Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2770: Legend of the God King Guluo

Ji Tianxing ended his practice.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw that the surrounding area was empty, and only Ji Ke was alone.

Before he asked, Ji Ke took the initiative to explain: "Big Brother Tianxing, Shuang'er discovered the ninth divine power, which is a black vortex.

I let the master sister lead them first, I am here waiting for you. "

Ji Tianxing was overjoyed, and asked incredulously: "Sure enough, I found the ninth divine power? Is it true that the heavenly opportunity has come?

Unexpectedly, the legends of chance circulating in the two realms of dragons and gods turned out to be true! "

Ji Ke nodded hurriedly, and said with satisfaction: "The two are still lucky enough to find a small black light vortex in the boundless thunder pond.

Bailong, Qianyue and Heilong also went to explore Lei Chi, searched for more than a month, but found nothing. "

Ji Tianxing no longer wasted time, and quickly got up and said, "What are you waiting for, let's go over and take a look."

Ji Ke quickly led the way for him and flew towards the southeast.

The two of them swiftly shuttled through the thunder pond. Ji Ke couldn't help but ask: "Brother Tianxing, how many laws have you condensed in this breakthrough?"

"Eleven Ways." Ji Tianxing replied without hesitation.

Ji Ke nodded, "Sure enough, everyone expected."

Ji Tianxing asked, "Everyone has completed the training? What are the results?"

Ji Ke replied truthfully: "All the training is completed, the twins have reached the triple level of the Heavenly God Realm, and the five rules have been condensed.

Qianyue and Black Dragon are also the third level of the Heavenly God Realm, condensing the seven principles..."

Ji Ke introduced everyone's situation.

After listening, Ji Tianxing nodded quite satisfied.

"The result is better than I expected. It seems that everyone has gained a lot in Lei Chi.

Especially Yaoyao, actually condensed twelve rules. "

The two hurried to the road.

Ten days later, he flew more than four million miles away.

After tens of thousands of miles away, Ji Tianxing's spiritual sense detected the breath of Yun Yao and others.

"They are there and we go over!"

Before long, Ji Tianxing and Ji Ke flew to the people and fell.

Yun Yao, Ji Wushuang and others were watching a black light vortex carefully.

Seeing Ji Tianxing's arrival, Yun Yao and others greeted him one after another.

Ji Wushuang came out more and more, took Ji Tianxing's hand, pointed at the black light vortex, and said, "Father, that's the mysterious vortex I discovered.

It is the ninth kind of divine power, and it should be the chance of heaven you mentioned.

Unfortunately, we have all tried, but no one can refine it. "

Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded, squeezing Ji Wushuang's cute face, and said: "Baby Shuang'er's luck is really against the sky, it is really enviable.

There is no single chance for heaven, and you can meet it unexpectedly. "

After that, Ji Tianxing looked at Yun Yao and asked: "Yaoyao, have you figured out the situation? What is this black light vortex?"

Yun Yao nodded, and said helplessly: "This is a very special divine power, a bit similar to a black hole, but it's not.

All of us have tried it, and can't refine it at all.

Moreover, no matter what the attributes of the divine power, once close to it will be swallowed. "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and walked to the black light vortex, observing with the secret pupil technique.

After two months, the black light vortex swallowed everyone's divine power, but there was no obvious change.

It is still ten feet in radius, flowing slowly in the thunder pond.

Ji Tianxing observed for a moment and then saw the clues.

This black divine power is indeed very similar to a black hole, which can swallow all power.

But it is the power of heaven after all, and it will not swallow thunder liquid and the eight divine powers in the thunder pond.

Operation Jitian used eleven laws to release the divine powers of different attributes, and eleven sword lights were continuously played.

As a result, all the sword light was swallowed by the vortex, and the trickle disappeared.

"Interesting, this is probably the legendary devouring divine power." Ji Tianxing said with a smile.

Everyone frowned, showing doubts and curiosity.

"Swallow divine power?"

"Can swallow the divine power of various attributes?"

"What grade is this kind of supernatural power, is it very powerful?"

"Why is it in the legend? Haven't you seen it before?"

Ji Tianxing nodded and explained to everyone: "In the God Realm back then, I heard an ancient legend.

About 20,000 years ago, Haotian Continent produced a peerless wizard.

This man was originally a lowly-ranked Jiluo warrior, but because of an adventure, his life was completely changed.

He was appointed as a **** at the age of 30, advanced to the gods at the age of 100, broke through the gods in 300 years, and was promoted to the gods in 800 years...

Such a speed of advancement against the sky broke the tens of thousands of years of history in the God Realm, and he was called the number one wizard in the God Realm.

Originally, the Jiuluo Clan was a vassal of the Great Flame Protoss, existed like a slave, and lived a life of darkness and enslavement.

It is precisely because of the appearance of this genius wizard that the Jiuluo clan is unprecedentedly powerful.

He ordered tens of thousands of warriors of the Jiuluo tribe to overthrow the rule of the Great Yan Protoss, seized more than a dozen kingdoms of the Great Yan Protoss, and established himself as the Jiuluo Empire.

Even the many powerful men, monarchs and leaders of the Great Flame Protoss were beheaded one by one by him.

Such a brilliant and proud record can be described as shocking the Vast Sky Continent.

Even the other three continents circulated his legend.

His honorific name, God King Jiuluo, is circulated throughout the God Realm. "

When they heard this, Bai Long and Qian Yue were longing for it, and Ji Wushuang was also quite admired and curious.

Yun Yao heard the key point and asked, "In this way, the God King Jiuluo can rise against the sky because of this mysterious black light?"

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said: "Exactly! In the legend, the divine power of God King Jiuluo is this mysterious black light, which can swallow and annihilate all divine power.

He can incarnate the abyss that covers the sky and the sun, instantly swallowing the 100,000 gods of the Great Flame Protoss, and swallowing all the divine power.

He is invincible, and the more gods slaughtered, the stronger the devouring power.

To put it simply, he hardly needs to practice on his own, he only needs to constantly devour the power of other gods to become stronger quickly! "

Ji Ke, Bai Long and others suddenly realized.

"That's it! No wonder the God King Jiuluo rises so quickly!"

"Swallowing the power of other gods directly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No need to practice by yourself? This is simply too bad!"

Ji Wushuang was full of longing and couldn't help but said, "Shuang'er doesn't like to practice hard in retreat. If you get this kind of power, you can become stronger without practicing, how good would it be?"

She has a simple and kind-hearted disposition, not only doesn't like practicing, but also doesn't like fighting and killing.

Ji Tianxing smiled and shook his head and said: "This mysterious swallowing power, although it has miraculous effects against the sky, is also a deadly poison.

The God King Jiuluo relied on devouring divine power, defeated the Great Yan Protoss within 800 years, and ruled more than a dozen divine kingdoms, although it was dazzling and extremely radiant.

But after all, he was a flash in the pan. After only being the emperor of the Jiuluo clan for two hundred years, he exploded and died.

No way, his strength grew too fast, the foundation of God's way was chaotic and violent, and there were many fatal flaws.

Moreover, he was too self-confident, arrogant, and offended many powerful Protoss.

In the end, he died tragically under the siege of several gods, and was wiped out! "

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