Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2725: Star Reach

Ji Tianxing was a little worried, but couldn't change the ending.

The Meteor Project will definitely succeed.

However, the sacrifice of thousands of soldiers will definitely slow down the meteor.

Even if it finally hits the Sky Star, its destructive power will be reduced.

Fortunately, this is only the first step of the plan.

Ji Tianxing was also content if he could wipe out the thousands of soldiers of the Sky Clan, and then hit the Sky Star.

At that time, he will carry out the second step plan.

at this time.

The two fleets, Zhengbei and Huguo, also approached Meteor, about 100,000 miles apart.

The two interim coaches gave orders vigorously.

The four million soldiers were all high in fighting spirit, and they went all out to mobilize the warships and release the magical artillery that destroys the world.

"Boom boom boom!"

Nearly one hundred thousand dazzling purple beams of light gathered like a rain of arrows and blasted toward the golden meteors.

The captains of the Forty Thousand Martial God Realm also burned their blood and skill, releasing the strongest blow.

In fact, many captains flew towards the meteor and blew themselves up.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Next moment.

The purple beam of light covering the sky, and the tens of thousands of shining purple figures, hit the golden meteors one after another.

The loud noise that shook the sky and the earth exploded in the void and spread to millions of miles.

The dark and cold void was also shaken with ripples visible to the naked eye.

Immediately after.

The golden meteors rolled in, crushing 40,000 warships unstoppably.

I could only hear the muffled sound of "rumbling".

Piles after piles of battleships were blasted into slag, and countless soldiers fell to pieces.

Just ten breaths.

All 40,000 warships were disintegrated, and four million soldiers killed on the spot.

The turbulent golden light swept past, burning the **** covering millions of miles into dust and dust.

In this way, the Zhengbei and National Defender Fleet were also destroyed.

The five most prestigious fleets of the Fatian tribe perished.

On the Black Dragon battleship, Tianshu and Yun Shuiyan witnessed the sacrifices of thousands of soldiers with their own eyes, and their hearts were extremely heavy and filled with monstrous hatred.


The sacrifices made by the conquest of the North and the National Defence Fleet are ultimately valuable and rewarding.

The sacred golden light that enveloped the meteors would have been exhausted and become very thin.

After this bombardment, the golden light within a radius of tens of thousands of miles disappeared.

Even the surface of stars covered with metal and rocks was blasted out of hundreds of thousands of deep pits, splashing out endless rubble.

Looking from the void, there is a huge pit with a radius of tens of thousands of miles on the surface of the stars.

It's like a bitten apple!

The golden meteor that was dazzling before, has now become dimmed.

More than that.

The flying speed of the meteor has slowed down again!

Compared to the beginning, the speed of the meteor has slowed by half!

Seeing this result, Ji Tianxing frowned even more.

As for Yun Shuiyan and Tianshu, despite their heavy heart, they also had a little more hope.

"Thousands of soldiers of the five major fleets sacrificed in order to protect the Sky Star.

They are the heroes of our race, and the younger generations should always remember them! "

Standing at the bow of the ship, Tianshu watched the oncoming meteor, shouting in a low voice like Hong Zhong.

Yun Shuiyan nodded slightly and said, "If it hadn't had their sacrifices, Fa Tianxing would face the end and fall into chaos.

At least tens of billions of people will die in the mixed catastrophe.

Today, the speed of the meteor is slowed by half.

Even if it hits the Sky Star, the consequences will be much reduced, and the number of casualties will be greatly reduced. "

Tianshu nodded and said: "Mother, the meteor is only a few million miles away from us, we should evacuate."

Although, he controlled the Black Dragon battleship and followed the five major fleets to face the menacing meteors.

But he did it to boost morale.

Thousands of soldiers can be sacrificed. He is the young emperor of the Celestial Clan, how can he fly moths to the fire?

The task has been completed, of course he must evacuate.

However, Yun Shuyan shook his head, and said solemnly, "Tianshu, your Black Dragon battleship is a god-class, far more useful than a hundred thousand soldiers.

Before the evacuation, you can control the Black Dragon battleship, release the strongest attack at all costs, and make another contribution to the Sky Star. "

Having said that, Yun Shuyan left the Black Dragon battleship and flew towards the meteor.

Tianshu was shocked immediately, and quickly grabbed her wrist and asked urgently: "Mother, where are you going?"

Yun Shuiyan looked back at him, smiled and said: "The mother behind is the strongest of the Fatian clan, of course, he has to make a contribution to the Fatian clan.

"No!" Tian Shu's eyes flushed suddenly, and he shook his head repeatedly: "Mother Queen! This is absolutely not allowed!

You are the Lord of Ten Thousand Times, and you have to kill Ji Tianxing with your child and avenge your father! "

Obviously, Tianshu misunderstood.

He thought that Yun Shuyan would sacrifice himself to resist the meteor.

Yun Shuyan shook his head lightly and smiled: "Tianshu, where did you think of it? How could the mother do such stupid things?

Don't worry, the queen just does her best and won't hurt herself. "

Tianshu breathed a sigh of relief, and solemnly said: "Mother, you must not resist the meteors head on, otherwise you will not have time to evacuate."

Yun Shuiyan nodded and said: "Of course this mother knows!

The queen will shoot from the side, try to make the meteor deviate from the original trajectory and change direction. "

After speaking, she flew into the void without looking back, and flew towards the meteor.

Tianshu didn't delay any time, and turned back to the Black Dragon battleship.

He personally drove the Black Dragon battleship, flew millions of miles to the left, attacking from the side.

When the meteor galloped over ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there were still four hundred thousand miles away from him, he had fully urged the Black Dragon battleship to release the strongest blow.

"Boom! Boom!"

With two loud noises exploded, the main muzzle of the Black Dragon battleship spewed endless dark purple light.

Those two intense and extreme purple lights formed two thousand-mile-long purple dragons, blasting toward the meteor with unmatched attitude.


After two breaths, two thousand-mile-long dark purple dragon shadows hit the meteor.

With the loud and deafening sound, the surface of the meteor was blasted out of two huge pits of thousands of miles, splashing out endless rubble.

The meteor shook slightly and seemed to slow down a little.

Moreover, the trajectory of the meteor's flight also deviated by about ten thousand miles.

Such results have made Tianshu very satisfied.

He did not hesitate to urge the Black Dragon battleship, teleporting back continuously, and retreating one hundred thousand miles.

At the same time, a huge meteor passed by the Black Dragon battleship.

The extremely violent impact force drove the Black Dragon battleship flying, rolling continuously in the void.

But Tianshu was not injured.

His eyes fixed on the void hundreds of thousands of miles away.

There, Yun Shuiyan turned into an ice crystal giant thousands of miles tall.

She unreservedly used all her strength to unleash the most powerful magical skills, hitting two giant palms covering the sky with a radius of thousands of miles, and hitting the meteor.

Reach the stars!

That was her own triumphant mastery when she was in the **** realm, as a strong god.

With the strength of the Divine Sovereign Realm back then, she really held the moon to pick the stars!

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