Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2761: Cut down


Ji Tianxing left the Sky Star and flew into the void.

He stepped back a million miles before stopping.

Then, standing quietly in the void, admiring the destruction of Sky Star.

Although he knew that there were still tens of billions of Heaven-Fighting Stars who were in chaos and war.

The True God powerhouses of the Fatian clan are all dead, and the remaining tens of billions of people can't make any waves.

However, the Fatian clan must not stay, and must eliminate the roots.

Who can guarantee that after a hundred years or a thousand years, the Fatian tribe will rise again and sweep the star regions?

Moreover, he and his wife, children, relatives and friends were all killed by God King clones.

Such a sea of ​​blood and deep enmity, the Fatian tribe bears the brunt, and must pay the heaviest price!

As Vatian star continues to accelerate, more and more areas enter the gravitational circle.

One day later.

Half of the area of ​​Vatianxing has penetrated into the gravitational circle.

At this time, a loud noise broke out in Fatianxing.


Ji Tianxing saw with his own eyes that half of the Sky Star was torn apart by gravity, splashing out infinite pieces.

Those fragments seem small, but in fact they are thousands of miles, thousands of miles of land and mountains.

More than that, endless sea water and magma flew out of the star, and poured into the gravitational circle.

All the fragments, sea water and magma were swallowed by the huge black hole.

The mysterious black hole is the most terrifying thing in the world.

No one knows what is hidden inside.

as time flows.

Vatianxing continued to collapse, intensified fragmentation, and was disintegrating at an extremely fast rate.

In less than two days, the entire Sky Star was disintegrated and turned into trillions of pieces of debris, all being swallowed by the black hole.

A star that has carried countless lives and witnessed generations of civilization and brilliance, just like that.

All that was swallowed up by the black hole, there was no dregs left!

A few more hours passed.

The void returned to calm, there was no wind or waves, as if nothing had happened.

Ji Tianxing personally wiped out Fa Tianxing, and the anger and killing intent in his heart diminished a little.

He stopped staying, turned and hurried back to the Five Elements World.

On the way, he recalled the pictures in the dreamland and couldn't help but mutter: "No matter how many years have passed, there are only three thousand worlds in the void, one is not many, one is not many.

Now that I have destroyed the Sky Star, the three thousand worlds lack one.

Somewhere in the void, there should be a certain star, protected by the heavens, multiplying life, and evolving into a new world, right? "

Thinking about it this way, he was more interested and curious about the illusory and supreme way of heaven.


Ten days later.

Ji Tianxing returns to the Five Elements World.

He searched in the void and wanted to visit Yun Yao who was sleeping.

But the golden light disappeared, and Yun Yao was also missing.

He was overjoyed and thought to himself: "Has Yaoyao awakened and returned to the tower?"

So he quickly returned to the Nine Heavens and Ten Jue Towers and entered the twisted time and space.

Without seeing Yun Yao, he quickly went to Ji Ke and asked about the situation.

As soon as the two met, Ji Ke said hello, and couldn't wait to say: "Big Brother Tianxing, Sister Sister has been sleeping in the void, I was afraid of insecurity, so I brought her back to the tower."

Ji Tianxing suddenly realized, and asked: "Then has she awakened?"

Ji Ke shook his head and said: "Not for the time being, she is still asleep, but her strength is improving very quickly..."

"That's good." Ji Tianxing was relieved, "I'll go see her."

Under the leadership of Ji Ke, he flew to the depths of the distorted time and space and saw a golden ball of light like a silkworm cocoon.

Yun Yao, who was beautiful as a fairy, was still sleeping in the ball of light.

Her divine power and spirit aura are very stable and very powerful.

At a glance, Ji Tianxing knew that her strength had surpassed half a step in the Heavenly God Realm, and she was still strengthening.

Today, it has been strengthened to more than forty times the peak true god.

When she strengthened to ninety-nine times the peak true **** and reached the limit of the mortal world, she should wake up.

Ji Tianxing asked Ji Ke again: "What is the situation of Wushuang, Bailong, Qianyue and Heilong?"

Ji Ke replied truthfully: "They are all still asleep, their injuries and strength are recovering, and it will take decades to recover."

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said, "Then we will plan to ascend again after they wake up.

Before that, I still have a lot to do. "

Ji Ke thought for a while and asked, "Is it going to the Huntian Star to kill the remnants of the Sky Clan?"

Ji Tianxing said calmly: "This is just incidental. I have to refine some stars to increase my strength to the limit."

Ji Ke said enthusiastically: "I'll be with you."

Ji Tianxing thought for a while, nodded and said, "You stay in the tower for the time being, and when you need to fight for battle, I will call you again."

"Good!" Ji Ke resolutely agreed.

She had been suffocating hatred and murder in her heart, and wanted to find the remnants of the Sky Clan to kill them before they could vent it out.

One day later.

Ji Tianxing manipulates the power of the world and drives the world of the five elements to fly in the direction of Huntianxing.

One month later.

The Five Elements World arrived near Huntian Star and stopped in the void.

Ji Tianxing and Ji Ke head to Huntian Star to punish the remnants of the Sky Clan.

His Tianxing battleship was originally handed over to Bailong, and he was controlled by Bailong.

When fighting with the King of God, the Tianxing battleship was also destroyed.

Now, Ji Tianxing and Ji Ke are crossing the void, and they can only fly on their own, which is really inconvenient.

Fortunately, the earth spirits in the world of swords, under the leadership of King Jinshan, have begun to build new warships.

With previous experience, Jinshan King is bound to create a more powerful divine ship.


Three days later, Ji Tianxing and Ji Ke descended on Huntian Star.

This former main star is now chaotic and looks quite depressed.

The 200,000 sky-splitters who stayed here, plus a million sky-splitters, are determined to make this a new home.

More than 10 billion alien warriors and people fell under the claws of the Fatian tribe and became slaves of the Fatian tribe.

However, when Fatianxing suffered a catastrophe, hundreds of thousands of Fatian soldiers fled here.

They brought news that Sky Star was in a disaster and was about to be destroyed.

As a result, the originally stable Chaotic Sky Star fell into chaos.

The alien powerhouses who were enslaved by the Fatian clan ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ have violently resisted, and the situation is getting worse.

Ji Tianxing and Ji Ke entered the Huntian Star, without delay, they went directly to the killing ring.

Wherever there are many slashers, they will be destroyed.

It doesn't matter whether you are a fighter, a craftsman, or a puppet of the Heavenly Tribe.

As long as he works for the Sky Clan, he will definitely die!

The killing lasted for half a month.

Ji Tianxing and Ji Ke are invincible, the sky is dark, the head is rolling, and the blood is flowing.

Half a month later, they slaughtered more than 800,000 Celestial Clan before leaving Huntianxing.

The rest are remnants of defeated generals, scattered all over the world, all small forces.

They didn't have time to wipe out one by one.

The strong aliens will naturally do it for you, it's just a matter of time.

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