Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2767: Chance of Heaven

Ji Tianxing was very familiar with the scene before him.

This is the soaring pond.

There are thousands in the God Realm, and thousands in the Dragon Realm, and they are exactly the same.

The vast ocean that looks like a lavender is actually the thunder liquid condensed by the **** thunder.

Therefore, the soaring pond is also called thunder pond.

Ascenders from Three Thousand Worlds will be quenched by the liquid after entering the thunder pond.

In this way, the divine body will be further refined and strengthened, it will become stronger, and it will be able to adapt to the huge pressure of the divine realm faster.

After all, the God Realm is the eternal main world, with space barriers a thousand times stronger, and heaven and earth's divine power a thousand times stronger.

Surviving, walking, flying and fighting in the gods are all a thousand times more difficult than the mortal world!

For this, Ji Tianxing understood very thoroughly.

He was also ready a long time ago, and must use the Thunder Pool to further enhance his strength.

The colorful divine light mixed in the endless thunder liquid is the divine power of eight different attributes.

There are blood power, ice power, sky wind power, stars power, longevity power, change power, space power, and soul shaping power.

These eight divine powers have different effects.

The first four divine powers are relatively common, and most ascendants have mastered the corresponding laws.

The latter four divine powers are all powers of the **** level.

Generally speaking, ninety-nine percent of the ascenders cannot master these four powers.

In addition to the divine thunder and the eight divine powers, a ninth power occasionally appears in the ascension pool.

That is the chance that the heaven will descend randomly.

What is the chance? What power? When will it come again?

No one knows these.

There used to be many strong men who spent tens of thousands of years studying the law of chance.

The conclusion is that there is no rule!

However, those who get the chance to ascend will have very strong combat effectiveness, or super talent.

As long as such people do not die, they will have great achievements.

The worst can reach the realm of gods, most of the chances have become gods!

It is for this reason that the opportunity of heaven is extremely mysterious and precious.

But it is a pity that almost all the ascenders have come to the gods for the first time.

They are full of unknown and awe of the gods, and they don't know the existence of chance.

Therefore, the ascendants who can get the chance are the lucky ones out of a million.

When Ji Tianxing stayed in the thunder pond for a while, he sorted out his thoughts and plans.

Let everyone enter the thunder pond to receive baptism and transformation.

Afterwards, he then refined the divine power in the thunder pond and condensed the laws of the gods.

Then break through the Heavenly God Realm, and then condense the Godhead.

After making up his mind, he began to check the situation of the dzi bead.

The Sky Filling Pearl was still floating in his sea of ​​knowledge, without any damage.

Ji Tianxing breathed a sigh of relief and continued to check.

Inside the fill dzi beads, one billion li of space is still intact.

The Five Elements World is also peaceful and tranquil, without any accidents.

Ji Tianxing was relieved and truly relieved.

Then, he released Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others.

"Huh! Huh!"

Everyone flew out of the Filling Dzi Bead one after another and entered the thunder pond.

Although, before everyone ascended, Ji Ke and Bai Long introduced Lei Chi.

But when everyone was in the thunder pond and saw the splendid scenery around them, they couldn't help but exclaim.

"We finally ascended to the God Realm!"

"God, the little white dragon in my waves is back!"

"Wow! It really is a vast sea of ​​thunder fluid!"

"Er Niang didn't lie to me. It didn't hurt at all to take a bath in Lei Chi, and it was very comfortable..."

"What a splendid light, folds and shines in the thunder liquid..."

"I changed my mind. Not only do I have to practice the law of the gods and thunder, but I also need to refine a few more powers to condense into the law!"

Everyone was emotional, full of joy and expectation.

Ji Tianxing understood everyone's mood.

After waiting for a while, when everyone's emotions calmed down, he exhorted: "The Ascending Pool is transformed by the will of Heaven. It is absolutely safe here. You can cultivate without interruption.

While using the thunder liquid to quench the body, while refining various divine powers, everyone did their best.

Try to refine several kinds of divine powers as much as possible, and then condense into the godhead after breaking through the heavenly realm.

No matter who finishes practicing first, don't leave Lei Chi in a hurry and wait for everyone to join.

Because we still don't know what's going on outside Lei Chi. "

After a pause, he added: "If you find the ninth mysterious power, you must inform everyone, it is a chance for heaven!

Of course, the probability of the chance of heaven is very slim, so you don't have to look for it deliberately. "

Everyone could hear clearly, and they nodded to express their understanding.

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and motioned everyone to disperse and go to their own affairs.

After everyone left, he stopped in place and began to practice.

"First refine the power of the divine thunder, and then refine the other divine powers..."

This thought flashed in his mind, and Ji Tianxing began to work, drawing the power of endless thunder.

The thunder fluid in the thunder pond is almost the purest power of the **** thunder, without any impurities.

Ji Tianxing had mastered several kinds of thunder originally, and refining it with half the effort.

After just three days, he refined the power of Shen Lei to the limit.

Then, he drew the dark red divine light from the purple thunder liquid, refining the blood power.

This is the power of the true **** level, which can greatly strengthen the **** body, strengthen the blood and body.

It stands to reason that Ji Tianxing's body has long been strengthened to its limit.

Even if refining the blood power, it can't be strengthened.

But that is in the mortal world, suppressed by the rules of heaven.

Now that he has come to the realm of the gods, he can increase his strength crazily without being suppressed by heaven.

Only four days later, Ji Tianxing mastered the blood power, and his body was strengthened nine times!

The next one is the supernatural power of ice.

This is also a true god-level power, an advancement of the water divine power in the five elements.

Ji Tianxing didn't dislike it either, and drew the icy blue divine light from the lightning fluid and quickly refined it.

The third one is Tianfeng supernatural power.

Still a true god-level power, flying in the gods after refining will accelerate several times.

Ji Tianxing accepts all orders.

Ji Tianxing directly ignored the fourth type of star power, he had already mastered the law of stars.

Next, there are only four divine powers of longevity, change, space, and soul shaping, all of which are of the Celestial God level.

The supernatural power of space is directly eliminated.

The supernatural power of longevity can greatly increase the life span, strengthen the body and soul.

Almost all gods will refine this power.

The supernatural power of change is amazing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After mastering it, it can change in size, even into various shapes.

Its effect is similar to seventy-two changes.

And the power of shaping the soul is to strengthen the power of the soul.

Can enhance the power of the soul, slightly enhance talent and understanding.

Ji Tianxing accepted all these three kinds of god-level powers.

Twenty-eight days later, Ji Tianxing successfully refined seven divine powers.

at the same time.

Leiye's tempering of him has also reached the culmination.

His blood, flesh and blood, divine power and soul have all been strengthened in all directions.

The overall combat effectiveness has increased by at least six times!

Next, Ji Tianxing logically broke through the realm of the gods and entered the realm of the gods!

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