Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2757: Nirvana?? Rebirth

Ji Tianxing was standing in the sky, pinching Shen Jue with both hands, and hitting the light and shadow in front of him.

He is performing a magic trick.

Time goes back to the magical powers.

Although, this magic trick does not turn back time.

But it can reproduce the original scene through the situation of this world, using many chaotic divine powers.


When Ji Tianxing made the 68th seal, the white light in front of him suddenly condensed.

A white light with a radius of hundreds of feet appeared in front of him like a curtain of light.

Immediately afterwards, blue seas, blue sky and white clouds appeared on the huge light curtain, showing many fragmented pictures.

As Ji Tianxing exercises his skills, those fragmentary pictures keep changing.

The picture in the picture is going backwards, moving towards two months ago.

In a short while, the picture in the light curtain moved to two months ago.

Hundreds of broken images immediately appeared in front of Ji Tianxing.

He clearly saw that the Imperial Palace had not yet been destroyed.

Thousands of warships gathered at the gate, and there were hundreds of thousands of soldiers and guards in the shrine.

Many warships were loading soldiers, leaving the Imperial Palace one after another.

However, Yunyao, Ji Ke and others quietly rushed into the Emperor's Palace with four beasts.

A tragic battle broke out.

Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others won a complete victory, and the pieces of armor that killed the soldiers were not left. Thousands of warships were also destroyed.

Before long, Tianshu and Yunshuiyan appeared one after another.

Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others surrounded Tianshu and Yunshuiyan seriously.

The entire Imperial Palace was also destroyed and turned into devastated ruins.

But at this moment, the avatar of the **** king, who is thousands of miles tall, rushed from a distance in the sky.

He was fierce and unparalleled, and easily blocked the joint attack of everyone.

Then he seemed to be offended.

Killed the Liuli Fire Dragon with one punch, and blasted it into powder.

Kill the black dragon with another palm, blasting it into pieces of meat.

Another finger killed Qian Yue in a second, and also blasted it into pieces.

Immediately afterwards, the avatar of the king of gods used that trick to learn supernatural powers, condensing the air and bursting!

Suddenly, Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Ji Wushuang, and Bai Long all collapsed and fell apart.

They became hundreds of pieces of minced meat, and they were killed one by one by the avatar of the king, and all fell!

When seeing these pictures, Ji Tianxing's angry eyes were cracking, and his eyes became blood red!

He did not go mad, nor did he roar.

He pressed the monstrous hatred and endless killing intent into his chest, and said in a low and hoarse voice: "No matter who you are, even if I kill the gods, I will crush you into pieces!"

No matter who the **** king who claims to be the emperor is.

It doesn't matter how strong he is, how powerful and status he is.

He is Ji Tianxing's endless, unshakable enemy!

His wife, children, relatives and friends, and himself were all killed by the avatar of the king.

Such a sea of ​​blood and deep enmity, do not report in vain in this life! !

After a long time, Ji Tianxing's rage and killing intent were gradually suppressed.

He stared at the light curtain with red eyes, and suddenly thought of a question.

Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Ji Wushuang, and Bai Long were all killed by the avatar of the **** king.

But his son Ji Wuhen, and Lan Kun?

Why didn't God King clone kill them?

Soon, Ji Tianxing saw the result.

Lan Kun couldn't bear the humiliation, and before the King of God avatar captured it, he blew himself up.

It was this self-destruction that weakened the power of the Divine King clone a lot, and Ji Wuhen also passed out completely.

At the end of the matter, only the avatar of the **** king and Ji Wuhen remained in the sky, as well as Yun Shuiyan and Tianshu.

Tianshu had long since turned into a mass of mud, protected by Yun Shiyan who was seriously injured.

Then, the avatar of the **** king talked a few words with her, and then left with her, Tianshu and Ji Wuhen.

By the time the screen reaches this point, Ji Tianxing has already understood what happened.

He didn't need to guess the next thing. The Divine King clone must have gone to the depths of the void with Yun Shuyan, Tianshu and Ji Wuhen.

Ji Tianxing's face was gloomy, frowning and analyzing: "The Divine King Clone didn't kill Wuhen, but wanted to take him away, mostly because Wuhen was like me.

This **** bastard, he wanted to bring Wuhen back to the realm of God and cultivate it into a sharp blade in his hand.

He must have guessed that I didn't really die, and sooner or later he would go to the God Realm to find him revenge.

Therefore, he used Wu Hate as his hole card to deal with me at the critical moment.

What a poisonous mind! "

After a brief analysis, Ji Tianxing guessed the strategy of the King of God clone.

However, this also made him a little relieved.

At least, after Wu Heng was brought back to the God Realm, before he avenged the God King, there was no worry about his life.

But Wu Hate will suffer a lot of cruel torture, but it is inevitable.

Ji Tianxing took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and continued to analyze: "The power of the **** king clone is already very weak, and it is already very difficult to bring Wuhen back to the gods.

He shouldn't bring Yunshuiyan and Tianshu again. One is impossible, and the other is Tianshu's aptitude and talent, far inferior to my son Wu Hate. "

When thinking of this, Ji Tianxing was a little puzzled: "No, if the God King Clone didn't take away Yun Shuyan mother and child, they would definitely return to the sky star to recover.

Why is there no leader for the sky star Nafa, and it is rumored that the mother and child of Yunshuizan are dead?

wrong! There must be a problem here! "

Out of instinct, Ji Tianxing wanted to go to the void and use time to trace the flow of magic to see what happened.

But he can only suppress this idea and do a more important thing first.

Resurrect Ji Ke, Ji Wushuang, Bailong and the four-headed beasts!

That's right!

It is to resurrect all the dead!

He was carrying the Replenishing Dzi Bead, and there were thousands of life-saving divine lights left in it, which had the effect of reviving the dead.

After Ji Ke, Ji Wushuang and others were killed, the bones, flesh and soul fragments were scattered in the ruins.

This was once the location of the Emperor God Palace, and it has always been a forbidden place for the Heavenly Swordsman.

Since the end of the war, no one has dared to come here.

After all, the tens of billions of Heavenly Swordsmen on the two continents have long since fallen into chaotic war, so how can they manage other things?

This allowed Ji Tianxing to see the hope of resurrecting everyone.

As long as the corpses and soul fragments of the people are recovered, they can be resurrected with the life-saving light!

Without wasting time, Ji Tianxing quickly searched the ruins.

The reason why this area is full of the breath of the people, it does not dissipate after two months, because the corpses of the people are here.

Ji Ke, Ji Wushuang and others are all peak True God powerhouses.

Even if he was killed, his body turned into fragments, and the fragments of the soul broke ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it could survive for a hundred years.

Ji Tianxing searched through the ruins carefully, and soon found a large amount of broken meat, bones and soul fragments.

Among them are daughters of Ji Wushuang, disciples of Bai Long, Qian Yue and Hei Long.

There are only the remains of Ji Ke, Lan Kun and Liuli Fire Dragon.

Ji Tianxing put away the many pieces of broken meat, bones, and soul fragments, and analyzed with a solemn expression: "Lan Kun would rather die than surrender, and has blew himself up.

Its body and spirit no longer exist, even if I have the light of life-saving, I can't do anything about it.

The Liuli Fire Dragon was bombarded and smashed into powder, and was the first to be killed.

Later, when the King of God avatar fought with everyone, the aftermath of the battle destroyed those powder and soul fragments.

In this way, neither Lan Kun nor Liuli Fire Dragon could be saved.

As for Ke Ke, she inherited the magical powers of the Phoenix Divine Bird, and she should be able to rebirth from Nirvana..."

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