Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2723: Step 1 plan

Everyone in the Fatian clan didn't know what was going on with that golden meteor.

Even Yun Shuyan, the strongest and highest-status, didn't believe that it was Ji Tianxing's method.

But she dared to conclude that the attack of the golden meteor was by no means accidental or accidental.

It must be related to Ji Tianxing!

It turns out that she guessed right!

The meteor shining with golden light is indeed a complete star.

Moreover, it took Ji Tianxing several months to find it in the Star Territory.

At the beginning, he discovered that the Sky-cutting fleets in various worlds had evacuated with a large amount of resources, so he decided to go straight to the Sky-cutting star.

But he is weak, with only a few helpers and four beasts.

Even if you count Ji Wuhen and Ji Wushuang, they only have ten true gods.

With just ten true gods, how can the 30 billion Celestial Clan and the entire Celestial Star be destroyed?

That is an impossible task!

Fortunately, Ji Tianxing had anticipated this day.

When he crossed the void and shuttled through the major star regions, he encountered countless void storms, folded spaces and black holes, and also discovered countless abundant stars.

Moreover, he refined dozens of stars, which increased the power of the Five Elements World by nearly ten times!

At that time, he had planned in advance.

In the Fatian star field, he found a star with a diameter of 100 million miles.

The metal resources contained in this star are abundant, extremely hard and firm.

Ji Tianxing did not refine the star, but dragged it away with the power of the world.

He steered the Five Elements World, dragged the metal star, and stopped at a distance of 600 million li from the Sky Star.

The world of five elements stays in the void.

And he used the power of the world to push that metal star and continue to fly towards the sky-slashing star.

The power of the world of gold envelops the star, making it shine with golden light, just like a shooting star of gold.

Under the impetus of Ji Tianxing, the Golden Meteor kept accelerating, and with an unstoppable attitude, it slammed into the Sky Star!

This is the first step of Ji Tianxing's plan!

He was called the Meteor Project!

Once the plan is successful and the meteor hits the Sky Star head-on, the consequences will be devastating!

Not only will the barrier of the divine light of the Heavenly Star be collapsed, but the entire star will usher in the end, and the lives will be destroyed!

In this way, Ji Tianxing would be able to kill the tens of billions of Heaven-cutting Clan without a single soldier, and put the entire Heaven-cutting Star into confusion.

This plan is very bold and very dangerous.

Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Bai Long and others all exclaimed and were shocked after learning of Ji Tianxing's thoughts.

Everyone believes that the Fatian clan must be undefeated and helpless.

The Meteor Project will succeed!

After all, looking at the three thousand worlds, the only person who has the power of the world and can control the stars is Ji Tianxing!

Only he can carry out the Meteor Project and accomplish this feat that astounds the past!

at this time.

The golden meteor is galloping in the void, still accelerating.

No one knew that on the golden meteor, there was a handsome young man in a white robe.

He is Ji Tianxing.

He stood in the turbulent golden light, staring at the Star Fatian 300 million miles away, and a sneer shook his mouth.

"The Meteor Project is just the first step of my plan.

After everything is done, I will proceed to the second step of the plan.

At that time, I will give you a bigger surprise! "

Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing's heart was full of expectations.

He lifted his palms, unleashing the mighty power of the world and injecting it into the golden light.

"It's not fast enough, it has to be faster!

Only if the speed is fast enough and the impact is greater, the destructive power will be more terrifying! "

As time goes by, the speed of the golden meteor is still accelerating.

At the same time, the distance between the meteor and the Celestial Star is constantly shortening.

300 million li, 250 million li, 200 million li, 150 million li...

However, the power of the world in Ji Tianxing's body is getting weaker and weaker.

When the meteor was 100 million li away from the Fatian Star, his world power was finally exhausted.

With his realm of strength, he can only store so much world power.

He has tried his best.

The Five Elements World stopped in the void hundreds of millions of miles away, too far away from him.

He couldn't absorb the power of the Five Elements World and continue to accelerate the meteor.

However, he is already satisfied to reach this speed.

"Although the meteor is still 100 million miles away from the Sky Star, I can no longer accelerate it.

However, the meteor will continue to crash into the Sky Star under the terrifying habit.

Even if the speed decays a little, it doesn't hurt.

Fa Tianxing is destined to not escape this disaster! "

Ji Tianxing looked at Fa Tianxing with bright eyes, showing a sneer on his face.


In the next instant, the smile on his face disappeared.

He suddenly saw a purple light and shadow appearing in the gloomy void ahead.

"Huh? What's that? Is the army of the Slashing Heavenly Clan?"

He frowned suddenly, his eyes sharply observing the purple light and shadow.

"It should be the army of the Sky Clan!

After all, the Fatian clan had already shrunk their defenses and guarded the Fatian star.

This meteor is so huge, so dazzling in the void, the Sky Clan must have discovered it long ago. "

Ji Tianxing observed it for a moment and then he could see clearly that the purple light and shadow that covered the sky were endless warships.

But he was not worried at all, this result was also in his expectation.

"What's the use of the idiots of the Sky Clan, even if they send hundreds of millions of troops?

Just relying on those warships~www.wuxiaspot.com~ how to stop this huge meteor?

This is totally dying! "

Ji Tianxing murmured to himself, a flash of contempt in his eyes.

Soon, two hours passed.

The distance between the meteor and the Sky Star has been shortened to 50 million li!

At this moment, one hundred thousand warships finally arrived, about to collide head-on with the meteor!

Standing on the top of the meteor, Ji Tianxing clearly saw the 100,000 warships, divided into five fleets, arranged in a pattern.

Each fleet has 20,000 warships, gathered together, covering a million miles of void, and the momentum is extremely magnificent.


No matter how large a fleet is, compared to a meteor with a diameter of 100 million miles, it is not worth mentioning.

The gap between the two is like a grindstone and a cockroach!

No matter how strong the cockroach is, with the determination to die, it can't shake the millstone!

It didn't take long for the first fleet to meet the meteor.

This is the Zhengnan Fleet, led by Tianshu's cousin, the Nine Kings.

When the fleet was still 100,000 miles away from the meteor, the Nine Lords issued an attack order hoarsely.

"All the soldiers listen to the order, and do their best to bombard the meteors at all costs!

For the glory of our clan, more than 30 billion people of our clan, although we die without regrets! "

The tragic and decisive roar was transmitted to 20,000 warships through a special formation.

In an instant, the two million heaven-killing soldiers were united, and they all released the most powerful divine artillery with a heart to death.

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