengthen divine soul and divine power, and its quality is extremely high.

This is a divine object found by the Great Emperor Fatian in a galaxy somewhere.

It took more than twenty years for the great emperor Fatian himself to make this stone bed and put it in this secret room for the emperor ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yunshuiyan to sleep and practice.

On the broad purple jade bed, a slender and slender figure sat cross-legged, dazzlingly shadowed by the colorful fog.

The gauze drapery made by the best star and sands wraps the entire stone bed so that outsiders cannot see the inside.

That slender and graceful figure is like a goddess walking out of myths and legends.

She is tall and tall, with long waist-length hair covered with ice blue, and a graceful and noble bun on top of her head.

Wearing a long ice blue dress studded with sacred stones, there are tassels on the neckline and cuffs, shining with icy blue light.

She has a beautiful face, like an eighteen-year-old girl, with picturesque eyebrows and a holy and elegant temperament~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No matter her face or temperament, she is full of the unique beauty and gentleness of the water spirits.


She has a pair of long and narrow Danfeng eyes, with the corners of her eyes slanting towards the temples, adding a bit of majesty and murder to her.

When she opened her eyes, a pair of huge and bright golden pupils were full of godlike domineering!

She is the most mysterious powerhouse of the Fatian clan.

Also the emperor Fatian's favorite and trusted empress, Yun Shiyan!

She is not only the saint of the Water Spirit Race, but also the reincarnation of the gods of the upper realm.

In the Fatian clan, she is the world-class powerhouse second only to Fatian in status and status!

At this moment, the voice of the captain of the guard came from outside the secret room.

"Empress Qi, Your Highness is here!"

Yun Shuyan raised his eyes slightly, and a flash of ice light popped out from the curved finger of his right hand, hitting the door of the secret room ten feet high.

Suddenly, the door to the secret room was opened.

A burly figure as high as ten feet, stepped through the colorful divine fog, and stepped into the secret room.

Although the secret room is very wide, after the arrival of the ten-foot-tall giant, it still looked a little depressed and cramped.

He was as black as ink, but there were ninety-nine ice blue lines crisscrossing his body.

There are several hideous scars on the huge head, and the top of the head is bald and shiny.

He exudes a fierce, domineering aura, and his face is very heavy.

But he walked to the middle of the secret room and stood still, facing the divinely misty purple jade bed, his expression was very respectful and tame.

"Mother, are you finally out?"

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