Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2803: Shocked

"Tianlong Palm!"


With two dragons resounding for nine days burst out.

Two sacred dragons with a length of ten thousand meters long and golden light, with incomparable dominance and majesty, blasted towards Yu Wentai and Yu Wenjie respectively!

At that moment, the entire arena was filled with golden light, and the stabbing person couldn't open his eyes.

Even across the shield of the ring, the hundreds of thousands of people on the square can feel the terrifying coercion of Tianlong.

Countless people were distraught, showing awe.

Many young women were worried about Yu Wenjie, and their hearts also raised their throats.

Both Yuwenjie and Yuwentai's expressions changed drastically, and both showed horrified eyes.

Although they knew that the two heavenly dragons were not real, they were just light and shadow formed by magical powers.

However, the coercion of Tianlong was too terrifying.

Once they are hit, they are likely to be crushed.

At the critical juncture, the two brothers teleported back and desperately avoided.


A flash of light and shadow, both of them teleported from the east of the ring to the west of the ring.

However, Tianlong locked their breath and teleported along.


The dazzling golden light bloomed, and the two heavenly dragons instantly rushed to the top of the two of them, launching a dive.

Seeing, the two were about to be hit by Tianlong.

At the critical juncture, Yu Wenjie actually rushed to Yu Wentai, and together he supported the shield.

After all, Yuwentai's injuries were even more serious, and if he was hit by Tianlong, the consequences would be disastrous.


The earth-shaking loud noise finally exploded in the ring.

At that moment, the entire arena shook violently, and the huge square shook constantly.

People from all major families and hundreds of thousands of people stared at the ring intently, for fear of missing the most exciting scene.

However, the ring was filled with sacred golden light, and nothing could be seen clearly.

It wasn't until ten breaths that the golden light gradually dissipated.

At this time, the fighting has stopped.

The outcome has been divided.

Ji Tianxing stood in the field safe and sound.

Qi Huanzhi was right beside him, and his robe was as neat as new.

After all, this guy hasn't made a move yet.

The whole battle had nothing to do with him.

But the end of the Yuwen brothers was unexpectedly tragic.

Both of them were covered in blood, disheveled, and gasped in disorder.

Yu Wenjie can still stand, leaning on the ground with his sword, and supporting Yu Wentai with the other arm.

Yu Wentai was seriously injured and was on the verge of coma.

After seeing the results clearly, people from all major families changed their faces and showed incredible eyes.

Especially the second elders of the Lu Family, Lu Fei, and Mu Ye frowned, their expressions quite ugly.

The people on the square were already stunned by the shock.

Everyone was silent for two breaths before they came to their senses.

Then, deafening exclamations erupted in the square, and countless people were talking frantically.

"It's incredible! Yu Wenjie actually lost!"

"If you don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe it is true?"

"Yu Wenjie, who has won six games in a row, was actually defeated by the Qi family worship?"

"Furthermore, Qi Family Enshrinement did not use magic weapons, and dealt with Yu Wenjie and Yu Wentai alone!"

"What is the origin of that kid? Isn't he really a god?"

"Damn bastard! He actually hurt Yu Wenjie, sisters, we will never forgive him!"

"Yes! That kid ruined Young Master Yuwen's handsome face, he is our public enemy!"

The exclamation and discussion in the square rushed into the ring like a tsunami.

Yu Wenjie stood on the ring, but his eyes were lost and his hearing was a little blurred.

He was stunned, unable to hear what the people on the square were shouting.

Up to this moment, he still could not accept this result.

"I am the first genius in Qingshan City, even in the entire Blood Flame Kingdom, I can rank in the top 30.

How could I lose?

I obviously have sword formation secrets and so many magical powers and faculties, but I have no chance to use...

I'm not reconciled!

Why is this happening? "

Yu Wenjie murmured in despair, his heart full of anger and humiliation.

"In the previous six martial arts competitions, I crushed the five great families, and the people in the city idolized me.

Now that I am defeated, their emotions are so excited, they must be mocking me and touting the worship of the Qi family?

Ha ha ha... It's really a bunch of clowns! "

Yu Wenjie sighed secretly, his eyes and heart were gloomy.

Yu Wentai, who was on the verge of a coma, supported his injuries and reminded him hoarsely: "Young City Lord, give up, I can't hold it!"

After speaking this sentence with difficulty, Yu Wentai closed his eyes and fell into a coma.

Only then did Yu Wenjie recover, and quickly left the ring with Yu Wentai on his back.

He didn't look at Ji Tianxing's expression, nor could he admit defeat in public.

He can't afford to lose that person.

The top priority is to leave the ring first and treat Yuwentai for his injuries.

After the Yuwen brothers left the ring, the deputy city lord announced loudly: "This seat announced that the first battle, the Qi family will win!"

In fact, everyone has seen the result and he does not need to announce it.

Hundreds of thousands of people and people from major families are still immersed in the shock and talking endlessly.

On the ring.

Qi Huanzhi raised his thumb to Ji Tianxing, and said with excitement: "Mr. Tianxing, you are too bad!

That's Yu Wenjie, the first genius in Qingshan City!

You defeated them with one enemy and two with only two moves.

You are too horrible, too enchanting!

From today, you will become famous in one battle.

Before long, your reputation will spread throughout Tianfeng County. "

Qi Huanzhi's face flushed with excitement, and his eyes were full of worship.

Ji Tianxing just nodded slightly and didn't say much.

Qi Huanzhi continued: "Before the war, you told me to stare at Yuwentai.

I'm still thinking about how to entangle him and not affect your fight with Yuwen Jebi.

Unexpectedly, what you said "staring" turned out to be... just staring with your eyes.

I'm watching the battle by the side, and you will solve it alone! "

"..." Ji Tianxing was helpless, and explained: "You have no misunderstanding, I did let you pester Yuwentai.

Who knows, I only tried one trick and wounded them both.

Since their abilities are ordinary, then I have a quick battle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ ordinary? "Qi Huanzhi's eyes widened, a little dumbfounded, and he said, "Who doesn't know how good Brother Yuwen is in Qingshan City?"

Especially Yu Wenjie, his talent and aptitude can almost rank in the top 30 of the Blood Flame God Kingdom!

I think only you are qualified to say that they are commonplace! "

Ji Tianxing said indifferently: "He is really ordinary, he is not a genius at all.

Of course, including your fiancee too. "

"..." Qi Huanzhi looked at him with a weird expression, completely losing his temper.

"Yes, you are the most enchanting, you are right in everything!

If you change into our kind of waste wood, if you dare to talk like you, you would have been beaten to death long ago. "

Qi Huanzhi decided not to discuss this issue with him, and his heart couldn't bear it.

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