Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2748: Finally saved

The avatar of God King gave a cold cry.

Just a word, like thunder blowing in the sky.

In the next instant, the surrounding sky that had just healed turned into nothingness.

A dark supernatural power enveloped tens of thousands of miles.

Under the terrifying power, Ji Tianxing had no chance to evade at all, and was directly suppressed.


His thousand-foot-tall body turned out to be mottled like a weathered rock.

Immediately afterwards, his body collapsed, turning into billions of sand and dust, scattered in the darkness.

The divine body he had just condensed and repaired was directly weathered and turned into countless dust.

Not even a whole piece of flesh and blood, a drop of golden blood is left!

What a terrifying method is this? !


After the Divine King clone used this magic trick, most of the golden light in his body dissipated, and his body became thinner.

His strength also weakened rapidly, leaving only 60% strength.


A large pile of dust scattered in the darkness, and soon disappeared.

In the darkness, there was only a walnut-sized light bead, blooming with enchanting light.

As the avatar of the **** king said, he destroyed Ji Tianxing's body, leaving only the soul.

However, Ji Tianxing's soul has long been fused with Bu Dzi Bead.

The avatar of the **** king is about to use the technique of capture to capture the soul of Ji Tianxing.

Suddenly seeing the entangled white bead clearly, his body suddenly shook, and a surprised look appeared in his eyes.

"This God Orb... is actually... a treasure of the God King level?

No wonder!

It's no wonder that this child has such a heavenly aptitude and has mastered many top supernatural powers!

What an opportunity to get a king-level artifact in the mortal world? "

The avatar of the **** king sensed the breath of a king-level artifact from the celestial bead, and suddenly realized it.

He immediately slapped a giant golden palm and grabbed it towards the Mending Dzi Bead.

However, the Bu Tianzhu Bo emitted a dazzling white light and turned into three sword blades, slashing towards the King of God clone.

Obviously, Ji Tianxing's spirit is still there, he has not died, nor is he unconscious.

He indulges his dzi with his soul cāo, unleashing the vast power of the gods to deal with the avatar of the king.


The blazing blade pierced the air and attacked, pointing directly at the key to the King of God clone.

The avatar of the **** king was not afraid, and grinned sneer.

"Ha ha ha... It's just a king-level artifact that has exhausted its power. What can I do with this emperor?"

That's right.

The Heavenly Patching Bead used to be a king-level artifact, but its power has long been exhausted.

After Ji Tianxing obtained it, he helped it absorb all kinds of strength over the years to restore its brilliance.

However, its power is still less than 10% of the king-level artifact.

While sneering, the King of God clone brazenly waved his palms, bursting out his ultimate strength, and fiercely smashed the Heavenly Pearl.


His huge palms burst out with a dazzling red light, like a giant axe in the sky, instantly smashing three blazing white blades.

Immediately afterwards, the crimson palms as big as a mountain hit the dzi bead fiercely.


With a loud and dull sound, the Sky Pearl filled with white light flourished, and the smashed one flew thousands of miles away.

After the soaring white light extinguished, the Bu Dzi Bead became dim.

Obviously, it was hit hard.

Although it was not broken on the spot, there was no crack.

But it consumed more than half of its power and became dim again.

The soul of Ji Tianxing in the filling celestial bead was also hit harder than ever before and fell into a coma.

"The emperor wants to see what this divine bead is!"

The avatar of the **** king became thinner again, and his strength became weaker.

But he was still able to kill Ji Tianxing several times, and his figure flashed across a thousand miles of darkness and appeared in front of the Tianzhu Patch.

He was about to reach out and grab the Dzi Bead, when an unbelievable scene appeared.


The Sky Filling Pearl burst out with dazzling white light, and disappeared into the darkness instantly.

The giant palm of the King of God's clone grabbed a hole and took it back unwillingly.

"Damn! He escaped after all!

Sure enough, it is indeed a king-level artifact, and it has the consciousness of protecting the master! "

Divine King clone was full of anger and gritted his teeth bitterly.

He searched for a radius of 60 million li with his spiritual thoughts, but he did not find Ji Tianxing and Bu Dzi Bead before turning around and leaving.

After all, the Bu Tianzhu disappeared out of thin air, and had already left Vatianxing without whereabouts.

The avatar of the King of God did not know where to look.

He lowered his head and glanced at the dim, thinner body, and quickly flew in the direction of the Emperor's Palace.

"The emperor's time is running out, and all future problems must be resolved."

In a low voice, he stepped tens of thousands of miles into the endless sea.


at the same time.

In the sea of ​​clouds where the imperial palace is located, the battle is still going on.

The former magnificent imperial palace has long been turned into a ruin for hundreds of miles.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and strong men were also killed by Yun Yao and others.

In the high sky at this moment, there are only Yun Shuiyan mother and son, Yun Yao and others.

The five true gods and the four beasts fully besieged Yunshuiyan mother and child, completely gaining the upper hand.

The two sides have fought tens of thousands of moves.

The war that destroyed the world caused hundreds of thousands of miles of land to sink and the sky to collapse.

Yun Yao and others were not injured, only the four-headed beast, Ji Wuhen and Ji Wushuang were slightly injured.

Tianshu was severely wounded and dying long ago, and all his limbs were cut off, like a stick covered with purple blood.

His soul was also severely damaged, and he was in a state of blur, dizzy.

Had it not been for Yun Shuyan to have been protecting him, he would have been hacked to death and broken into pieces by everyone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although Yun Shuyan had reached thirty times the power of the peak true god.

But she was besieged by everyone for so long, and she had to be distracted to protect Tianshu, and she was seriously injured long ago.

She was no longer as graceful and luxurious as before, with long hair and ragged robes, and her body was covered with ice-blue blood and wounds, and dozens of wounds were deeply visible.

Her divine power also consumes more than half, and her combat power is constantly declining.

In desperation, she could only take Tianshu, who was seriously injured and dying, and flee away while fighting.

Her heart was restless, sad and humiliated.

The reincarnated dignified god, and the strong man who has the ambition to attack the **** king realm, when will he fall into such a miserable situation?

But the current situation made her desperate, and she couldn't see a chance to escape.

She could only pray in her heart, the avatar of the **** king would solve Ji Tianxing early and come back to save their mother and son.

Perhaps her prayers finally worked.

Just as her injuries continued to worsen and her strength weakened, a golden light shone in the distant sky.

That sacred golden light, full of supreme power, illuminates the world.

Yun Shuiyan thought he had read it wrong or had hallucinations.

But in the next instant, a golden figure with a height of ten thousand li appeared above the sky.


That figure that is as high as ten thousand li, has three eyes and six divine wings, and exudes the divine might of the world.

"I'm not mistaken! Lord God King is back!

Our mother and son are finally saved! "

Yun Shuiyan saw the figure clearly, and his heart was surging with excitement, showing a relieved expression.

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