Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2779: Aoyama castle

Zhu Qingcheng stood in place and watched Ji Tianxing disappear into the night sky.

After a long time, he retracted his gaze, frowned and muttered: "This guy is really... aloof and alert!"

He understood that Ji Tianxing was talking about owing him a favor, not owing Guiyuan a favor.

This means that Ji Tianxing has never considered joining the Guiyuan Association.

"However, it's normal for a wizard like him with a mysterious origin and unusual talent to be somewhat arrogant.

I have to report this matter to the chairman as soon as possible. I believe the chairman must have a way to attract this person into the meeting. "

Zhu Qingcheng muttered to herself, and quickly took out a piece of jade slip to report the incident in detail.

After sending out the jade slip, he got into the vast jungle and quickly went away.


Ji Tianxing has been flying westward.

After flying millions of miles, he stopped to rest.

Hiding in a certain mountain peak, he took out the fragments of Lin Wuji's godhead and swallowed them.

Lin Wuji's strength was stronger, and his divine power was more refined.

After the godhead fragments were refined, Ji Tianxing and Bu Tianzhu each gained half of their divine power.

In addition, there were nine laws condensed on Lin Wuji's godhead fragments.

Among the gods, this is already the outstanding one.

After the godhead was broken, four laws were destroyed.

Ji Tianxing has mastered three of the other five well-preserved laws.

Therefore, he refined the other two laws.

A law of blood inflammation, a law of dark inflammation, are unique laws unique to the Great Flame God Race.

In this way, Ji Tianxing mastered as many as fourteen laws.

Having swallowed a huge amount of divine power, his strength also increased by 30%, and he continued to march towards the Seventh Heaven God.

After half an hour of cultivating, he continued on his way and went straight to Qingshan City.

On the way, he met a dozen masters of the Great Flame Protoss.

Obviously, those are the guards of Qingshan City, ordered to hunt him in the mountains.

Of course he wouldn't have direct contact with those people, and bypassed it in advance.

Early the next morning, the sun was rising.

Ji Tianxing left the endless mountains and came to the gate of Qingshan City.

He knew that Lin Wuji had sent a subpoena before he died.

His appearance and characteristics, the guards of Blue Mountain City and Qingshan City, 80% already know.

If you continue to keep your true colors, you will probably be recognized.

So he used the law of change to slightly change his appearance.

He became a tall and burly young man wearing a black robe.

The facial features have also changed a bit, and they are no longer so handsome and martial, and slightly more ordinary.

Especially the eyes are the easiest to expose extraordinary temperament.

Therefore, he turned his pupils into gold.

His appearance looked like an ordinary protoss, not very noticeable.

Qingshan Castle is very big.

The city has a radius of thousands of miles and is located on a grassland surrounded by mountains, with a pleasant climate.

The brown city wall that is a hundred feet high, built with ten feet long boulders, has gone through thousands of years of vicissitudes, leaving mottled marks.

When you get close, you can feel the majestic coercion of the ancient city.

Ji Tianxing walked towards the east gate, observing this majestic city secretly.

The wide gate of ninety-nine feet high is still tightly closed at this moment.

Above the city wall, hundreds of guards wearing flaming red armor and sabre armed with guns can be clearly seen.

That was the city guard of Qingshan City, all with the strength of the Heavenly God Realm.

The strength of ordinary guards lies between the second and third levels of the Heavenly God Realm.

With the fourth and fifth strengths of the Heavenly God Realm, you can serve as the captain and captain of the guard.

The thousands of households and leaders of the city guards are all above the sixth level of the Heavenly God Realm.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing thought to himself: "At present, only the level of strength of the people of the gods has not changed much."

This was the case thousands of years ago. Most people are virtual gods, the weakest at the bottom of the gods.

Then there are true gods with a huge base, who can only be ordinary people.

Only the gods dare to be masters, who can serve as the guards and commanders of towns, and are the backbone of countless gods and forces.

As for the powers of the gods, they are often the masters of a city, or the leaders of sects and gangs.

Powerful men above the seventh level of the gods are even rarer, and they can often control a kingdom of gods.

Ji Tianxing thought silently, and walked to the gate of the city.

Outside the city gate, hundreds of people had gathered long ago, waiting in line to enter the city.

Among these hundreds of people, most of them are the gods of Qingshan City and the people of the surrounding cities.

There are also several great flame protoss, such as adventure groups or mercenaries, all of which are severely injured and extremely weak.

Even so, they dare not urge and make noise, silently waiting for the gate to open.

In addition, there is a team of merchants from afar, with more than twenty guards from the heavenly realm.

They are guarding three bronze carriages, all of which are drawn by four white-winged sky horses, which are particularly eye-catching among the crowd.

After the White Winged Tianma landed, he waited docilely and docilely, without making any sound.

Ji Tianxing was curious, so he used his spiritual knowledge to explore the bronze carriage.

He immediately saw that there were hundreds of crystal **** in the bronze carriage.

Each crystal ball is the size of a basin, and many mythical beasts are sealed inside.

God fox, leopard, wolf, pig, snake... everything.

Ji Tianxing immediately understood that this caravan was in the pet business.

Many gods and nobles will buy a large number of pet beasts, either as mounts or as war beasts.

He was about to withdraw his consciousness, and a powerful wave of consciousness flashed through the first bronze carriage.


Ji Tianxing's consciousness was slashed, his eyes went dark, and his body was paralyzed.

In the next instant, he returned to normal.

Obviously, the other party did not intend to kill, but only warned him with actions.

"Your Excellency, isn't it too rude to peep at others so blatantly?"

A crisp female voice came into Ji Tianxing's mind.

Ji Tianxing looked up subconsciously, and saw a slim and slender Protoss woman sitting on the first bronze carriage.

It was a young woman of the Three-Eyed Protoss, possessing the strength of a half-step Divine Sovereign Realm.

She is two meters tall, with a golden sword hanging from her waist, and she is full of grace.

Under the covered helmet ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a pair of ice blue eyes appeared.

There is also an eye on the forehead, as clear as a sapphire.

When Ji Tianxing looked at her, she also turned her head and glanced at Ji Tianxing, her eyes indifferent.

Ji Tianxing arched his hand at her, did not say anything, it was an apology.

The silver armored woman no longer pursues her, turned her head and looked forward, waiting for the city gate to open.

A quarter of an hour later, a bell rang on the wall.

"Clang! Clang!"

"The time has come, open the city gate!"

Immediately afterwards, the broad and heavy city gate slowly opened to the sides.

Hundreds of red armor guards stepped out with their swords and halberds, guarding the city gate.

The people in the front line quickly took out their household registration tokens and handed them to the city guards for inspection, waiting for their release.

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