Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2746: It's just looking for death




A series of shocking noises exploded in the Imperial Palace.

A hundred-mile long slaughtering gun shadow was smashed by the ice blue giant palm on the spot.

But shortly afterwards, those ice-blue giant palms were cut into sky fragments by the Great Universe Sword.

Yun Yao and Ji Ke joined forces to resolve Yun Shuyan's attack.

The shock wave that ruined the world shook them and Yun Shuiyan upside down.

Tianshu was injured again, his internal organs shattered and shifted, blood gushing from his mouth and nose, and he retreated hundreds of miles away in embarrassment.

Yun Shuiyan was not injured, but looked at Yun Yao in surprise, with cold light in his eyes.

She only knows that Ji Ke's strength is strong, has reached the half-step Heavenly God Realm, and has mastered five rare divine flames, and is qualified to fight her.

She did not expect that Yun Yao, who seemed gentle and beautiful as water and beautiful as a fairy, had the same powerful strength~www.wuxiaspot.com~More than that, she also sensed a kind of from Yunyao’s supernatural power. Antiquity, the vicissitudes of ancient gods.

It made her feel throbbing and a little afraid.

There is no doubt that the two women in black armor in front of them are all powerful men who can fight her with thousands of moves.

Yun Shuiyan felt increasingly depressed, only to blame Tianshu for not being able to see the situation clearly and asking for trouble.

But how can she shrink back after the war?

Otherwise, wouldn't it disappoint the tens of thousands of soldiers in the Emperor's Palace and lose their military spirit?

"Sure enough, I have some ability!"

Yun Shuiyan gave a low cry, ignoring Tianshu's injuries, and waved his palms again, using his magical powers.

"Eight Desolation Nirvana Palm!"

Yun Shiyan's palms flew up, illuminating the dazzling golden light, and emitting a mysterious and vast power.

In an instant, twenty-four giant palms appeared in the sky, slashing at Ji Ke and Yun Yao like a long sword and a big axe.

The two women had long known that Yunshuiyan had an extraordinary origin and was stronger than Emperor Fatian.

The two dared not take it lightly, they both waved double swords and sharp spears, and dealt with them seriously and vigilantly.

Tianshu also used magical secrets to deal with the internal organs' injuries and culled again.

This time, he not only waved the Sea God's Halberd to kill Ji Ke, but also sacrificed nine dazzling divine swords to kill Ji Ke from all directions.

The nine divine swords are the highest quality artifacts refined by the Great Emperor Fatian and Yunshuiyan. They are specially matched with his seven-star Yaoyang divine body to exert the strongest power.

Tianshu used his heart-shen imperial sword to perform a wonderful sword technique.

The nine divine swords shuttled and flew like a meteor piercing the sky with infinite power.



"Boom bang bang bang!"

The four powerful men fought fiercely in the high heavens, and they all tried their best to perform the most powerful magical skills.

The colorful divine light and the shadow of the sword, light and sword violently collided in the high sky, bursting with a loud and deafening noise.

The shock wave that ruined the heavens and the earth, carrying hundreds of millions of divine light fragments, spread in all directions and swept the entire Imperial Palace.

The surrounding soldiers were too low in strength to even have the qualifications to watch the battle.

When the aftermath of the battle spread, everyone fled in panic.

However, the vast majority of people were not spared, and they were swept away by the aftermath of the battle.

The Imperial Palace, covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles, was also covered by shock waves, and countless palaces and houses collapsed and turned into ruins.

The fierce battle of the four powerful men is a catastrophe for the Emperor God Palace!

Just a quarter of an hour later.

The fighting between the four strong men was suspended for a moment.

Tianshu was severely injured again, all over his body, covered with purple blood and potholes, it was horrible.

Yun Shuiyan also shattered, his face was pale, and he was panting violently.

Of course, she was just a little embarrassed, and she was not physically harmed.

Ji Ke and Yunyao were protected by stone armor, and they were naturally safe.

It's just that their divine power consumption is too great, and they must have a quick fight.

If time drags on for a long time, their divine power is not as powerful as Yun Shuyan, and they will definitely lose.


The huge imperial palace has been destroyed, hundreds of houses and palaces have been turned into ruins.

Only a few hundred miles of ruined walls and rubble remained in the vast sea of ​​clouds.

Originally, there were more than one hundred priests, more than 20,000 guards, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

And now, those guards and priests were all killed.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers were also slaughtered by Bailong, Ji Wuhen, Ji Wushuang, and the four sacred beasts.

There were only more than two thousand survivors. Seeing that the situation was not good, they had already fled the Imperial Palace.

Bai Long, Ji Wushuang and others did not waste time chasing and killing them.

After completing their respective tasks, they all gathered over the ruins and joined the battle group.

In the beginning, Yunshuiyan protected Tianshu and had the upper hand against Yunyao and Ji Ke.

With the participation of Bailong, Ji Wushuang, and Ji Wuhen, plus the four-headed beasts, the situation of the mother and son was immediately reversed.

They became the target of siege, and they were in a dangerous situation that they would be seriously injured or even killed at any time.

Even if Yun Shuyan had great magical powers, it could not stop the five peak true gods and the siege of the four beasts.

As for Tianshu, let alone.

The battle lasted for a hundred breaths, dozens of wounds were added to his body, and his entire left leg was severed.

Fight for another quarter of an hour, and he will be cut into pieces and blasted into dross.

No matter how strong his physique is, no matter how abnormal his recovery ability is!

Yun Shuyan was too busy to take care of himself, it was difficult to protect him anymore.

It wasn't until this time that Tianshu woke up like a dream.

He finally understood why Yun Shiyan wanted to let Yun Yao and Ji Ke leave.

Then he knew what a stupid thing he had done.

It's just looking for death!


Cut the sky over a certain continent to the east of Tianxing~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

The fight between Ji Tianxing and the avatar of the God King continued.

The two sides have been chasing and fighting for half a long time.

Ji Tianxing fought and fled, finally escaping hundreds of millions of miles to the easternmost continent of the Sky Star.

But it was a pity that he was entangled by the Divine King clone, and there was no chance to get out.

In the process of fighting and fleeing, he did not know how many injuries he suffered.

Maybe three thousand times?

Or eight thousand times?

He hadn't remembered it long ago.

He only knew that every part of his body had been shattered by the avatar of the king.

Including the head is no exception!

However, every time he used the life-saving light of the dzi bead to quickly heal his injuries, he could survive to the present.

His divine power was consumed violently, and his strength had already weakened by 40%.

at this point.

Ji Tianxing knew that no matter how weak the Divine King clone was, he also had the strength of Divine Sovereign Realm.

No matter how evil he is, he will only have the five-tier combat power of the Heavenly God Realm.

The two are not at the same level at all.

Even if we fight for a few days and nights, the ending will not change in the slightest.

He is sure to lose.

Can only find a way to escape.

As long as he can escape from Fa Tianxing, he can get rid of the avatar of the king of God!

Thinking of this, he could only take a palm of the Divine King Clone, retreated three hundred miles, and decisively sacrificed the Sky Shuttle.

"I hope God will open his eyes and stop joking with me."

Ji Tianxing murmured in his heart, without hesitation urging his divine power into the Sky Star Shuttle.

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