Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2734: Survival

Such a sight shocked the chief priest inexplicably!

More than two hundred white-robed priests also showed great horror, and their hearts were full of fear.

They have served for the Fatian tribe for thousands of years, and they have presided over a dozen or so occasions.

However, they have never seen such a sight!

In the past ceremonies of offering sacrifices to the sky, the gods of the upper realm could only cast endless divine light, and occasionally there would be an oracle.

but now.

In the gap that tears the two worlds, an eyeball appeared!

What kind of powerful existence is it that has such a huge eyeball?

The cold and indifferent eyes contained the supreme majesty and power to destroy the world.

Under the gaze of that eyeball, the entire Imperial Palace was shrouded in endless power.

The hundreds of thousands of sacrifices on the square were so low in strength that they exploded and died, turning into blood fog.

Even the more than two hundred priests in white robes had their bodies shattered one after another, dripping out blood from the ground.

After just two breaths, there were hundreds of worshippers in white robes, and they couldn't bear the terrifying power. They collapsed on the spot and turned into flesh and blood.


That huge, indifferent eyeball finally disappeared.

The divine thunder and golden light above the sky also disappeared.

The gap that stretched for thousands of miles also quickly healed and recovered as before.

The terrifying power disappeared.

The soaring purple light emerging from the altar gradually dissipated, and the mighty power also slowly disappeared.


With a dull loud noise, the entire altar fell to pieces and collapsed into ruins.

The chief priest and more than one hundred white-robed priests hurriedly fled the ruins, standing on the **** square, the **** looked up at the sky in astonishment.

"This is the end?"

"The altar collapsed, the ceremony to sacrifice to the heavens was also interrupted, and the gods of the upper realm lost contact?"

"This... have we failed after all?"

Everyone was full of doubts, showing a deep sense of despair and loss.

Many priests in white robes couldn't stand this blow, and fell to the ground with desperation, howling.

The chief priest also looked at the sky in despair, his eyes were red as blood, and two lines of blood and tears were dripping from the corners of his eyes.

"Am I waiting for mortals to be so humble that even the gods of the upper realm disdain to help?

There are more than 20 billion creatures in the entire Fatianxing!

God, we have believed in you so piously for thousands of years, why are you so indifferent and ruthless! ! "

The more than one hundred white-robed priests saw the same reaction as the chief priest, and they suddenly became more sad and desperate.

All of a sudden, there were wailing in the huge square, and everyone was crying like a concubine.

The movement on the square shocked the entire Emperor's Palace.

It didn't take long for the soldiers and guards who stayed behind in the Imperial Palace to learn about the ‘failure to sacrifice to heaven’.

The entire Imperial Palace was shrouded in gloomy clouds and mists, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers and guards were all desperate and desperate.

In the eyes of everyone, they have been abandoned by the gods, and the entire Sky Sky Star will be destroyed!


The Celestial Clan in the Emperor's Palace could not see the situation in the void.

They didn't even know that at this moment, cutting the sky beyond the stars was a different scene.

The fast-speeding Sky Star, dragging a tens of thousands of miles long purple tail flame, is about to rush into the gravitational circle of the black hole.

The distance between the two has been shortened to several million miles.

After half an hour, Vatianxing will dive into the gravitational circle.

Then, the terrifying gravity will swallow the heavenly light barrier and the heaven and earth aura of the Sky Star.

Immediately afterwards, Vatianxing will be torn apart and torn to pieces by the terrifying gravity.

At this time, Ji Tianxing also stopped casting.

He used the power of the world and left the depths of the earth.

In the next instant, light and shadow flashed, and he appeared on the surface of Vatianxing.

Then, he left the Sky Star at the fastest speed and returned to the void.


Standing in the void a million miles away from Fatianxing, he watched Fatianxing fly by under his feet and go straight to the black hole.

"Everything should be over!"

Ji Tianxing muttered to himself, his tone full of relief.

As long as the Fatianxing is swallowed by the black hole, the Fatian clan is finished.

Even if there are tens of millions of heaven-killing soldiers remaining in the major star regions, it is difficult to become a powerful weapon and will soon be encircled and suppressed by the powerhouses of various races.

The pain and disaster brought by the Heavenly Cutting Clan to the heavens and all realms will definitely end with the destruction of Heavenly Cutting Star.

Ji Tianxing had already calculated in his heart that he would also take his wives and children to ascend to the God Realm after the Heaven Defying Star was destroyed...

Tens of millions of miles away, another piece of void.

The Black Dragon battleship has stopped flying, floating in the void.

Yun Shuiyan and Tianshu stood at the bow of the ship, and the gods watched this scene complicatedly, silent.

The matter has ended, the miracle has not appeared.

Tianshu also interrogated the chief priest, but the answer he got was a failure.

Fa Tianxing is about to be destroyed, it is a foregone conclusion.

The mother and son were full of grief, and their spirits were solemn.

But they could only watch Fa Tianxing rush towards destruction, but they couldn't do anything.

After a long time, Yun Shuiyan said in a low tone: "Tianshu, don't read it anymore, the matter is already here, and the gods can't save it.

The destruction of Fatianxing is imminent, this is fate.

We should also leave to avoid being hurt by the aftermath.

The queen mother will take you to other stars, recuperate, prepare for ten years, and then take you to the God Realm..."

Tianshu God looked at Fa Tianxing indifferently, his voice was cold and emotionless, and he whispered: "This hatred ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ I will remember it for life!

With Ji Tianxing's strength, he will soon rise to the upper realm.

I, Tianshu, swear here that even if I reach the upper realm, I will use all means in this life and do my best to avenge the hatred! "

Yun Shuiyan nodded slightly, and said with earnest thought: "A man knows his shame and he is brave. After this disaster, if you can cheer up and work hard, your future achievements will be limitless!

Okay, let's go. "

After speaking, Yun Shuiyan turned and left.

Tianshu stood for a moment, and finally glanced at Fa Tianxing, before turning around to enter the battleship.


It was that last glance that made his body stiff and stopped abruptly.

He vaguely saw that directly above the Sky Star, thousands of miles away from the circle of gravity, a sacred golden light appeared in the void.



Accompanied by the dazzling divine light, there are thousands of dark golden thunders, which dance like crazy dragons.

Even after 30 million li, Tianshu could feel that the dazzling golden light and thunder contained supreme power!

The golden light covering the sky, and the thousands of divine thunders, are flashing and dancing in the void, as if to tear the void open.

Seeing this scene, Tian Shu was taken aback, and his eyes widened immediately, revealing a thick surprise.

"Mother Queen! Look!

Gods! The gods of the upper world finally reacted!

They didn't abandon us, they didn't abandon the Sky Clan! "

Tian Shu screamed ecstatically, his eyes showed thick hope.

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